Prevalência de sintomas articulares crônicos e fatores associados em adultos do município de Viçosa-MG: um estudo de base populacional
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Este estudo transversal de base-populacional teve como objetivo estimar a prevalência de sintomas articulares crônicos (SAC) e seus determinantes, na cidade de Viçosa-MG, Brasil. A amostra foi composta por 1232 indivíduos, ambos os sexos, na faixa etária de 20 a 59 anos. A variável dependente foi a presença de SAC, definidos como a presença de dor, edema ou rigidez, com duração de no mínimo um mês e meio, no último ano. As variáveis exploratórias foram divididas em demográficas, socioeconômicas, comportamentais e biológicas. Para verificar as associações, foram utilizados os testes do Qui-quadrado de Pearson e de tendência linear. A análise múltipla foi realizada através da regressão de Poisson com variâncias robustas. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. A prevalência geral de SAC foi de 28,41% (IC95%: 25,9-30,9). Dentre os fatores associados observou-se maior prevalência para o sexo feminino com 31,44% (IC95%: 28,1-35,0); faixa etária de 50-59 anos, com 45,65% (IC95%: 38,5-52,9); para a menor escolaridade, 42,86% (IC95%: 33,6-52,6); entre os que possuem história familiar de artrite, 34,53% (IC95%: 29,9-39,4); obesidade, com 46,62% (IC95%: 38,6-54,7) e nos adultos que realizam trabalho repetitivo sempre, 34,13% (IC95%: 30,4-38,1). Concluiu-se que a prevalência de SAC é elevada para a população adulta, o que sinaliza para a necessidade de intervenções preventivas que atuem sobre os fatores modificáveis e minimizem seu impacto sobre o indivíduo, sociedade e sistemas de saúde.
This cross-sectional population-based study aimed to estimate the prevalence of chronic joint symptoms (SAC) and its determinants in Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The sample consisted of 1232 individuals, both sexes, aged between 20 and 59 years. The dependent variable was the presence of SAC, defined as the presence of pain, swelling or stiffness at least one month in the last year. The explanatory variables were divided into sociodemographic, behavioral, and biological. To verify the associations, the chi-square test and linear trend were used. Multiple regression analysis was performed using Poisson regression with robusts variances. The level of significance was set at 5%. The overall prevalence of SAC was 28.41% (31.44% for women and 24.53% men). Among the associated factors, was observed the highest prevalence in female gender: 31,44% (95% CI 28,1-35,0), aged 50-59 years: 45,65% (95% CI 38,5-52,9), the lowest educational level: 42,86% (95% CI 33,6-52,6), among those with a family history of arthritis: 34,53% (95% CI 29,9-39,4), in obese: 46,62% (95% CI 38,6-54,7) and those who perform repetitive work always: 34,13% (95% CI 30,4-38,1). It was concluded that the prevalence of SAC is high for the adult population, which signals the need for preventive interventions that target modifiable factors and minimize their impact on individuals, society and public health.
This cross-sectional population-based study aimed to estimate the prevalence of chronic joint symptoms (SAC) and its determinants in Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The sample consisted of 1232 individuals, both sexes, aged between 20 and 59 years. The dependent variable was the presence of SAC, defined as the presence of pain, swelling or stiffness at least one month in the last year. The explanatory variables were divided into sociodemographic, behavioral, and biological. To verify the associations, the chi-square test and linear trend were used. Multiple regression analysis was performed using Poisson regression with robusts variances. The level of significance was set at 5%. The overall prevalence of SAC was 28.41% (31.44% for women and 24.53% men). Among the associated factors, was observed the highest prevalence in female gender: 31,44% (95% CI 28,1-35,0), aged 50-59 years: 45,65% (95% CI 38,5-52,9), the lowest educational level: 42,86% (95% CI 33,6-52,6), among those with a family history of arthritis: 34,53% (95% CI 29,9-39,4), in obese: 46,62% (95% CI 38,6-54,7) and those who perform repetitive work always: 34,13% (95% CI 30,4-38,1). It was concluded that the prevalence of SAC is high for the adult population, which signals the need for preventive interventions that target modifiable factors and minimize their impact on individuals, society and public health.
Artrite, Sintomas articulares crônicos, Articulações - Doenças, Adulto, Viçosa (MG)
MORAIS, Sílvia Helena de Oliveira. Prevalência de sintomas articulares crônicos e fatores associados em adultos do município de Viçosa-MG: um estudo de base populacional. 2014. 47 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Nutrição) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2014.