Estado nutricional de crianças, condições de vida e emancipação das famílias cadastradas do Programa Bolsa Família: determinantes e desafios
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
As políticas de combate à pobreza devem ter como motivações, além da privação de renda, as privações de liberdades compostas pela desnutrição; baixo acesso aos serviços de saúde; saneamento básico inadequado, insegurança econômica e social e a desigualdade entre homens e mulheres. No Brasil, a partir de 2003 as ações estruturadas para o combate à fome e à pobreza, tais como o Programa Bolsa Família (PBF) apresentaram como resultado a redução da proporção de pobres para um quarto da população total. Destarte, a presente dissertação teve como objetivo analisar as evidências científicas da eficácia dos Programas de Transferência de Renda (PTR s) a partir de revisão de literatura, destacando-se: a avaliação de impacto; a análise crítica das formas de privação de liberdade e a avaliação dos fatores determinantes do estado nutricional das famílias cadastradas no PBF, tendo como referência uma coorte de crianças de sete a dez anos de idade do município de Paula Cândido/MG. Foram analisadas as seguintes variáveis: características socioeconômicas das famílias, características sanitárias dos domicílios, tempo de recebimento do benefício e estado nutricional das crianças. A maioria dos estudos (70%) apresentou somente impactos positivos, tendo como resultado o desenvolvimento humano com ênfase no aumento da utilização dos serviços de saúde e educação. Do total de crianças estudadas, 58,5% mantiveram-se beneficiárias, 13,5% continuaram não beneficiárias, 2,4% deixaram de receber o benefício e 25,6% passaram a recebê-lo. Mais de 60% das crianças permaneceram com estado nutricional adequado, em relação a 2007. A renda per capita média foi significantemente maior no grupo que deixou de receber o benefício (R$ 173,3 ± 84,4). Ressalta-se que 14,4% das crianças, na época do estudo viviam com renda per capita abaixo de R$ 70 (13% do salário mínimo vigente na época). Foi encontrada diferença (p<0,01) apenas entre as classificações do índice E/I entre 2007 e 2011. Na faixa de renda per capita entre R$70,00 e R$140,00 estão 58,2% das crianças consideradas eutróficas, segundo o IMC/I e 86,9% daquelas beneficiárias do PBF em 2011. Em mais de três anos de permanência no PBF, apenas oito famílias das 241 avaliadas (3,3%), deixaram a condição de beneficiárias. Pode-sexiv inferir que os achados apontam para um aspecto positivo das condicionalidades, corroborando a importância de estender o tempo de acompanhamento da saúde infantil como condicionalidade do PBF. Entende-se ainda que, a emancipação dessas famílias pode ser alcançada com uma maior abrangência e controle governamental dos programas estruturantes vinculados ao PBF, compreendendo diferentes áreas como educação, trabalho, cultura, capacitação e melhoria das condições habitacionais.
Policies to combat poverty must have the motivation, beyond income deprivation, deprivation of liberties composed by malnutrition, poor access to health services, inadequate sanitation, and economic insecurity and social inequality between men and women. In Brazil, from 2003 to structured actions to combat hunger and poverty, such as the Bolsa Família Program (BFP) had the effect of reducing the proportion of the poor quarter of the total population. Thus, this paper aims to examine the scientific evidence of the effectiveness of Transfer Programs Income (PTR's), including: the impact assessment, critical analysis of the forms of deprivation of liberty and evaluation of the determinants of state nutritional status of families enrolled in BPF, with reference to a cohort of children aged seven to ten years old the city of Paula Candido/MG. We analyzed the following variables: socioeconomic characteristics of families, health characteristics of households, time of receipt of the benefit and nutritional status of children. Most studies (70%) had only positive impacts, resulting in human development with emphasis on increased use of health services and education. Of the total malnourished children, 58.5% remained beneficiaries, 13.5% remained non-beneficiaries, 2.4% failed to receive the benefit and 25.6% went to receive him. Over 60% of the children remained with adequate nutritional status, compared to 2007. The average per capita income was significantly higher in the group that failed to receive the benefit (R$ 173.3 ± 84.4). It is noteworthy that 14.4% of children at the time of the study lived with per capita income below R $ 70 (13% of the minimum wage at the time). Difference was found (p <0.01) only between the classifications of the H / between 2007 and 2011. In income per capita between R$ 70.00 and R$ 140.00 58.2% of children are considered normal weight, according to the BAZ and 86.9% of those receiving the PBF in 2011. In more than three years in PBF, only eight families of the 241 tested (3.3%), left the status of beneficiaries. It can be inferred that the findings point to a positive aspect of conditionalities, confirming the importance of extending the time for monitoring child health and compliance of BPF. It is understood that, the emancipation of these families can be achieved with a larger scope of government control and structuring programs linked to PBF, comprising various areas such as education, work, culture, training and improvement of housing conditions.
Policies to combat poverty must have the motivation, beyond income deprivation, deprivation of liberties composed by malnutrition, poor access to health services, inadequate sanitation, and economic insecurity and social inequality between men and women. In Brazil, from 2003 to structured actions to combat hunger and poverty, such as the Bolsa Família Program (BFP) had the effect of reducing the proportion of the poor quarter of the total population. Thus, this paper aims to examine the scientific evidence of the effectiveness of Transfer Programs Income (PTR's), including: the impact assessment, critical analysis of the forms of deprivation of liberty and evaluation of the determinants of state nutritional status of families enrolled in BPF, with reference to a cohort of children aged seven to ten years old the city of Paula Candido/MG. We analyzed the following variables: socioeconomic characteristics of families, health characteristics of households, time of receipt of the benefit and nutritional status of children. Most studies (70%) had only positive impacts, resulting in human development with emphasis on increased use of health services and education. Of the total malnourished children, 58.5% remained beneficiaries, 13.5% remained non-beneficiaries, 2.4% failed to receive the benefit and 25.6% went to receive him. Over 60% of the children remained with adequate nutritional status, compared to 2007. The average per capita income was significantly higher in the group that failed to receive the benefit (R$ 173.3 ± 84.4). It is noteworthy that 14.4% of children at the time of the study lived with per capita income below R $ 70 (13% of the minimum wage at the time). Difference was found (p <0.01) only between the classifications of the H / between 2007 and 2011. In income per capita between R$ 70.00 and R$ 140.00 58.2% of children are considered normal weight, according to the BAZ and 86.9% of those receiving the PBF in 2011. In more than three years in PBF, only eight families of the 241 tested (3.3%), left the status of beneficiaries. It can be inferred that the findings point to a positive aspect of conditionalities, confirming the importance of extending the time for monitoring child health and compliance of BPF. It is understood that, the emancipation of these families can be achieved with a larger scope of government control and structuring programs linked to PBF, comprising various areas such as education, work, culture, training and improvement of housing conditions.
Estado nutricional, Transferência de renda, Privações de liberdade, Nutritional status, Income transfer, Deprivation of liberty
LEÃO, Renata Teixeira. Status nutrition, conditions of life and empowerment of enrolled families in Bolsa Família Program: determinants and chalenges. 2012. 92 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Valor nutricional de alimentos e de dietas; Nutrição nas enfermidades agudas e crônicas não transmis) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2012.