Fluxos de massa e energia para a cultura de milho (Zea mays L.) no Rio Grande do Sul
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A cultura do milho desempenha importante papel na agricultura brasileira, sendo cultivada em todo o território nacional. Um melhor entendimento da interação solo-planta-atmosfera pode ocasionar em aumento da produtividade da cultura, bem como auxiliar no desenvolvimento de modelos que melhor representem essa interação. Devido a isso, teve-se como objetivo no presente trabalho analisar a interação da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa com o dossel da cultura, quantificar as magnitudes e as variações dos fluxos de CO2, calor sensível (H), calor latente (LE), e calor no solo (G) durante as fases fenológicas da cultura do milho, bem como avaliar a influência de variáveis biofísicas relevantes na magnitude desses fluxos. Para isso, foram realizadas medições contínuas de irradiância solar global incidente (Sin) e refletida (Sout), radiação fotossinteticamente ativa incidente (PARin), incidente na base do dossel (PARinb) e refletida (PARout), saldo de radiação (Rn), temperatura (T) e umidade relativa do ar (UR), temperatura do solo a 10 cm de profundidade (TS), umidade do solo na camada de 0 a 30 cm de profundidade (USOLO), precipitação pluvial e fluxos de CO2, H, LE e G no período de 11 de novembro de 2010 a 19 de fevereiro de 2011 sobre uma cultura de milho cultivada no sítio experimental pertencente à Rede SULFLUX, situado na Fundação Centro de Experimentação e Pesquisa (FUNDACEP) (28o36 S; 53o40 O; 409 m de altitude), localizada no município de Cruz Alta, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Também foram realizadas medições da área foliar ao longo do ciclo da cultura, com periodicidade média de 15 dias, para o cálculo do
índice de área foliar (IAF). Os fluxos de CO2, H e LE foram medidos através da técnica micrometeorológica Eddy Covariance. A menor cobertura de nuvens no período da tarde proporcionou maiores quantidades de Sin e PARin, proporcionando maiores valores da PARinb, PARabs e do Rn. No período P1 (VE-V11), a fração da PARabs (FAPAR) apresentou tendência de diminuição à medida que a elevação solar aumentou, enquanto que nos períodos P3 (R1-R2) e P4 (R3-R6) houve leve tendência de aumento ao longo do dia, ocasionada provavelmente pela maior quantidade de PARinb aliada à maior capacidade de absorção das folhas do dossel inferior. As variações horários do fluxo de CO2 diurno foram melhores correlacionadas com a PARabs, enquanto que o fluxo de CO2 noturno apresentou relação exponencial com a temperatura do solo a 10 cm de profundidade. A
magnitude dos fluxos de CO2 da cultura apresentaram dependência com relação à nebulosidade, havendo maior absorção de carbono a níveis intermediários de cobertura de nuvens, ocasionada pela maior quantidade de radiação que chega a níveis mais baixos no dossel, bem como melhor rendimento quântico da cultura. O balanço de energia da cultura apresentou bom fechamento, com coeficiente de inclinação da reta de 0,82 e r2 de 0,96. Os valores horários dos fluxos de H e LE obtiveram melhores correlações com o Rn, enquanto que os diários apresentaram boa correlação com o IAF. O LE foi responsável pela utilização da maior parte da energia disponível, principalmente nos períodos P2 (V12-VT) (75,88%) e P3 (73,07%), em que o IAF da cultura foi maior. Nos períodos P1 e P4 o LE consumiu cerca de 46,62 e 52,26% do Rn, respectivamente. O fluxo de H foi responsável pela utilização de 37,49, 11,56 e 11,77 e 39,75% nos períodos P1, P2, P3 e P4,
respectivamente. Por sua vez, a fração da energia disponível destinada para aquecer o solo foi de 4,95, 3,83, 1,60 e 1,44% nos períodos P1, P2, P3 e P4, respectivamente. Os resultados apresentados neste estudo aliados à modelagem podem contribuir para entendimento de como as mudanças climáticas influenciarão a cultura do milho.
Maize (corn) plays an important role in Brazilian agriculture and is cultivated throughout the country. A better understanding of soil-maizeatmosphere interaction may result in increased crop productivity as well as assist in developing models that better represent this nteraction. Therefore, the aim of this work is to analyze the interaction of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and the crop canopy, to quantify the magnitude and variation of fluxes of CO2, sensible heat (H), latent heat (LE) and soil heat (G) during the phenological stages of maize, and to assess the influence of biophysical variables relevant to the magnitude of these flows. To achieve this, we carried out continuous measurements of incident (Sin) and reflected (Sout) global solar irradiance, incident photosynthetically active radiation (PARin), incident PAR at the base of the canopy (PARinb) and reflected PAR (PARout), net radiation (Rn), air temperature (T) and relative humidity (UR), soil temperature at 10 cm depth (TS), soil moisture in the layer from 0 to 30 cm depth (USOLO), rainfall and fluxes of CO2, H, LE and G in the period from November 11 2010 to February 19, 2011 on a maize crop grown in the experimental site belonging to the Network SULFLUX, located at the Foundation Center for Experimentation and Research (FUNDACEP) (28o36 'S, 53o40' W; 409 m altitude), located in Cruz Alta, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Measurements were also made of leaf area during the crop cycle, with average periodicity of 15 days, in order to calculate the leaf area index (LAI). The fluxes of CO2, H and LE were measured by the Eddy Covariance micrometeorological technique. The decreased cloud cover in the afternoon resulted in higher amounts of Sin and PARin, thereby causing higher values of PARinb, PARabs and Rn. In the period P1 (VE-V11), the fraction of PARabs (FAPAR) tended to decrease as the solar elevation increased, while in periods P3 (R1-R2) and P4 (R3-R6) these was a slight upward trend throughout the day, probably caused by the high amount of PARinb combined with greater absorption by lower canopy leaves. Hourly variations of the diurnal flux of CO2 were better correlated with PARabs, while the nocturnal flux of CO2 presented an exponential relationship with soil temperature at 10 cm depth. The magnitude of CO2 fluxes showed dependence on cloudiness, with greater absorption of carbon at intermediate levels of cloud cover due to the higher amount of radiation that reaches the lower levels in the canopy as well as better quantum yield of the crop. Energy balance of the plants had good closure, with a slope of 0.82 and r2 of 0.96. The hourly values of H and LE fluxes were better correlated with Rn, while the daily measurements were strongly correlated with IAF. LE was responsible for most of the available energy use, especially during P2 (V12- VT) (75.88%) and P3 (73.07%) periods, during which the IAF of the culture was higher. During the periods P1 and P4, LE consumed about 46.62 and 52.26% of Rn, respectively. The flux of H was responsible for the use of 37.49, 11.56 and 11.77 and 39.75% of energy in the periods P1, P2, P3 and P4, respectively. In turn, the fraction of available energy used to heat the soil was 4.95, 3.83, 1.60 and 1.44% in the periods P1, P2, P3 and P4, respectively. The results presented in this study, when combined with modeling, can contribute to our understanding of how climate change may affect future production of maize in Brazil.
Maize (corn) plays an important role in Brazilian agriculture and is cultivated throughout the country. A better understanding of soil-maizeatmosphere interaction may result in increased crop productivity as well as assist in developing models that better represent this nteraction. Therefore, the aim of this work is to analyze the interaction of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and the crop canopy, to quantify the magnitude and variation of fluxes of CO2, sensible heat (H), latent heat (LE) and soil heat (G) during the phenological stages of maize, and to assess the influence of biophysical variables relevant to the magnitude of these flows. To achieve this, we carried out continuous measurements of incident (Sin) and reflected (Sout) global solar irradiance, incident photosynthetically active radiation (PARin), incident PAR at the base of the canopy (PARinb) and reflected PAR (PARout), net radiation (Rn), air temperature (T) and relative humidity (UR), soil temperature at 10 cm depth (TS), soil moisture in the layer from 0 to 30 cm depth (USOLO), rainfall and fluxes of CO2, H, LE and G in the period from November 11 2010 to February 19, 2011 on a maize crop grown in the experimental site belonging to the Network SULFLUX, located at the Foundation Center for Experimentation and Research (FUNDACEP) (28o36 'S, 53o40' W; 409 m altitude), located in Cruz Alta, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Measurements were also made of leaf area during the crop cycle, with average periodicity of 15 days, in order to calculate the leaf area index (LAI). The fluxes of CO2, H and LE were measured by the Eddy Covariance micrometeorological technique. The decreased cloud cover in the afternoon resulted in higher amounts of Sin and PARin, thereby causing higher values of PARinb, PARabs and Rn. In the period P1 (VE-V11), the fraction of PARabs (FAPAR) tended to decrease as the solar elevation increased, while in periods P3 (R1-R2) and P4 (R3-R6) these was a slight upward trend throughout the day, probably caused by the high amount of PARinb combined with greater absorption by lower canopy leaves. Hourly variations of the diurnal flux of CO2 were better correlated with PARabs, while the nocturnal flux of CO2 presented an exponential relationship with soil temperature at 10 cm depth. The magnitude of CO2 fluxes showed dependence on cloudiness, with greater absorption of carbon at intermediate levels of cloud cover due to the higher amount of radiation that reaches the lower levels in the canopy as well as better quantum yield of the crop. Energy balance of the plants had good closure, with a slope of 0.82 and r2 of 0.96. The hourly values of H and LE fluxes were better correlated with Rn, while the daily measurements were strongly correlated with IAF. LE was responsible for most of the available energy use, especially during P2 (V12- VT) (75.88%) and P3 (73.07%) periods, during which the IAF of the culture was higher. During the periods P1 and P4, LE consumed about 46.62 and 52.26% of Rn, respectively. The flux of H was responsible for the use of 37.49, 11.56 and 11.77 and 39.75% of energy in the periods P1, P2, P3 and P4, respectively. In turn, the fraction of available energy used to heat the soil was 4.95, 3.83, 1.60 and 1.44% in the periods P1, P2, P3 and P4, respectively. The results presented in this study, when combined with modeling, can contribute to our understanding of how climate change may affect future production of maize in Brazil.
Micrometeorologia, Milho, Rio Grande do Sul, Fluxo de energia, Fluxo de massa, Micrometeorology, Maize, Rio Grande do Sul State, Energy flow, Mass flow
AGUIAR, Leonardo José Gonçalves. Mass and energy flows to maize crop (Zea mays L.) in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 2011. 112 f. Tese (Doutorado em Agrometeorologia; Climatologia; Micrometeorologia) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2011.