Efeito do rejeito de mineração de lítio e déficit hídrico no crescimento inicial e parâmetros fotossintéticos em Dimorphandra exaltata Schott
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A mineração é essencial para o desenvolvimento de um país, mas a atividade ocasiona inúmeros impactos negativos ao meio ambiente, como a supressão da flora nativa e perdas no funcionamento dos serviços ecossistêmicos. Tendo em vista que a disponibilidade hídrica é um dos principais fatores causadores de estresse nas plantas, o estudo das respostas vegetais quando submetidas ao mesmo pode fornecer informações sobre mecanismos adaptativos das plantas. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de investigar os efeitos do rejeito de mineração de lítio (RML) e do déficit hídrico sobre o crescimento inicial, morfologia e parâmetros fotossintéticos em Dimorphandra exaltata Schott, uma espécie ameaçada de extinção. Foram utilizados 24 vasos para plantio, 12 destes foram preenchidos com RML e 12 com solo. Após 190 dias do início do experimento, as plantas foram subdivididas em quatro grupos devido ao déficit hídrico em: solo × déficit hídrico, solo × irrigação diária, RML × déficit hídrico e RML × irrigação diária. As plantas foram mantidas nessas condições por 50 dias. Foram realizadas análises físico-químicas dos substratos, avaliação de parâmetros de crescimento das plantas, produção de biomassa, teor de clorofila e fluorescência da clorofila a. Plantas em RML apresentaram menores índices de clorofila, taxa de transporte de elétrons, eficiência fotoquímica potencial do fotossistema II e menor comprimento radicular. O déficit hídrico promoveu maior altura do caule e maior alocação de biomassa para as raízes, porém menor número de folhas. Em ambos os substratos, as plantas cultivadas sob déficit hídrico apresentaram maior massa seca de caule do que as plantas irrigadas diariamente. As plantas no solo, em ambos os tratamentos hídricos, apresentaram maior massa seca da raiz e massa seca total do que as plantas no RML em déficit hídrico. A menor alocação de biomassa para as raízes resultou em menor razão raiz/parte aérea nas plantas em RML sob déficit hídrico. Nossos resultados demonstram que plantas jovens de D. exaltata apresentaram menor alocação de biomassa para o sistema radicular, principalmente sob déficit hídrico. Assim, mesmo com área foliar semelhante (plantas no solo e no RML), as plantas no RML não conseguem realizar fotossíntese nos mesmos níveis do que as plantas no solo, o que resulta em menor produção de matéria seca. Nossos resultados indicam que a espécie estudada não seja indicada para a recuperação de áreas degradadas, notadamente pela alta mortalidade e crescimento lento.
Biomassa. Crescimento. Fluorescência da clorofila a. Índice de clorofila.
Mining is essential for a country's development, but the activity causes numerous negative impacts on the environment, such as the suppression of native flora and losses in the functioning of ecosystem services. Bearing in mind that water availability is one of the main factors causing stress in plants, studying plant responses when subjected to it can provide information on plant adaptive mechanisms. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of lithium mining tailings (LMT) and water deficit on the initial growth, morphology and photosynthetic parameters of Dimorphandra exaltata Schott, an endangered species. Twenty-four pots were used for planting, 12 of which were filled with LMT and 12 with soil. After 190 days from the start of the experiment, the plants were subdivided into four groups due to water deficit: soil × water deficit, soil × daily irrigation, LMT × water deficit and LMT × daily irrigation. The plants were kept in these conditions for 50 days. Physico-chemical analysis of the substrates, evaluation of plant growth parameters, biomass production, chlorophyll content and chlorophyll a fluorescence were carried out. Plants in LMT showed lower chlorophyll indices, electron transport rate, photochemical potential efficiency of photosystem II and shorter root length. Water deficit led to greater stem height and greater allocation of biomass to the roots, but fewer leaves. In both substrates, the plants grown under water deficit had greater stem dry mass than the plants irrigated daily. The plants in soil, in both water treatments, had greater root dry mass and total dry mass than the plants in LMT under water deficit. The lower allocation of biomass to the roots resulted in a lower root/shoot ratio in plants in LMT under water deficit. Our results show that youngD. exaltata plants have less biomass allocated to the root system, especially under water deficit. Thus, even with similar leaf area (plants on the ground and in the LMT), the plants in the LMT are unable to carry out photosynthesis at the same levels as the plants on the ground, which results in lower dry matter production. Our results indicate that the species studied is not suitable for restoring degraded areas, particularly due to its high mortality and slow growth. Keywords: Biomass. Growth. Chlorophyll a fluorescence. Chlorophyll index.
Mining is essential for a country's development, but the activity causes numerous negative impacts on the environment, such as the suppression of native flora and losses in the functioning of ecosystem services. Bearing in mind that water availability is one of the main factors causing stress in plants, studying plant responses when subjected to it can provide information on plant adaptive mechanisms. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of lithium mining tailings (LMT) and water deficit on the initial growth, morphology and photosynthetic parameters of Dimorphandra exaltata Schott, an endangered species. Twenty-four pots were used for planting, 12 of which were filled with LMT and 12 with soil. After 190 days from the start of the experiment, the plants were subdivided into four groups due to water deficit: soil × water deficit, soil × daily irrigation, LMT × water deficit and LMT × daily irrigation. The plants were kept in these conditions for 50 days. Physico-chemical analysis of the substrates, evaluation of plant growth parameters, biomass production, chlorophyll content and chlorophyll a fluorescence were carried out. Plants in LMT showed lower chlorophyll indices, electron transport rate, photochemical potential efficiency of photosystem II and shorter root length. Water deficit led to greater stem height and greater allocation of biomass to the roots, but fewer leaves. In both substrates, the plants grown under water deficit had greater stem dry mass than the plants irrigated daily. The plants in soil, in both water treatments, had greater root dry mass and total dry mass than the plants in LMT under water deficit. The lower allocation of biomass to the roots resulted in a lower root/shoot ratio in plants in LMT under water deficit. Our results show that youngD. exaltata plants have less biomass allocated to the root system, especially under water deficit. Thus, even with similar leaf area (plants on the ground and in the LMT), the plants in the LMT are unable to carry out photosynthesis at the same levels as the plants on the ground, which results in lower dry matter production. Our results indicate that the species studied is not suitable for restoring degraded areas, particularly due to its high mortality and slow growth. Keywords: Biomass. Growth. Chlorophyll a fluorescence. Chlorophyll index.
Dimorphandra exaltata - Crescimento - Efeito dos fluoretos, Fluoreto de lítio, Biomassa vegetal, Fluorescência, Clorofila - Índices
ROCHA, Ana Carolina Martins. Efeito do rejeito de mineração de lítio e déficit hídrico no crescimento inicial e parâmetros fotossintéticos em Dimorphandra exaltata Schott. 2023. 45 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ecologia) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2023.