Produtividade dos treze clones do cafeeiro conilon vitória submetido a diferentes lâminas de irrigação
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Até poucos anos atrás a cafeicultura era explorada quase que exclusivamente em áreas não-irrigadas. As mudanças no perfil da cafeicultura brasileira, na última década, potencializaram a busca de sistemas altamente tecnificados, que incorporam novos conhecimentos científicos e uma gestão empresarial, tanto em nível de pequenos quanto de grandes cafeicultores. Neste contexto, esse trabalho teve como objetivo geral avaliar o desempenho do café conilon Vitória irrigado e o manejo da irrigação para esta variedade de café consorciado com a cultura do coco, nas condições edafoclimáticas de Santa Teresa-ES. O experimento foi instalado e conduzido na área experimental do campus do Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo (IFES), em Santa Teresa, ES, nas coordenadas geográficas: latitude de 19°48 Sul, longitude 40°40 Oeste e altitude de 174 m. O cafeeiro utilizado no experimento foi a variedade clonal conilon Vitória, composto por 13 clones, plantado em março de 2006, no espaçamento 3,0 x 1,5 m, num Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo. O sistema de irrigação instalado na área experimental é por gotejamento, constituído por linhas principal e derivação de PVC enterradas e linhas laterais sobre o solo ao longo das fileiras de plantas. A irrigação foi conduzida com turno de rega variável. O experimento teve início em janeiro de 2011, abrangendo as safras 2011/2012 e 2012/2013. Para os 13 clones estudados (V1 a V13), foram feitas aplicações de cinco diferentes lâminas de irrigação (L1 = 40%, L2 = 60%, L3 = 80%, L4 = 100% e L5 =120% da ET 0), durante as duas safras. Avaliou-se a produtividade de quatro plantas de cada tratamento, que foi posteriormente convertida em sacas por hectare de café beneficiado. Para analisar os efeitos do manejo da irrigação sobre a produtividade da cultura do cafeeiro foi determinado o coeficiente de resposta da produção ou índice de sensibilidade ao déficit hídrico (ky) e o potencial hídrico da planta. De acordo com os resultados, para a safra 2011/2012, podemos verificar que os clones V4 e V5 foram os mais produtivos, com 56,82 e 56,93 sc.ha -1 de café beneficiado, respectivamente, seguidos pelo clone V11 com 41,35 sc.ha-1, considerando a menor lâmina de irrigação. O clone V8 foi o menos produtivo com apenas 22,76 sc.ha - de café beneficiado. Comparadas à média estadual (26,09 sc.ha -1 de café beneficiado), para as condições de maior restrição hídrica (lâmina de irrigação igual a 40% da ETo), as produtividade dos clones V4 e V5, foram aproximadamente 118 e 117%, respectivamente, maiores. Já para o clone V8, a produtividade foi 12% menor que a média estadual para a cultura. Para a safra 2012/2013, verificou-se que, para as lâminas irrigação iguais a 40, 60 e 80% da ETo, não houve diferença significativa na produtividade do café conilon Vitória. Já para a lâmina de irrigação igual a 100% da ETo, os clones V4, V5, V9 e V12 foram os mais produtivos com 88,09; 82,56; 101,23 e 82,98 sc.ha-1 de café beneficiado, respectivamente. Estes valores foram 237, 216, 288 e 218%, respectivamente, para os mesmo clones, maiores que produtividade média estadual do café conilon. Considerando a lâmina de maior disponibilidade hídrica (120% da ETo), os clones V2, V4, V5, V9, V11 e V12 foram os mais produtivos com 93,38; 96,51; 90,97; 113,62; 84,63 e 100,70 sc.ha-1 de café beneficiado, respectivamente. Notam-se valores dos coeficientes de resposta ao déficit hídrico maiores que 1,15 apenas para os clones V7 e V9, com a lâmina de 40% da ETo, para a safra de 2011/2012. De acordo com a classificação, estes clones têm alta sensibilidade ao déficit hídrico. Os Clones V8 e V12, com coeficientes de resposta ao déficit hídrico com valores iguais a 1,11 e 1,06, respectivamente, foram classificados como de média/alta sensibilidade ao déficit hídrico. Para esta lâmina, os clones V3, V4 e V5, com ky iguais a 0,83; 0,75 e 0,79, respectivamente, ficaram classificados como de baixa sensibilidade ao déficit hídrico. Os demais clones, com ky entre 0,85 e 1,00, foram classificados como de baixa/média sensibilidade. Ainda nesta mesma safra, para a lâmina de irrigação de 60%, os clones V1, V3, V11, V12 e V13, com coeficientes ky entre 1,00 e 1,15, foram classificados como de média/alta sensibilidade ao déficit hídrico; os clones V4 e V5, com coeficientes iguais e de valor 0,91, foram classificados como de baixa/média sensibilidade e os demais clones tiveram alta sensibilidade ao déficit hídrico (ky > 1,15). Na safra 2012/2013, observa-se que, para as lâminas de 40% da evapotranspiração, os clones V2, V3, V6, V10 e V13 apresentaram valores de ky menores que 0,85, sendo classificados como de baixa sensibilidade ao déficit hídrico. Para a lâmina de irrigação igual a 60% da ETo, os clones V3 e V6 foram classificados como de baixa sensibilidade ao déficit hídrico, enquanto o clone V10 foi classificado como de baixa/média sensibilidade. Já os clones V2, V4, V5, V8, V12 e V13 foram classificados como de média/alta sensibilidade e os demais como de alta sensibilidade ao déficit hídrico. Considerando a lâmina de irrigação igual a 80% da ETo, exceto os clones V3 e V6, que foram classificados como de baixa/média sensibilidade, os clones foram classificados como de alta sensibilidade. De modo geral, o comportamento dos clones foi bastante semelhante, com a ocorrência de maiores potenciais de água nas folhas das plantas entre os meses de novembro e março, cujos valores variaram entre - 0,4 e -0,2 MPa e coincidentes com os meses de maiores precipitações. Por outro lado, nos meses de agosto e setembro foram observados os menores valores de potenciais de água na planta, da ordem de -1,44, -1,45 e -1,41 MPa para os clones V1, V2 e V9, respectivamente.
Until a few years ago the coffee was exploited almost exclusively in non - irrigated areas. Changes in the profile of Brazilian coffee in the last decade have made it possible to search for highly technical systems that incorporate new scientific knowledge and business management, at both the small as large farmers. In this context, this work was to evaluate the overall performance of irrigated conilon Vitória and irrigation management for this variety of coffee intercropped with coconut crops, at conditions of Santa Teresa - ES. The experiment was carried in the experimental area in Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo campus in Santa Teresa, ES, in geographic coordinates: latitude 19° 48' South, longitude 40° 40' West and altitude of 174 m. The coffee used in the experiment was the variety clonal conilon Vitória, comprising 13 clones, planted in March 2006, spaced 3.0 x 1.5 m, an red latosol. The irrigation system is installed in the experimental area drip, comprising main lines and derivation of PVC buried on the ground side and along rows of plants lines. Irrigation was carried out with variable irrigation schedule, allowing the adaptation of the irrigation in different stages of vegetative development of the crop. The experiment began in January 2011, covering the 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 seasons. For the 13 clones studied (V1 to V13), five different irrigation depths (L1 = 40 % = 60 % L2, L3 = 80 %, L4 and L5 = 100 % = 120 % of ETo) applications were made during the two harvests. We evaluated the productivity of four plants in each treatment, which was subsequently converted into bags per hectare. To analyze the effects of irrigation management on the productivity of coffee plantations was determined response coefficient of production or sensibility factor to water deficit (ky) and plant water potential. According to the results for the 2011/2012 harvest, we can verify that the V4 and V5 clones were the most productive, with 56.82 and 56.93 sc.ha -1 processed coffee, respectively, followed by clone V11 with 41.35 sc.ha-1, considering the smallest water depth. The V8 clone was the least productive with only 22.76 sc.ha -1 processed coffee. Compared to the state average (26.09 sc.ha-1 processed coffee) for conditions of greater water stress (water depth equal to 40% of ETo), the productivity of clones V4 and V5 were approximately 118 and 117%, respectively, higher. As for the clone V8, productivity was 12% lower than the state average for the crop. For the 2012/2013 harvest, it was found that, for the blades irrigation equal to 40, 60 and 80% ETo, there was no significant difference in productivity Conilon Victory. As for the water depth equal to 100% of ETo, V4, V5, V9 and V12 were the most productive clones with 88.09; 82.56; 101.23 and 82.98 sc.ha -1 processed coffee, respectively. These values were 237, 216, 288 and 218%, respectively, for the same clones larger than average productivity of the state Conilon. Considering the blade greater water availability (120% ETo), V2, V4, V5, V9, V11 and V12 were the most productive clones with 93.38; 96.51; 90.97; 113.62; 84.63 and 100.70 sc.ha-1 processed coffee, respectively. One sees coefficients of response to water deficit greater than 1.15 only for V7 and V9 clones with the blade 40% of ETo for the harvest of 2011/2012. According to the classification, these clones have high sensitivity to water stress. Clones V8 and V12, with coefficients of response to water deficit equal to 1.11 and 1.06, respectively, were classified as medium/high sensitivity to water stress values. For this blade, V3, V4 and V5 clones with 0,83 ky; 0.75 and 0.79, respectively, were classified as having low sensitivity to water stress. The other clones with ky between 0.85 and 1.00 were classified as low/medium sensitivity. Still in the same season for the irrigation depth of 60%, V1, V3, V11, V12 and V13, with ky coefficients between 1.00 and 1.15, clones were classified as medium/high sensitivity to water stress; V4 and V5 clones with equal coefficients and value 0.91 were classified as low/medium sensitivity and all clones showed high sensitivity to water stress (ky > 1.15). In the season 2012/2013, it is observed that, for the blades 40% evapotranspiration, V2, V3, V6, V10 and V13 clones showed values lower than 0.85 ky, being classified as low sensitivity to water stress. For water depth equal to 60% of ETo, V3 and V6 clones were classified as low sensitivity to water stress, while the V10 clone was classified as low/medium sensitivity. Have the V2, V4, V5, V8, V12 and V13 clones were classified as medium/high sensitivity and others as high sensitivity to water stress. Considering the water depth equal to 80% of ETo, except V3 and V6 clones, which were classified as low/medium sensitivity, the clones were classified as high sensitivity. In general, the behavior of clones was quite similar, with the occurrence of major water potentials in leaves between November and March, with values ranging between -0.4 and -0.2 MPa and coincident with months increased precipitation. On the other hand, in the months of August and September the lowest values of water potential in the plant, of the order of -1.44, -1.45 and -1.41 MPa for V1, V2 and V9 clones were observed, respectively.
Until a few years ago the coffee was exploited almost exclusively in non - irrigated areas. Changes in the profile of Brazilian coffee in the last decade have made it possible to search for highly technical systems that incorporate new scientific knowledge and business management, at both the small as large farmers. In this context, this work was to evaluate the overall performance of irrigated conilon Vitória and irrigation management for this variety of coffee intercropped with coconut crops, at conditions of Santa Teresa - ES. The experiment was carried in the experimental area in Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo campus in Santa Teresa, ES, in geographic coordinates: latitude 19° 48' South, longitude 40° 40' West and altitude of 174 m. The coffee used in the experiment was the variety clonal conilon Vitória, comprising 13 clones, planted in March 2006, spaced 3.0 x 1.5 m, an red latosol. The irrigation system is installed in the experimental area drip, comprising main lines and derivation of PVC buried on the ground side and along rows of plants lines. Irrigation was carried out with variable irrigation schedule, allowing the adaptation of the irrigation in different stages of vegetative development of the crop. The experiment began in January 2011, covering the 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 seasons. For the 13 clones studied (V1 to V13), five different irrigation depths (L1 = 40 % = 60 % L2, L3 = 80 %, L4 and L5 = 100 % = 120 % of ETo) applications were made during the two harvests. We evaluated the productivity of four plants in each treatment, which was subsequently converted into bags per hectare. To analyze the effects of irrigation management on the productivity of coffee plantations was determined response coefficient of production or sensibility factor to water deficit (ky) and plant water potential. According to the results for the 2011/2012 harvest, we can verify that the V4 and V5 clones were the most productive, with 56.82 and 56.93 sc.ha -1 processed coffee, respectively, followed by clone V11 with 41.35 sc.ha-1, considering the smallest water depth. The V8 clone was the least productive with only 22.76 sc.ha -1 processed coffee. Compared to the state average (26.09 sc.ha-1 processed coffee) for conditions of greater water stress (water depth equal to 40% of ETo), the productivity of clones V4 and V5 were approximately 118 and 117%, respectively, higher. As for the clone V8, productivity was 12% lower than the state average for the crop. For the 2012/2013 harvest, it was found that, for the blades irrigation equal to 40, 60 and 80% ETo, there was no significant difference in productivity Conilon Victory. As for the water depth equal to 100% of ETo, V4, V5, V9 and V12 were the most productive clones with 88.09; 82.56; 101.23 and 82.98 sc.ha -1 processed coffee, respectively. These values were 237, 216, 288 and 218%, respectively, for the same clones larger than average productivity of the state Conilon. Considering the blade greater water availability (120% ETo), V2, V4, V5, V9, V11 and V12 were the most productive clones with 93.38; 96.51; 90.97; 113.62; 84.63 and 100.70 sc.ha-1 processed coffee, respectively. One sees coefficients of response to water deficit greater than 1.15 only for V7 and V9 clones with the blade 40% of ETo for the harvest of 2011/2012. According to the classification, these clones have high sensitivity to water stress. Clones V8 and V12, with coefficients of response to water deficit equal to 1.11 and 1.06, respectively, were classified as medium/high sensitivity to water stress values. For this blade, V3, V4 and V5 clones with 0,83 ky; 0.75 and 0.79, respectively, were classified as having low sensitivity to water stress. The other clones with ky between 0.85 and 1.00 were classified as low/medium sensitivity. Still in the same season for the irrigation depth of 60%, V1, V3, V11, V12 and V13, with ky coefficients between 1.00 and 1.15, clones were classified as medium/high sensitivity to water stress; V4 and V5 clones with equal coefficients and value 0.91 were classified as low/medium sensitivity and all clones showed high sensitivity to water stress (ky > 1.15). In the season 2012/2013, it is observed that, for the blades 40% evapotranspiration, V2, V3, V6, V10 and V13 clones showed values lower than 0.85 ky, being classified as low sensitivity to water stress. For water depth equal to 60% of ETo, V3 and V6 clones were classified as low sensitivity to water stress, while the V10 clone was classified as low/medium sensitivity. Have the V2, V4, V5, V8, V12 and V13 clones were classified as medium/high sensitivity and others as high sensitivity to water stress. Considering the water depth equal to 80% of ETo, except V3 and V6 clones, which were classified as low/medium sensitivity, the clones were classified as high sensitivity. In general, the behavior of clones was quite similar, with the occurrence of major water potentials in leaves between November and March, with values ranging between -0.4 and -0.2 MPa and coincident with months increased precipitation. On the other hand, in the months of August and September the lowest values of water potential in the plant, of the order of -1.44, -1.45 and -1.41 MPa for V1, V2 and V9 clones were observed, respectively.
Irrigação, Irrigação - Manejo, Agricultura irrigada, Cafeeiro, Irrigation, Irrigation - Management, Irrigated agriculture, Coffee tree
OLIVEIRA, Ednaldo Miranda de. Productivity of thirteen clones conilon coffee Vitoria under different irrigation dephts. 2014. 111 f. Tese (Doutorado em Construções rurais e ambiência; Energia na agricultura; Mecanização agrícola; Processamento de produ) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2014.