Efeito da semente e do óleo de chia (Salvia hispanica L.) nas alterações metabólicas em ratos alimentados com dieta rica em gordura saturada e frutose.
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O consumo de dietas ricas em gorduras saturadas e carboidratos está associado ao aumento da adiposidade corporal, dentre outras complicações metabólicas, como estresse oxidativo, inflamação e esteatose hepática. Nesse sentido, surge a necessidade em pesquisar alimentos com alto potencial funcional que possam auxiliar nesse controle metabólico. A semente de chia (Salvia hispanica L.) se destaca devido ao seu elevado conteúdo de fibras alimentares, micronutrientes e compostos fenólicos, e o seu óleo, rico em compostos bioativos como ácido alfa- linolênico, fenólicos, e tocoferóis, que podem exercer efeitos benéficos à saúde por modular positivamente as alterações metabólicas causadas pelo consumo de dietas desequilibradas. Este estudo investigou os efeitos do consumo da semente e do óleo de chia na modulação de alterações metabólicas em ratos alimentados com dieta rica em gordura saturada e frutose (HFHF). O ensaio biológico utilizou 40 ratos machos adultos Wistar, que foram alocados inicialmente em dois grupos experimentais, que receberam dieta padrão (AIN-93M - controle normal; n=10) e dieta rica em gordura saturada e frutose (HFHF; n=30) contendo 4% de lipídio proveniente do óleo de soja, para indução de alterações metabólicas durante 8 semanas. Após este período, os animais do grupo HFHF foram randomizados em três grupos para avaliar o efeito das dietas tratamento na reversão das alterações metabólicas causadas pela dieta HFHF, no período experimental de 10 semanas. Estes animais receberam dieta HFHF (controle positivo - grupo HFHF); dieta HFHF com substituição dos 4% de óleo de soja para o lipídio proveniente da semente de chia (equivalente a 14,73% de semente - grupo SC); e dieta HFHF com substituição dos 4% de óleo de soja para o lipídio proveniente do óleo de chia (equivalente a 4% de óleo de chia - grupo OC). Foram avaliados dados biométricos, consumo alimentar, variáveis bioquímicas, estresse oxidativo, inflamação e histomorfometria dos animais. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância One-way (ANOVA), seguido pelo teste post-hoc Newman-Keuls, com nível de xiisignificância de P< 0,05. Como resultados, a dieta HFHF induziu alterações metabólicas nos animais observadas pelo aumento das variáveis: adiposidade corporal, glicemia, níveis de triglicerídeos (TG), enzimas hepáticas AST e ALT, ácido úrico, óxido nítrico (NO) hepático, fator de necrose tumoral (TNF) no fígado, razão neutrófilo/linfícito (RNL). Além do mais, a dieta HFHF reduziu a TAC no fígado, e induziu esteatose hepática nos animais. O consumo da semente e do óleo de chia restaurou o sistema antioxidante observado pelo aumento dos níveis de superóxido dismutase no fígado, e ambos apresentaram redução do grau de esteatose hepática. Além do mais, o consumo do óleo de chia atuou na redução da adiposidade corporal, glicemia, TG sérico, NO, e a RNL. A semente e o óleo não foram eficazes em reduzir os níveis de AST, ALT e ácido úrico, assim como os níveis de TNF no fígado, e também não apresentaram aumento na TAC no fígado. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos experimentais, em relação ao malondialdeído e catalase no fígado dos animais, e TAC no plasma. Em conclusão, o consumo de chia foi eficaz na melhora das alterações metabólicas causadas pelo consumo de dietas ricas em gordura saturada e frutose em ratos. Mais estudos são necessários para estabelecer quantidades seguras e eficazes, sem risco de toxicidade, para possível extrapolação para consumo humano.
The consumption of diets rich in saturated fat and carbohydrates is associated with increased body fat, among other metabolic changes such as oxidative stress, inflammation and liver steatosis. In this scenario, there has been a need to study foods with high functional properties that can assist in this metabolic control. The chia seed (Salvia hispanica L.) stands out due to its high content of dietary fiber, micronutrients and phenolic compounds, whereas its oil is a rich source of bioactive compounds such as alpha-linolenic acid, phenolics and tocopherols. All the above- mentioned substances can exert beneficial health effects by positively modulating metabolic changes caused by the consumption of unbalanced diets. Hence, this study aimed to investigate the effects of chia seed and chia oil consumption on the modulation of metabolic changes in rats fed with high saturated fat and fructose (HFHF) diet. For the in vivo assay, 40 adult male Wistar rats were allocated initially into two experimental groups, which received standard diet (AIN-93M - normal control; n = 10) or HFHF diet (n = 30) containing 4% lipid from soybean oil to induce metabolic changes for 8 weeks. After this period, the HFHF group animals were randomized into three groups to evaluate the effect of the treatment diets on the reversal of metabolic changes caused by the HFHF diet for an experimental period of 10 weeks. These animals received HFHF diet (positive control - HFHF group); HFHF diet with substitution of 4% soybean oil for lipid from chia seed (equivalent to 14.73% seed - group SC); and HFHF diet with substitution of 4% soybean oil for lipid from chia oil (equivalent to 4% chia oil - group OC). Biometric data, food intake, biochemical variables, oxidative stress, inflammation and histomorphometry of the animals were evaluated in this study. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by the Newman-Keuls post-hoc test, with a significance level of P<0.05. As a result, the HFHF diet induced metabolic changes in animals observed by increase of the variables: body adiposity, blood glucose, triglyceride (TG) levels, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) liver enzymes, uric acid, hepatic nitric oxide (NO), tumor xivnecrosis factor (TNF) in the liver, and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (RNL). In addition, the HFHF diet reduced TAC in the liver and induced hepatic steatosis in the animals. The consumption of chia seed and oil restored the antioxidant system as evidenced by the increased levels of superoxide dismutase in the liver and reduction in the degree of hepatic steatosis. Moreover, the consumption of chia oil reduced body adiposity, glycemia, serum TG, NO in the liver, and RNL. The seed and oil were not effective in reducing AST, ALT and uric acid levels, as well as TNF levels in the liver, and did not increase total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in the liver. There was no significant difference among the experimental groups with regards to malondialdehyde and catalase in the liver, and TAC in the plasma. In conclusion, chia intake was effective in improving metabolic changes caused by the consumption of diets rich in saturated fat and fructose in rats. Further studies are needed to establish safe and effective amounts, without risk of toxicity, for possible extrapolation for human consumption.
The consumption of diets rich in saturated fat and carbohydrates is associated with increased body fat, among other metabolic changes such as oxidative stress, inflammation and liver steatosis. In this scenario, there has been a need to study foods with high functional properties that can assist in this metabolic control. The chia seed (Salvia hispanica L.) stands out due to its high content of dietary fiber, micronutrients and phenolic compounds, whereas its oil is a rich source of bioactive compounds such as alpha-linolenic acid, phenolics and tocopherols. All the above- mentioned substances can exert beneficial health effects by positively modulating metabolic changes caused by the consumption of unbalanced diets. Hence, this study aimed to investigate the effects of chia seed and chia oil consumption on the modulation of metabolic changes in rats fed with high saturated fat and fructose (HFHF) diet. For the in vivo assay, 40 adult male Wistar rats were allocated initially into two experimental groups, which received standard diet (AIN-93M - normal control; n = 10) or HFHF diet (n = 30) containing 4% lipid from soybean oil to induce metabolic changes for 8 weeks. After this period, the HFHF group animals were randomized into three groups to evaluate the effect of the treatment diets on the reversal of metabolic changes caused by the HFHF diet for an experimental period of 10 weeks. These animals received HFHF diet (positive control - HFHF group); HFHF diet with substitution of 4% soybean oil for lipid from chia seed (equivalent to 14.73% seed - group SC); and HFHF diet with substitution of 4% soybean oil for lipid from chia oil (equivalent to 4% chia oil - group OC). Biometric data, food intake, biochemical variables, oxidative stress, inflammation and histomorphometry of the animals were evaluated in this study. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by the Newman-Keuls post-hoc test, with a significance level of P<0.05. As a result, the HFHF diet induced metabolic changes in animals observed by increase of the variables: body adiposity, blood glucose, triglyceride (TG) levels, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) liver enzymes, uric acid, hepatic nitric oxide (NO), tumor xivnecrosis factor (TNF) in the liver, and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (RNL). In addition, the HFHF diet reduced TAC in the liver and induced hepatic steatosis in the animals. The consumption of chia seed and oil restored the antioxidant system as evidenced by the increased levels of superoxide dismutase in the liver and reduction in the degree of hepatic steatosis. Moreover, the consumption of chia oil reduced body adiposity, glycemia, serum TG, NO in the liver, and RNL. The seed and oil were not effective in reducing AST, ALT and uric acid levels, as well as TNF levels in the liver, and did not increase total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in the liver. There was no significant difference among the experimental groups with regards to malondialdehyde and catalase in the liver, and TAC in the plasma. In conclusion, chia intake was effective in improving metabolic changes caused by the consumption of diets rich in saturated fat and fructose in rats. Further studies are needed to establish safe and effective amounts, without risk of toxicity, for possible extrapolation for human consumption.
Acido alfa linolenico, Frutose, Sindrome metabólica
MOREIRA, Luiza de Paula Dias. 2019. 86 f. Dissertação/(Mestrado em Ciência da Nutrição) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2019.