Nitrificação heterotrófica/desnitrificação aeróbia: caracterização de isolados e investigação das vias metabólicas
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A água de produção proveniente do processo de extração de petróleo contem elevadas concentrações de amônia. Despejos desses efluentes podem ser prejudiciais ao meio ambiente e, por isso, antes de ser descartado, o efluente deve ser tratado. A remoção biológica de amônia pode ocorrer por diferentes vias: a nitrificação autotrófica aeróbia, seguida da desnitrificação anaeróbia (processos convencionais), que é uma via bem conhecida e consolidada, onde cada etapa é realizada por diferentes microrganismos, e a nitrificação heterotrófica/desnitrificação aeróbia (NH/DA), onde um único microrganismo heterotrófico é capaz de realizar as duas etapas em condições de aerobiose, conferindo vantagens em relação à nitrificação e à desnitrificação convencionais para aplicação em estações de tratamento de efluentes. Porém, pouco se sabe sobre esse processo e sobre os microrganismos que o realizam. Assim, visando à otimização da remoção de amônia nas estações de tratamento, os objetivos deste trabalho foram isolar e identificar microrganismos capazes de realizar o processo de NH/DA de amostra de lodo ativado, avaliar a influência de fatores físico- químicos sobre a remoção de amônia, e investigar as possíveis vias de remoção de amônia através do estudo do transcriptoma de um dos isolados capazes de realizar a NH/DA. Foram identificados seis isolados bacterianos nitrificantes heterotróficos/desnitrificantes aeróbios capazes de converter 100 % de amônia em N2 em até 72 horas. Dos seis isolados, três foram identificados como Pseudomonas balearica, e os outros como Rhodococcus ruber, Pseudomonas stutzeri e Gordonia amicalis. Eles apresentaram perfil de resposta diferente em relação aos fatores físico-químicos estudados, porém, todos exibiram alta eficiência de remoção de amônia em diferentes fontes de carbono, relação C/N, concentrações salinas, pH e temperatura. O balanço de nitrogênio mostrou que, aproximadamente, 55 % de toda a amônia removida pelos isolados foi perdida na forma de N2, e 45 % foi assimilada na biomassa microbiana. Não foi possível detectar por PCR e genômica comparativa, os genes envolvidos no processo de nitrificação autotrófica no genoma dos isolados, entretando, os genes do processo de desnitrificação anaeróbia foram detectados nas espécies do gênero Pseudomonas, que também realizam esse processo, sugerindo o envolvimento de outras enzimas na via de NH/DA. O estudo do transcriptoma do isolado P. stutzeri 2v em condição de indução das vias de remoção de amônia mostrou que os genes envolvidos no processos convencionais não estão envolvidos na NH/DA, e que houve mudança na maquinaria de biossíntese e tradução proteica da célula, indicando que outros genes foram expressos durante o processo, possivelmente aqueles envolvidos na NH/DA. Foi observado também aumento na expressão de genes envolvidos em processos de óxido-redução, que podem estar diretamente envolvidas na NH/DA. Este trabalho mostrou que os isolados identificados possuem potencial para aplicação em estações de tratamento de efluentes visando a otimização do processo biológico de remoção de amônia, e que as enzimas envolvidas no processo de NH/DA são diferentes daquelas observadas nos processos convencionais.
Production water from oil extraction process contains high concentrations of ammonium. Discards of these effluents can be harmful to the environment and, therefore, before being discarded, the effluent must be treated. The biological removal of ammonium can occur through different routes: aerobic autotrophic nitrification, followed by anaerobic denitrification (conventional processes), which is a well known and consolidated route, where each stage is performed by different microorganisms, and the heterotrophic nitrification/aerobic denitrification (HN/AD), where a single heterotrophic microorganism is able to perform the two steps under aerobic conditions, conferring advantages over conventional nitrification and denitrification for application in effluent treatment plants. However, little is known about this process and the microorganisms that perform it. The aim of this work was to isolate and identify microorganisms capable of performing the HN/AD process from activated sludge sample, evaluate the influence of physicochemical factors on ammonium removal and investigate possible routes of ammonium removal by studying the transcriptome of one of the isolates capable of performing HN/AD. Six bacterial isolates HN/AD capable of converting 100% of ammonium into N2 within 72 hours were identified. Of the six isolates, three were identified as Pseudomonas balearica, and the others were Rhodococcus ruber, Pseudomonas stutzeri and Gordonia amicalis. They showed a different response profile in relation to the studied physicochemical factors, however, all showed high efficiency of ammonium removal in different carbon sources, C/N ratio, salt concentrations, pH and temperature. Nitrogen balance showed that approximately 55% of all the ammonium removed by the isolates was lost as N2 , and 45% was assimilated into the microbial biomass. It was not possible to detect by PCR and comparative genomics the genes involved in the autotrophic nitrification process in the genome of the isolates, although the genes of the anaerobic denitrification process were detected in the species of the genus Pseudomonas, which also perform this process, suggesting the involvement of other enzymes in the HN/AD pathway. The study of the transcriptome of the isolate P. stutzeri 2v in condition of ammonium removal pathway induction showed that the genes involved in the conventional processes are not involved in HN/AD and that there was a change in the biosynthesis machinery and protein translation of the cell, indicating that other genes were expressed during the process, possibly those involved in HN/AD. It has also been observed an increase in the expression of genes involved in oxide-reduction processes, which may be directly involved in HN/AD process. This work showed that the identified isolates have potential for application in effluent treatment plants, aiming at the optimization of the biological process of ammonium removal, and that the enzymes involved in the HN/AD process are different from those observed in the conventional processes.
Production water from oil extraction process contains high concentrations of ammonium. Discards of these effluents can be harmful to the environment and, therefore, before being discarded, the effluent must be treated. The biological removal of ammonium can occur through different routes: aerobic autotrophic nitrification, followed by anaerobic denitrification (conventional processes), which is a well known and consolidated route, where each stage is performed by different microorganisms, and the heterotrophic nitrification/aerobic denitrification (HN/AD), where a single heterotrophic microorganism is able to perform the two steps under aerobic conditions, conferring advantages over conventional nitrification and denitrification for application in effluent treatment plants. However, little is known about this process and the microorganisms that perform it. The aim of this work was to isolate and identify microorganisms capable of performing the HN/AD process from activated sludge sample, evaluate the influence of physicochemical factors on ammonium removal and investigate possible routes of ammonium removal by studying the transcriptome of one of the isolates capable of performing HN/AD. Six bacterial isolates HN/AD capable of converting 100% of ammonium into N2 within 72 hours were identified. Of the six isolates, three were identified as Pseudomonas balearica, and the others were Rhodococcus ruber, Pseudomonas stutzeri and Gordonia amicalis. They showed a different response profile in relation to the studied physicochemical factors, however, all showed high efficiency of ammonium removal in different carbon sources, C/N ratio, salt concentrations, pH and temperature. Nitrogen balance showed that approximately 55% of all the ammonium removed by the isolates was lost as N2 , and 45% was assimilated into the microbial biomass. It was not possible to detect by PCR and comparative genomics the genes involved in the autotrophic nitrification process in the genome of the isolates, although the genes of the anaerobic denitrification process were detected in the species of the genus Pseudomonas, which also perform this process, suggesting the involvement of other enzymes in the HN/AD pathway. The study of the transcriptome of the isolate P. stutzeri 2v in condition of ammonium removal pathway induction showed that the genes involved in the conventional processes are not involved in HN/AD and that there was a change in the biosynthesis machinery and protein translation of the cell, indicating that other genes were expressed during the process, possibly those involved in HN/AD. It has also been observed an increase in the expression of genes involved in oxide-reduction processes, which may be directly involved in HN/AD process. This work showed that the identified isolates have potential for application in effluent treatment plants, aiming at the optimization of the biological process of ammonium removal, and that the enzymes involved in the HN/AD process are different from those observed in the conventional processes.
Nitrificação, Desnitrificação, Petróleo - Prospecção, Amônia, Resíduos industriais, Expressão gênica
SILVA, Lívia Carneiro Fidélis. Nitrificação heterotrófica/desnitrificação aeróbia: caracterização de isolados e investigação das vias metabólicas. 2018. 91 f. Tese (Doutorado em Microbiologia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2018.