Síndrome de Burnout e sua relação com condições de trabalho, estado nutricional e de saúde em professores do ensino médio estadual
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a possibilidade de ocorrência da Síndrome de Burnout em professores do ensino médio estadual, na cidade de Viçosa MG, e sua correlação com as condições de trabalho, estado nutricional e de saúde desses professores. Além de identificar os sinais da síndrome, buscou-se avaliar as condições ambientais, tecnológicas e organizacionais no ambiente de trabalho, o estado nutricional e de saúde dos professores. Realizou-se um estudo epidemiológico quali-quantitativo, transversal, cuja amostra inicial foi de 100 professores, que posteriormente sofreu alterações devido à dificuldade de agendamento e disponibilidade de parte dos voluntários. Para a caracterização da amostra utilizou-se de questionário sociodemográfico e informações sobre trabalho e condições de saúde dos participantes da pesquisa. A avaliação das condições de trabalho fez-se por meio da Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho proposta por Guérin (2001). Também foram realizadas medições de ruído, temperatura e umidade relativa do ar. O ruído foi avaliado utilizando um Medidor de Nível de Pressão Sonora DEC 460. Já a iluminação, a temperatura e a umidade relativa do ar foram avaliadas por meio de um termo-higro-anemômetro luxímetro digital. Avaliaram-se queixas de dores por meio de questionário, utilizando o diagrama corporal proposto por Corlett & Manenica (1980), além da altura alcançada pelo braço acima da cabeça para identificar o alcance vertical da mão, necessário para a
escrita no quadro em sala de aula. Os riscos para distúrbios músculo-esqueléticos de membros superiores relacionados ao trabalho foram avaliados por meio de check-list proposto por Couto (2000). Os deslocamentos realizados durante a jornada de trabalho foram registrados por meio de pedômetro. Identificou-se a carga de material didático transportada pelos professores durante o trabalho com a utilização de uma balança digital, com precisão de 5 g. A presença da Síndrome de Burnout foi avaliada por meio da aplicação do Maslach Burnout Inventory, com versão traduzida para o português. O peso e a composição corporal foram avaliados por meio da bioimpedância bipolar, sendo a altura aferida com a utilização de antropômetro portátil. O índice de massa corporal foi utilizado para classificar o estado nutricional, de acordo com os dados de peso e altura obtidos, sendo o percentual de gordura estimado segundo dados do manual do fabricante do aparelho. O perímetro da cintura obtido pela medida executada no ponto médio da cintura foi utilizado para identificar riscos metabólicos associados à obesidade. Para avaliação da qualidade dietética foi realizado o inquérito de frequência do consumo alimentar. Na avaliação bioquímica, o perfil lipídico, a glicemia de jejum e o hemograma completo foram avaliados por meio de exame bioquímico laboratorial.
Para avaliação clínica foi realizada a aferição da pressão arterial por meio do medidor de pressão arterial, certificado pela Sociedade Brasileira de Hipertensão, além da avaliação do risco de doenças cardiovasculares com base no Escore de Risco de Framingham. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas com a utilização dos softwares SPSS 17.0, MiniTab 14.0, Epi Info 6.0 e Excel 2007. Foram utilizados os testes: Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Qui-Quadrado, Fisher e Mann-Whitney. A correlação de Spearman foi analisada através da avaliação qualitativa de Callegari-Jacques (2003). Na amostra encontrou-se prevalência de professoras, com média de 40,4 + 10,4 anos, sendo a maioria casada e com filhos. Menos da metade dos professores ou 46% apresentou especialização completa, enquanto 40% ainda não possuem pós-graduação. Cerca de 50% estava com menos de 10 anos de serviço, sendo que mais da metade era efetiva por meio de concurso público. Mais da metade dos professores ministrava mais de 18 aulas semanais. O controle de saúde periódico apresentou maior prevalência entre as mulheres. A rouquidão após o trabalho foi relatada principalmente entre as mulheres. O número de dias de licença para tratamento de saúde demonstrou queda entre as mulheres nos anos de 2008 e 2009. O ruído, a iluminação, a umidade relativa do ar e a temperatura prevaleceram com valores inadequados nas salas de aula. A umidade apresentou forte correlação com a temperatura. A presença da dor nos membros
inferiores foi elevada principalmente entre as mulheres. O risco para distúrbios
músculo-esqueléticos nos membros superiores não apresentou significância estatística. Entre os professores avaliados, identificou-se uma distância média percorrida de 1,43 + 0,5 Km, com média de 2281,9 + 878,3 passos, em um turno de trabalho. A mediana do transporte de peso chegou a 4,340 Kg. A Síndrome de Burnout apresentou alto score para despersonalização principalmente entre os homens. A exaustão emocional apresentou associação positiva estatisticamente significativa com o fato dos professores possuírem pós-graduação e com o número de aulas superior a 18. A despersonalização apresentou associação em ambos os sexos. O ruído apresentou correlação regular com a exaustão emocional, a qual também apresentou correlação regular com a despersonalização e correlação fraca com a realização pessoal. A idade e o tempo de serviço apresentaram correlação regular com a despersonalização, enquanto o número de aulas semanais correlacionou-se com a exaustão emocional de maneira regular. Destaca-se predomínio do sobrepeso entre os homens. O perímetro da cintura e o IMC apresentaram forte correlação entre eles, além de correlação regular com o percentual de gordura. O IMC inadequado associou-se com inadequado perímetro de cintura e percentual de gordura. Quanto ao hábito alimentar, há entre os professores consumo regular de frutas, hortaliças, leite, arroz, feijão, pão e café. Constatou-se associação entre sexo e níveis de HDL-c, nas mulheres apresentando maiores frequências de adequação do que nos homens, o mesmo acontecendo na relação LDL-c/HDL-c. Observou-se prevalência de 8,6% de hipertensão arterial entre os professores. O perímetro da cintura apresentou maior distribuição para risco muito aumentado entre as mulheres, o que as inclui num potencial grupo de risco para doenças cardiovasculares, devido ao acúmulo de gordura corporal localizada na região abdominal. O IMC alterado e o nível do HDL-c inadequado apresentaram associação com o nível elevado de despersonalização. Portanto, constatou-se que a Síndrome de Burnout esteve presente entre os professores da amostra, principalmente quanto ao quesito despersonalização, merecendo atenção de gestores governamentais e das escolas, além dos próprios professores. O estado nutricional e de saúde esteve inadequado em parcelas da amostra, necessitando um maior cuidado com a saúde. As condições ambientais, organizacionais e tecnológicas precisam ser acompanhadas para manutenção de adequadas condições de trabalho junto aos professores, com atenção sendo dispensada para a saúde física e mental no ambiente de trabalho.
This study aimed to evaluate the possibility of occurrence of burnout syndrome in high school teachers statewide, in Viçosa - MG, and its correlation with the working conditions, health and nutritional status of these teachers. In addition to identifying the signs of the syndrome, we sought to evaluate the environmental, technological and organizational workplace, nutritional status and health of teachers. We conducted an epidemiological study qualitative and quantitative, cross-sectional sample was 100 teachers, who subsequently underwent changes due to the difficulty of scheduling and availability of the volunteers. For sample characterization we used a questionnaire and demographic information about work and health of research participants. The assessment of working conditions was made by means of ergonomic work analysis proposed by Guerin (2001). Were also carried out noise, temperature and relative humidity measurements. Noise was evaluated using a sound pressure level DEC 460, while lighting, temperature and relative humidity were assessed through a digital thermo-higro-anemometer luxmeter. Evaluated were pain complaints by questionnaire, using the body chart proposed by Corlett & Manenica (1980), and the height reached by the arm above the head to identify the vertical reach of the hand necessary for the writing table in the room class. The risks for musculoskeletal disorders from workrelated upper limb were evaluated by means of check-list proposed by Couto (2000). The shifts made during the working day were recorded by pedometer. We identified the burden of teaching materials transported by teachers at work using a digital scale accurate to 5 g. The presence of burnout syndrome was assessed by applying the Maslach Burnout Inventory, with a version translated into portuguese. The weight and body composition were assessed by bioimpedance bipolar and its height measured using a portable anthropometer. The body mass index was used to classify nutritional status, according to data obtained from weight and height, and the fat percentage estimated according to the manual of the equipment manufacturer. The waist perimeter runs obtained by measuring the waist at the midpoint was used to identify metabolic risks associated with obesity. To assess the quality dietary survey was conducted the frequency of food consumption. In biochemical evaluation, lipid profile, fasting blood glucose and full blood count were evaluated by means of biochemistry laboratory. For clinical evaluation was performed to evaluate blood pressure through blood pressure gauge, certified by the Brazilian Society of Hypertension, and the evaluation of cardiovascular disease risk based on Framingham risk score. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 17.0 software, Minitab 14.0, Epi Info 6.0 and Excel 2007. Tests were used: Kolmogorov-Smirnov, chi-square, Fisher and Mann-Whitney test. The Spearman correlation was observed using a qualitative assessment of Callegari-Jacques (2003). In the sample found a prevalence of female teachers, with a mean of 40.4 ± 10.4 years, mostly married with children. Less than half of teachers or 46% showed complete specialization, while 40% do not have post-graduation. About 50% were under 10 years of service, and more than half were effective through public tender. More than half of teachers ministered over 18 weekly classes. The health check-ups showed a higher prevalence among women. Hoarseness after the work was reported mainly among women. The number of days leave to health care among women showed a decrease in the years 2008 and 2009. Noise, lighting, air humidity and temperature prevailed with inappropriate values in the classroom. The moisture had a strong correlation with temperature. The presence of lower limb pain was especially high among women. The risk for musculoskeletal disorders in upper limbs was not statistically significant. Among teachers evaluated, we identified an average distance of 1.43 + 0.5 km, with an average of 2281.9 + 878.3 steps in a work shift. The median transport weight reached 4,340 kg and burnout syndrome had a high score for depersonalization especially among men. Emotional exhaustion showed a statistically significant positive association with the fact that teachers have graduate and the number of classes over 18. Depersonalization was associated in both sexes. The regular noise correlated withe motional exhaustion, which also correlated with depersonalization regular and weak correlation with personal accomplishment. The age and length of service correlated with regular depersonalization, while the number of weekly classes correlated with emotional exhaustion on a regular basis. It is notable prevalence of overweight among men. Waist circumference and BMI were strongly correlated among them, besides regular correlation with the percentage of fat. Unhealthy BMI was associated with inadequate waist circumference and body fat percentage. As for food habits, there is among teachers regular consumption of fruits, vegetables, milk, rice, beans, bread and coffee. Association was found between sex and HDL-C in women showed higher frequencies of fitness than men, as did the relationship LDL-c/HDL-c. The prevalence of 8.6% of hypertension among teachers. Waist circumference showed greater distribution to very increased risk among women, which includes a potential risk group for cardiovascular disease due to accumulation of body fat located in the abdominal region. BMI change and the level of HDL-C were associated with inappropriate high level of depersonalization. Therefore, it was found that the burnout syndrome was present among the teachers in this study, especially regarding the item depersonalization, had the attention of government officials and schools, and teachers themselves. The health and nutritional status was inadequate in the sample plots, requiring a larger health care. The environmental conditions, organization and technology must be followed to maintain proper working conditions with teachers, with attention being paid to physical and mental health in the workplace.
This study aimed to evaluate the possibility of occurrence of burnout syndrome in high school teachers statewide, in Viçosa - MG, and its correlation with the working conditions, health and nutritional status of these teachers. In addition to identifying the signs of the syndrome, we sought to evaluate the environmental, technological and organizational workplace, nutritional status and health of teachers. We conducted an epidemiological study qualitative and quantitative, cross-sectional sample was 100 teachers, who subsequently underwent changes due to the difficulty of scheduling and availability of the volunteers. For sample characterization we used a questionnaire and demographic information about work and health of research participants. The assessment of working conditions was made by means of ergonomic work analysis proposed by Guerin (2001). Were also carried out noise, temperature and relative humidity measurements. Noise was evaluated using a sound pressure level DEC 460, while lighting, temperature and relative humidity were assessed through a digital thermo-higro-anemometer luxmeter. Evaluated were pain complaints by questionnaire, using the body chart proposed by Corlett & Manenica (1980), and the height reached by the arm above the head to identify the vertical reach of the hand necessary for the writing table in the room class. The risks for musculoskeletal disorders from workrelated upper limb were evaluated by means of check-list proposed by Couto (2000). The shifts made during the working day were recorded by pedometer. We identified the burden of teaching materials transported by teachers at work using a digital scale accurate to 5 g. The presence of burnout syndrome was assessed by applying the Maslach Burnout Inventory, with a version translated into portuguese. The weight and body composition were assessed by bioimpedance bipolar and its height measured using a portable anthropometer. The body mass index was used to classify nutritional status, according to data obtained from weight and height, and the fat percentage estimated according to the manual of the equipment manufacturer. The waist perimeter runs obtained by measuring the waist at the midpoint was used to identify metabolic risks associated with obesity. To assess the quality dietary survey was conducted the frequency of food consumption. In biochemical evaluation, lipid profile, fasting blood glucose and full blood count were evaluated by means of biochemistry laboratory. For clinical evaluation was performed to evaluate blood pressure through blood pressure gauge, certified by the Brazilian Society of Hypertension, and the evaluation of cardiovascular disease risk based on Framingham risk score. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 17.0 software, Minitab 14.0, Epi Info 6.0 and Excel 2007. Tests were used: Kolmogorov-Smirnov, chi-square, Fisher and Mann-Whitney test. The Spearman correlation was observed using a qualitative assessment of Callegari-Jacques (2003). In the sample found a prevalence of female teachers, with a mean of 40.4 ± 10.4 years, mostly married with children. Less than half of teachers or 46% showed complete specialization, while 40% do not have post-graduation. About 50% were under 10 years of service, and more than half were effective through public tender. More than half of teachers ministered over 18 weekly classes. The health check-ups showed a higher prevalence among women. Hoarseness after the work was reported mainly among women. The number of days leave to health care among women showed a decrease in the years 2008 and 2009. Noise, lighting, air humidity and temperature prevailed with inappropriate values in the classroom. The moisture had a strong correlation with temperature. The presence of lower limb pain was especially high among women. The risk for musculoskeletal disorders in upper limbs was not statistically significant. Among teachers evaluated, we identified an average distance of 1.43 + 0.5 km, with an average of 2281.9 + 878.3 steps in a work shift. The median transport weight reached 4,340 kg and burnout syndrome had a high score for depersonalization especially among men. Emotional exhaustion showed a statistically significant positive association with the fact that teachers have graduate and the number of classes over 18. Depersonalization was associated in both sexes. The regular noise correlated withe motional exhaustion, which also correlated with depersonalization regular and weak correlation with personal accomplishment. The age and length of service correlated with regular depersonalization, while the number of weekly classes correlated with emotional exhaustion on a regular basis. It is notable prevalence of overweight among men. Waist circumference and BMI were strongly correlated among them, besides regular correlation with the percentage of fat. Unhealthy BMI was associated with inadequate waist circumference and body fat percentage. As for food habits, there is among teachers regular consumption of fruits, vegetables, milk, rice, beans, bread and coffee. Association was found between sex and HDL-C in women showed higher frequencies of fitness than men, as did the relationship LDL-c/HDL-c. The prevalence of 8.6% of hypertension among teachers. Waist circumference showed greater distribution to very increased risk among women, which includes a potential risk group for cardiovascular disease due to accumulation of body fat located in the abdominal region. BMI change and the level of HDL-C were associated with inappropriate high level of depersonalization. Therefore, it was found that the burnout syndrome was present among the teachers in this study, especially regarding the item depersonalization, had the attention of government officials and schools, and teachers themselves. The health and nutritional status was inadequate in the sample plots, requiring a larger health care. The environmental conditions, organization and technology must be followed to maintain proper working conditions with teachers, with attention being paid to physical and mental health in the workplace.
Condições de trabalho, Síndrome de Burnout, Estado nutricional, Working conditions, Burnout syndrome, Nutritional status
GOMES JÚNIOR, Luiz Carlos. Burnout syndrome and its relation to working conditions, nutritional status and health in high school teachers statewide. 2010. 184 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Valor nutricional de alimentos e de dietas; Nutrição nas enfermidades agudas e crônicas não transmis) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2010.