Cissus verticillata (Vitaceae): Informações etnofarmacológicas e anatomia dos órgãos vegetativos
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Cissus verticillata é conhecida popularmente como insulina vegetal e é bastante utilizada na medicina popular como antiflamatório, antidiabético, entre outros. Para um maior entendimento da relação das propriedades terapêuticas e formas de utilização de plantas medicinais é de fundamental importância investigações estruturais, bem como informações etnofarmacológicas. Este trabalho teve como objetivos obter informações etnofarmacológicas de Cissus verticillata na zona urbana de Manaus (AM) e caracterizar anatomicamente os órgãos vegetativos. O material botânico foi coletado no Campus da Universidade Federal do Amazonas UFAM (AM). O estudo etnofarmacológico foi realizado na zona urbana da cidade de Manaus-Am, com os feirantes que comercializam plantas medicinais, por meio de entrevistas, utilizando-se questionários com perguntas semi-estruturadas e/ou abertas. Para o estudo anatômico foram coletadas, de 06 indivíduos, de C. verticillata cultivados no Campus da Universidade Federal do Amazonas, amostras da raiz, do caule, da folha e da gavinha. Amostras da lâmina foliar foram: diafanizadas, dissociadas e processadas para observação ao microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV), conforme métodos usuais. Fragmentos da raiz, caule, folha e gavinha foram incluídos em resina metacrilato para obtenção de cortes em micrótomo rotativo, os quais foram corados com azul de toluidina e montadas com resina sintética. Cortes histológicos de amostras frescas foram submetidos a testes histoquímicos visando identificar a natureza química das substâncias secretadas. Com relação às informações etnofarmacológicas, a espécie estudada é pouco conhecida e é comercializada apenas in natura pelos feirantes que trabalham com plantas medicinais na zona urbana de Manaus. Insulina Vegetal é empregada no tratamento de cinco doenças dentre estas as mais citadas são diabetes, colesterol e inflamações, sendo o chá a única forma de preparo da planta como medicamento, feito de qualquer parte dos órgãos vegetativos, exceto da raiz. Atualmente existem dois perfis de feirantes que trabalham com plantas medicinais. O primeiro formado por profissionais liberais e/ou aposentados de áreas não ligadas à biologia, que participaram de cursos, deixando-os aptos ao trabalho com as plantas medicinais. O segundo, formado por feirantes com conhecimento herdado dos pais e/ou avós que já trabalhavam com a medicina tradicional. Quanto à anatomia, idioblastos secretores contendo cristais de oxalato de cálcio, cristais embebidos em substâncias amorfas ou apenas com substâncias amorfas, encontram-se no córtex e na medula de todos os órgãos vegetativos da espécie em estudo. A raiz é adventícia com periderme, originada de regiões subepidérmicas, córtex parenquimático, endoderme evidente, cilíndro vascular formado por um anel contínuo de xilema e floema e medula parenquimática. O caule jovem possui epiderme com cutícula ornamentada que é substituída por uma periderme no crescimento secundário, o córtex compõe-se de parênquima, colênquima e alguns esclereídes, os feixes são colaterais, verificou-se tilose e evento semelhante a gomose no tecido xilemático e na medula parenquimática. A gavinha apresenta organização estrutural semelhante ao caule jovem, o que sugere ser de origem caulinar. O pecíolo da folha possui epiderme com cutícula ornamentada, o córtex compõe-se de colênquima e parênquima, os feixes vasculares são colaterais e a medula parenquimática. A epiderme da lâmina foliar é unisseriada com estômatos em ambas as faces com cutícula ornamentada e tricoma tector multicelular na região das nervuras e margens e uma glândula multicelular localizada na epiderme da axila da face abaxial; o mesofilo foliar é dorsiventral e os feixes vasculares são colaterais. Os testes histoquímicos evidenciaram polissacarídeos totais (pectina e mucilagem) e amido presente em todos os órgãos e composto fenólico (tanino) e lipídeos (óleo essencial) armazenado em idioblastos na folha e raiz da espécie em questão. Este trabalho vem subsidiar estudos taxonômicos, farmacológicos e fitoterápicos.
Cissus verticillata is popularly known as vegetable insulin and is largely used as antiinflammatory and antidiabetic, among others properties, in popular medicine. Structural investigations together with ethnopharmacological information are crucial for a better understanding of the relationship of therapeutical properties with the forms of medicinal plant utilization. The objective of this work was to gather ethnopharmacological information on Cissus verticillata in the urban area of Manaus (AM) and to characterize anatomically the vegetative organs. The botanical material was collected in the Campus of the Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM (AM). The ethnopharmacological study was carried out in the urban area of the city of Manaus-Am, with market traders that commercialize medicinal plants, through interviews, using questionnaires with semistructuralized and/or open questions. For the anatomical study, root, stem, leaf and tendril samples were collected from 6 C. verticillata plants cultivated in the Campus of the Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Samples of leaf lamina were cleared, dissociated and processed for Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) view, following usual methodology. Tissues from roots, stems, leaves and tendrils were embedded in methacrylate resin for sectioning in a rotating microtome, stained with toluidine blue and mounted with synthetic resin. Histological sectionings of fresh samples were subjected to histochemical tests to identify the chemical nature of the secreted compounds. Little is known about the ethnopharmacological aspects of the studied species that is only commercialized in crude form by market traders working with medicinal plants in the urban area of Manaus. Vegetal Insulin is used in the treatment of five illnesses, amongst these the most cited are diabetes, cholesterol and inflammations, being the herbal tea the only form of plant preparation as remedy, made from any part of the vegetative organs except roots. At present, there are two profiles of market traders working with medicinal plants. The first profile is formed by liberal professionals and/or pensioners coming from non-biological areas, who had taken courses enabling them to work with medicinal plants. Market traders form the second profile, with knowledge inherited from parents and/or grandmothers who had already worked with traditional medicine. Anatomical characteristics; secretory idioblasts containing calcium oxalate crystals, crystals embedded in amorphous substances or only amorphous substances are found in the cortex and medulla of all vegetative organs of the studied species. Adventitious root with periderm, originated from subepidermic layer, parenchymatous cortex, evident endoderm, vascular cylinder formed by a continuous ring of xylem and phloem and parenchymatous medulla. Young stem has epidermis with ornamented cuticle that is replaced by periderm in the secondary growth. Cortex is formed by parenchyma, collenchyma and some sclereids, collateral bundles, tylosis and similar event gummosis occurred in the xylem tissue and parenchymatous medulla. Tendrils show structural organization similar to young stem, suggesting stem origin. Leaf petiole shows epidermis with ornamented cuticle, cortex consisting of parenchyma and collenchyma, collateral vascular bundles and parenchymatous medulla. Epidermis of leaf lamina is uniseriate, stomata in both limb surfaces with ornamented cuticle and multicellular tectorial trichomes in the region of ribs and margins, and a multicellular gland in the axil epidermis of the abaxial surface; dorsiventral leaf mesophyll and collateral vascular bundles. The histochemical tests confirmed total polysaccharides (pectin and mucilage) and starch presence in all organs. Phenolic compound (tannin) and lipids (essential oil) are stored in leaf and root idioblasts. This work contributes to taxonomical, pharmacological and phytotherapic studies.
Cissus verticillata is popularly known as vegetable insulin and is largely used as antiinflammatory and antidiabetic, among others properties, in popular medicine. Structural investigations together with ethnopharmacological information are crucial for a better understanding of the relationship of therapeutical properties with the forms of medicinal plant utilization. The objective of this work was to gather ethnopharmacological information on Cissus verticillata in the urban area of Manaus (AM) and to characterize anatomically the vegetative organs. The botanical material was collected in the Campus of the Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM (AM). The ethnopharmacological study was carried out in the urban area of the city of Manaus-Am, with market traders that commercialize medicinal plants, through interviews, using questionnaires with semistructuralized and/or open questions. For the anatomical study, root, stem, leaf and tendril samples were collected from 6 C. verticillata plants cultivated in the Campus of the Universidade Federal do Amazonas. Samples of leaf lamina were cleared, dissociated and processed for Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) view, following usual methodology. Tissues from roots, stems, leaves and tendrils were embedded in methacrylate resin for sectioning in a rotating microtome, stained with toluidine blue and mounted with synthetic resin. Histological sectionings of fresh samples were subjected to histochemical tests to identify the chemical nature of the secreted compounds. Little is known about the ethnopharmacological aspects of the studied species that is only commercialized in crude form by market traders working with medicinal plants in the urban area of Manaus. Vegetal Insulin is used in the treatment of five illnesses, amongst these the most cited are diabetes, cholesterol and inflammations, being the herbal tea the only form of plant preparation as remedy, made from any part of the vegetative organs except roots. At present, there are two profiles of market traders working with medicinal plants. The first profile is formed by liberal professionals and/or pensioners coming from non-biological areas, who had taken courses enabling them to work with medicinal plants. Market traders form the second profile, with knowledge inherited from parents and/or grandmothers who had already worked with traditional medicine. Anatomical characteristics; secretory idioblasts containing calcium oxalate crystals, crystals embedded in amorphous substances or only amorphous substances are found in the cortex and medulla of all vegetative organs of the studied species. Adventitious root with periderm, originated from subepidermic layer, parenchymatous cortex, evident endoderm, vascular cylinder formed by a continuous ring of xylem and phloem and parenchymatous medulla. Young stem has epidermis with ornamented cuticle that is replaced by periderm in the secondary growth. Cortex is formed by parenchyma, collenchyma and some sclereids, collateral bundles, tylosis and similar event gummosis occurred in the xylem tissue and parenchymatous medulla. Tendrils show structural organization similar to young stem, suggesting stem origin. Leaf petiole shows epidermis with ornamented cuticle, cortex consisting of parenchyma and collenchyma, collateral vascular bundles and parenchymatous medulla. Epidermis of leaf lamina is uniseriate, stomata in both limb surfaces with ornamented cuticle and multicellular tectorial trichomes in the region of ribs and margins, and a multicellular gland in the axil epidermis of the abaxial surface; dorsiventral leaf mesophyll and collateral vascular bundles. The histochemical tests confirmed total polysaccharides (pectin and mucilage) and starch presence in all organs. Phenolic compound (tannin) and lipids (essential oil) are stored in leaf and root idioblasts. This work contributes to taxonomical, pharmacological and phytotherapic studies.
Vitaceae, Anatomia vegetal, Folha, Estruturas secretoras, Vitaceae, Plant anatomy, Leaf, Secretory structures
OLIVEIRA, Andréia Barroncas de. Cissus verticillata (Vitaceae): Ethnopharmacological information and anatomy of vegetative organs. 2006. 75 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Botânica estrutural; Ecologia e Sistemática) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2006.