Composição florística da vegetação arbórea de um trecho de floresta de galeria do Parque Estadual do Rola-Moça na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil
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Acta Botanica Brasilica
O estudo foi desenvolvido em um trecho de floresta de galeria na Área de Proteção Especial do Barreiro integrante do Parque Estadual do Rola-Moça, Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (MG). O objetivo foi determinar a composição desse trecho de floresta, importante como subsídio à projetos de recuperação e enriquecimento dessa tipologia. A composição florística foi determinada a partir de uma amostragem fitossociológica na qual foi utilizado o método de parcelas sendo demarcadas 36 parcelas de 10×10m, além de coletas complementares realizadas fora da amostragem. Foram relacionados todos os indivíduos arbóreos com circunferência de tronco a 1,30m do solo igual ou superior a 15cm. Encontrou-se 97 espécies, distribuídas por 79 gêneros de 43 famílias. A composição florística quando comparada com outras florestas de galeria no Sudeste e Centro-Oeste apresentou baixa similaridade, sendo a maior semelhança verificada com as florestas do sul de Minas. A riqueza florística apresentou diferenças significativas quando relacionada à distância do córrego, sendo as parcelas situadas aos 28, 64 e 82m as responsáveis pelos maiores valores de riqueza.
The study was developed in a gallery forest in the Área de Proteção Especial do Barreiro area in Rola-Moça state Park, Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte (MG). The objective was to determine the floristic composition of that forest, important for subsidy in recovery projects. The floristic composition was determinated from phytosociological sample through the method of quadrats, being demarcated 36 quadrats of 10×10m. All the arboreal individuals were included with girth at breast height equal to or greater than 15cm. Were encountered, 97 species, distributed from 79 genera of 43 families. The floristic composition when compared with other gallery forest in the Southeast and Center-west presented low similarity, being the largest similarity verified to the forest of south of Minas state. The floristic richness showed significant differences when related with distance of the stream, being the zone located at 28, 64 and 82m responsible for the largest richness values.
The study was developed in a gallery forest in the Área de Proteção Especial do Barreiro area in Rola-Moça state Park, Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte (MG). The objective was to determine the floristic composition of that forest, important for subsidy in recovery projects. The floristic composition was determinated from phytosociological sample through the method of quadrats, being demarcated 36 quadrats of 10×10m. All the arboreal individuals were included with girth at breast height equal to or greater than 15cm. Were encountered, 97 species, distributed from 79 genera of 43 families. The floristic composition when compared with other gallery forest in the Southeast and Center-west presented low similarity, being the largest similarity verified to the forest of south of Minas state. The floristic richness showed significant differences when related with distance of the stream, being the zone located at 28, 64 and 82m responsible for the largest richness values.
Florística, Fisionomia, Floresta de galeria, Similaridade florística, Floristic, Physiognomy, Gallery forest, Floristic similarity