Influência da cobertura e do solo na composição florística do sub-bosque em uma floresta estacional semidecidual em Viçosa, MG, Brasil
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Acta Botanica Brasilica
A relação ecológica planta-luz tem sido estudada desde o início do século XX. As análises da relação da luminosidade ao nível das comunidades florestais têm se valido de medições indiretas por meio de índices de cobertura, mas sem a aplicação da fotogrametria para estimar essa cobertura. Este trabalho foi idealizado para utilizar fotogrametria do dossel, tornando-a aplicável ao estudo da luminosidade no sub-bosque herbáceo-arbustivo. Teve como objetivos estabelecer a relação existente entre espécies do estrato herbáceo-arbustivo e a cobertura do dossel e averiguar a existência de correlações entre espécies, luminosidade e variáveis pedológicas. Para tanto, foram tiradas fotografias em preto e branco nos períodos seco e chuvoso, em 100 (1 m×1 m) parcelas aplicadas para a amostragem da vegetação herbácea. Foram colhidas amostras de solo em cada parcela. A partir dos valores médios das medidas de cobertura estimada pelas fotografias dos períodos seco e chuvoso calculou-se o valor médio de cobertura para cada espécie amostrada. Por meio do teste "t" student e da Análise de Correspondência Canônica foram determinadas as relações entre as espécies, a luminosidade e as variáveis pedológicas no estrato herbáceo-arbustivo. A cobertura não foi significativamente diferente nas épocas seca e na chuvosa. Apenas três espécies, Heisteria silviani, Calathea brasiliensis e Psychotria conjugens, tiveram médias de cobertura significativamente maiores que a média amostral e outras três, Olyra micrantha, Lacistema pubescens e Pteris denticulata, tiveram médias menores. As distribuições de parcelas pelos valores de cobertura, de tamanho de clareiras e pelo número de clareiras mostraram-se similares às distribuições encontradas na literatura para outras florestas tropicais e, portanto, o método da fotogrametria revelou-se adequado para a avaliação da cobertura. Verificou-se que os teores de cálcio, magnésio e potássio estavam correlacionados positivamente entre si e negativamente aos teores de alumínio. A cobertura revelou-se correlacionada negativamente aos teores de alumínio. Foram detectados cinco grupos de espécies segundo as preferências que apresentaram aos teores de cálcio, magnésio, potássio, alumínio e a valores de cobertura. Os teores de alumínio revelaram-se os maiores determinantes da variação encontrada na vegetação de sub-bosque. As variáveis pedológicas mostraram-se mais importantes que a variação de cobertura encontrada no sub-bosque para determinar alterações estruturais no estrato herbáceo-arbustivo.
Plant-light ecological relations have been studied since the early 20th century. Light within forests has been studied since then. At community level, light environment analysis has been carried out by indirect cover measurement, but without any photogrammetric methods. This work aims to apply the canopy photogrammetric method in light environment studies of understory. Correlations among edaphic, cover and species variations were investigated to understand the understory environment. These studies were carried out in a sampled area for understory phytosociological analysis. The black and white canopy photographs were taken for cover estimation. Photographs were taken in dry and rainy seasons at 100 sample quadrats. Soil samples were taken at these quadrats. The cover average for sampled species was calculated and "t" student test was applied for testing the significance of difference between specific and populational means. Correspondence Canonical Analysis was applied to determine correlations among species, edaphic factors and cover. Cover was not significantly different in dry and rainy seasons. Only three species Heisteria silviani, Calathea brasiliensis and Psychotria conjugens, had mean cover greater than the populational mean. Other three species, Olyra micrantha, Lacistema pubescens and Pteris denticulata, had mean cover smaller than the populational mean. The sample quadrats frequency distribution and the gap size frequency distribution were similar to those found in other tropical forests. Thus, the canopy photogrammetric method was appropriate for the indirect evaluation of light environmemt of tropical seasonal and rain forests. The Correspondence Canonical Analysis showed that calcium, magnesium and potassium grades were positively correlated among themselves and negatively correlated to aluminium grades. Cover was negatively correlated to aluminium grades. Five species groups were detected by preferences to calcium, magnesium, potassium and aluminium grades and cover percentage. The aluminium grades are the main variable relatated to the herb-shrub vegetation changes. The edaphic factor variations were more important than the cover percentage variations in determining structural alterations of forest herb-shrub layer.
Plant-light ecological relations have been studied since the early 20th century. Light within forests has been studied since then. At community level, light environment analysis has been carried out by indirect cover measurement, but without any photogrammetric methods. This work aims to apply the canopy photogrammetric method in light environment studies of understory. Correlations among edaphic, cover and species variations were investigated to understand the understory environment. These studies were carried out in a sampled area for understory phytosociological analysis. The black and white canopy photographs were taken for cover estimation. Photographs were taken in dry and rainy seasons at 100 sample quadrats. Soil samples were taken at these quadrats. The cover average for sampled species was calculated and "t" student test was applied for testing the significance of difference between specific and populational means. Correspondence Canonical Analysis was applied to determine correlations among species, edaphic factors and cover. Cover was not significantly different in dry and rainy seasons. Only three species Heisteria silviani, Calathea brasiliensis and Psychotria conjugens, had mean cover greater than the populational mean. Other three species, Olyra micrantha, Lacistema pubescens and Pteris denticulata, had mean cover smaller than the populational mean. The sample quadrats frequency distribution and the gap size frequency distribution were similar to those found in other tropical forests. Thus, the canopy photogrammetric method was appropriate for the indirect evaluation of light environmemt of tropical seasonal and rain forests. The Correspondence Canonical Analysis showed that calcium, magnesium and potassium grades were positively correlated among themselves and negatively correlated to aluminium grades. Cover was negatively correlated to aluminium grades. Five species groups were detected by preferences to calcium, magnesium, potassium and aluminium grades and cover percentage. The aluminium grades are the main variable relatated to the herb-shrub vegetation changes. The edaphic factor variations were more important than the cover percentage variations in determining structural alterations of forest herb-shrub layer.
Análise de Correspondência Canônica, Clareiras, luminosidade, Mata Atlântica, Fitossociologia, Canonical correspondence analisys, Canopy gap, Light, Seasonal semidecidual forest, Atlantic Forest, Phytosociology