Emergência energética: impactos econômicos do aumento do consumo de energia pelo setor de energia
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A energia é um elemento essencial para o bem-estar da humanidade e está intrinsicamente ligada à atividade econômica. No entanto, a alta dependência de recursos fósseis e o aumento da demanda por energia geram incertezas em relação às implicações na economia. Por essa razão, este estudo investigou como um aumento no consumo de energia pelo setor de energia afetará o restante da economia. O estudo iniciou-se calculando o indicador "Energy Return on Investment" (EROI) para os países selecionados pela base de dados da OCDE e globalmente de 1995 a 2018, usando matriz insumo-produto para identificar os insumos diretos e indiretos usados pelo setor energético na produção de energia. Em seguida, verificou-se o comportamento da série de tempo do EROI global e foi feita a previsão do EROI global até 2049. Por fim, avaliaram-se os impactos do EROI global estimado para 2049 sobre a produção total, considerando as observações disponíveis até 2018. Os resultados indicam que a maioria dos países apresentaram valores de EROI baixos com quedas graduais ao longo dos anos, assim como o EROI global. As estimativas sugerem que a produção de energia atual não é sustentável e que os insumos de produção, principalmente energia, precisam ser alocados no setor de energia para fornecer a sociedade a quantidade mínima de energia, para que o sistema econômico continue operando. Identificou-se uma tendência decrescente nos dados observados e, ao realizar a previsão até 2049, as estimativas mantiveram a tendência de queda esperada. Ao avaliar a produção total, identificou-se um aumento de 3,19% na produção total entre 2018 e 2049, indicando que é necessário aumentar a produção total da economia em cerca de 3,19% para satisfazer a demanda energética. Especificamente para o setor energético, observou-se um aumento de 25,16% na produção total entre 2018 e 2049, o que significa que é necessário que a produção do setor de energia aumente em 25,16% para satisfazer a demanda interna do setor de energia e garantir o mesmo nível de produção da economia como um todo. Palavras-chave: EROI. Consumo de energia. Energia incorporada. Insumo-produto.
Energy is an essential element for human well-being and is intrinsically linked to economic activity. However, heavy dependence on fossil fuels and increasing energy demand create uncertainties regarding the implications for the economy. Therefore, this study investigates how an increase in energy consumption by the energy sector will affect the rest of the economy. The study began by calculating the "Energy Return on Investment" (EROI) indicator for the countries available in the OECD database and globally from 1995 to 2018, using input-output matrices to identify the direct and indirect inputs used by the energy sector in energy production. Then, the behavior of the global EROI time series was examined and the global EROI was forecasted until 2049. Finally, the impacts of the estimated global EROI for 2049 on total production were evaluated, considering the observations available until 2018. The results indicate that most countries had low EROI values with gradual declines over the years, as did the global EROI. The estimates suggest that current energy production is not sustainable, and that production inputs, mainly energy, need to be allocated to the energy sector to provide society with the minimum amount of energy necessary for the economic system to continue operating. A decreasing trend was identified in the observed data, and the forecasts maintained the expected downward trend. When evaluating total production, an increase of 3.19% was identified between 2018 and 2049, indicating that it is necessary to increase total production of the economy by about 3.19 percent to satisfy the additional energy demand. Specifically for the energy sector, a 25.16% increase in total production between 2018 and 2049 was observed, meaning that it is necessary for the energy sector production to increase by 25.16% to satisfy the internal demand of the energy sector and supply the same final demand for the economy as a whole. Keywords: EROI. Energy consumption. Embodied energy. Input-output.
Energy is an essential element for human well-being and is intrinsically linked to economic activity. However, heavy dependence on fossil fuels and increasing energy demand create uncertainties regarding the implications for the economy. Therefore, this study investigates how an increase in energy consumption by the energy sector will affect the rest of the economy. The study began by calculating the "Energy Return on Investment" (EROI) indicator for the countries available in the OECD database and globally from 1995 to 2018, using input-output matrices to identify the direct and indirect inputs used by the energy sector in energy production. Then, the behavior of the global EROI time series was examined and the global EROI was forecasted until 2049. Finally, the impacts of the estimated global EROI for 2049 on total production were evaluated, considering the observations available until 2018. The results indicate that most countries had low EROI values with gradual declines over the years, as did the global EROI. The estimates suggest that current energy production is not sustainable, and that production inputs, mainly energy, need to be allocated to the energy sector to provide society with the minimum amount of energy necessary for the economic system to continue operating. A decreasing trend was identified in the observed data, and the forecasts maintained the expected downward trend. When evaluating total production, an increase of 3.19% was identified between 2018 and 2049, indicating that it is necessary to increase total production of the economy by about 3.19 percent to satisfy the additional energy demand. Specifically for the energy sector, a 25.16% increase in total production between 2018 and 2049 was observed, meaning that it is necessary for the energy sector production to increase by 25.16% to satisfy the internal demand of the energy sector and supply the same final demand for the economy as a whole. Keywords: EROI. Energy consumption. Embodied energy. Input-output.
Recursos energéticos, Energia - Consumo, Energia - Custos, Política energética
GONÇALVES, Iago Gomes. Emergência energética: impactos econômicos do aumento do consumo de energia pelo setor de energia. 2023. 83 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Economia Aplicada) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2023.