Retinol, carotenoides e tocoferóis do leite humano e aspectos antropométricos, bioquímicos e dietéticos de nutrizes adolescentes e adultas
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O leite humano é a fonte nutricional recomendada para promoção da saúde das crianças, capaz de fornecer todos os nutrientes essenciais para garantir o adequado crescimento e desenvolvimento. Dentre os constituintes do leite, destacam-se as vitaminas A e E, e carotenoides por apresentarem um importante potencial antioxidante e contribuírem para o fortalecimento do sistema imunológico dos lactentes. A idade materna é um dos fatores que pode influenciar o conteúdo de nutrientes do leite, aumentando os riscos de deficiências nutricionais para o bebê. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a composição de retinol, carotenoides e tocoferóis no leite humano e plasma materno, bem como os aspectos antropométricos, bioquímicos e dietéticos de nutrizes adolescentes e adultas do município de Viçosa, Minas Gerais. Trata-se de um estudo transversal com nutrizes e seus respectivos lactentes com idade entre 30 e 180 dias. Procedeu-se com aplicação de questionário estruturado e de inquéritos dietéticos, avaliação antropométrica e de composição corporal, e análises bioquímicas do leite humano e plasma materno. A amostra foi composta por 30 nutrizes adolescentes (17,5±1,5 anos) e 30 adultas (27,4±5,0 anos), segundo idade pós-parto e condição socioeconômica. Em comparação ao grupo das adultas, nutrizes adolescentes apresentaram valores inferiores para escolaridade, renda familiar per capita, idade ginecológica, número de gestações, número de consultas pré-natal, IMC pré-gestacional (P<0,05). Pelos recordatórios alimentares de 24 horas houve consumo inferior de lipídios totais, vitamina A, α e -caroteno pelas adolescentes (P<0,05), e 100% de prevalência de ingestões inadequadas de vitaminas, por ambos os grupos. Pelo questionário de frequência de consumo alimentar, adolescentes também apresentaram menor consumo de α e -caroteno. Nutrizes adultas apresentaram valores médios superiores de IMC, dobras cutâneas tricipital, subescapular e suprailíaca, gordura central, percentual de gordura corporal e perímetro braquial (P<0,05). Foi identificado maior percentual de baixo peso entre as nutrizes adolescentes em oposição a maior proporção de sobrepeso e obesidade no grupo das adultas (P<0,05). As medidas antropométricas dos lactentes não diferiram entre os dois grupos. A análise bioquímica indicou valores inferiores de colesterol total, lipoproteína de alta densidade, retinol, α- tocoferol e -caroteno no sangue das nutrizes adolescentes (P<0,05). Para adolescentes e adultas, respectivamente, as concentrações de retinol (1,31±0,96 vs 1,1β±0,56 μmol/L), α-caroteno (0,002±0,003 vs μmol/L), 0,003±0,003 -caroteno (0,16±0,06 vs 0,16±0,04 μmol/L), luteína+zeaxantina (0,γ0±0,16 vs 0,β7±0,14 μmol/L), α-tocoferol (3,80±1,14 vs 3,65±1,10 μmol/L) e -tocoferol (1,01±0,42 vs 0,85±0,45 μmol/L) no leite humano não apresentaram diferença estatística (P<0,05). O -tocoferol do leite foi o único nutriente que se correlacionou positivamente com as concentrações plasmáticas. Nenhuma correlação foi encontrada entre os nutrientes do leite e a ingestão dietética das nutrizes. Em contrapartida, retinol, -caroteno e luteína+zeaxantina plasmáticos associaram-se positivamente ao consumo alimentar, calculado por ambos os inquéritos. Diversas correlações foram identificadas entre as concentrações dos nutrientes no leite e no plasma, para adolescentes e adultas. Concluiu-se que as concentrações de nutrientes do leite independem de fatores como a idade, estado nutricional e ingestão alimentar materna. O aconselhamento dietético faz-se necessário para promover melhoria dos hábitos alimentares e do estado nutricional das nutrizes, principalmente de adolescentes.
Human milk is the recommended nutritional source for the promotion of infant’s health, able to provide all the essential nutrients to adequately promote growth and development. Among the components of milk, there is vitamin A and E, and carotenoids that presents an important antioxidant potential and contribute to strengthening the infant’s immune system. Maternal age is a factor that can influence the milk’s nutritional content, increasing the risk of nutritional deficiencies for the baby. The objective of this study was to analyze the composition of retinol, carotenoids and tocopherols in human milk as well as anthropometric, biochemical and dietary aspects of lactating adolescent and adult the municipality of Viçosa. This is a cross-sectional study with lactating mothers and their infants aged in between 30 and 180 days. The assessment included a structured questionnaire, dietary surveys, anthropometric and body composition, and biochemical analyze of human milk and maternal plasma. The sample consisting of 30 lactating adolescents (17.5±1.5 years) and 30 lactating adults (27.4±5.0 years), matched according to time postpartum and socioeconomic status. Compared to the group of adults, lactating adolescents showed lower levels of education, family income, gynecological age, number of pregnancies, number of prenatal visits, and pre-pregnancy body mass index (P<0.05). Dietary intake assessed according to the 24-hour dietary recalls showed lower consumption of total fat, vitamin A, α and -carotene by adolescents (P<0.05). Both groups presented 100% inadequate intake of vitamins. Adult lactating women had higher mean values of body mass index, triceps, subscapular and suprailiac skinfolds, central fat, body fat percentage and mid-arm circumference. Overall, a high percentage of lactating teenage mothers were underweight while lactating adults had a higher amount of overweight and obesity (P<0,05). Anthropometric measurements of infants didn’t differ statistically between the two groups. Biochemical analysis indicated lower levels of total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, retinol, α-tocopherol and -carotene in the blood of lactating adolescents (P<0.05). For adolescents and adults, respectively, the concentrations of retinol (1.31±0.96 vs 1.12±0.56 μmol/L), α-carotene (0.00β±0.00γ vs 0.00γ±0.00γ μmol/L), -carotene (0.16±0.06 vs. 0.16±0.04 μmol/L), lutein + zeaxanthin (0.30±0.16 vs. 0.27±0.14 μmol/L), α-tocopherol (γ.80±1.14 vs. γ.65±1.10 μmol/L) and -tocopherol (1.01±0.42 vs. 0.85±0.45 μmol/L) were similar in human milk (P<0,05). The - tocopherol in milk was the only nutrient that was positively correlated with plasma concentrations. No association was found between nutrients and dietary intake in the milk of lactating mothers. In contrast, retinol, -carotene and lutein + zeaxanthin plasma were positively associated with dietary intake, calculated by both surveys. Various correlations were found between the concentrations of nutrients in milk and plasma, for adolescents and adult. The results suggested that the nutrients in milk do not depend on factors such as age or nutritional status in relation to maternal nutrition and dietary intake. However, dietary counseling should be promoted for the sake of developing better dietary habits for the mothers, especially among teenage mothers.
Human milk is the recommended nutritional source for the promotion of infant’s health, able to provide all the essential nutrients to adequately promote growth and development. Among the components of milk, there is vitamin A and E, and carotenoids that presents an important antioxidant potential and contribute to strengthening the infant’s immune system. Maternal age is a factor that can influence the milk’s nutritional content, increasing the risk of nutritional deficiencies for the baby. The objective of this study was to analyze the composition of retinol, carotenoids and tocopherols in human milk as well as anthropometric, biochemical and dietary aspects of lactating adolescent and adult the municipality of Viçosa. This is a cross-sectional study with lactating mothers and their infants aged in between 30 and 180 days. The assessment included a structured questionnaire, dietary surveys, anthropometric and body composition, and biochemical analyze of human milk and maternal plasma. The sample consisting of 30 lactating adolescents (17.5±1.5 years) and 30 lactating adults (27.4±5.0 years), matched according to time postpartum and socioeconomic status. Compared to the group of adults, lactating adolescents showed lower levels of education, family income, gynecological age, number of pregnancies, number of prenatal visits, and pre-pregnancy body mass index (P<0.05). Dietary intake assessed according to the 24-hour dietary recalls showed lower consumption of total fat, vitamin A, α and -carotene by adolescents (P<0.05). Both groups presented 100% inadequate intake of vitamins. Adult lactating women had higher mean values of body mass index, triceps, subscapular and suprailiac skinfolds, central fat, body fat percentage and mid-arm circumference. Overall, a high percentage of lactating teenage mothers were underweight while lactating adults had a higher amount of overweight and obesity (P<0,05). Anthropometric measurements of infants didn’t differ statistically between the two groups. Biochemical analysis indicated lower levels of total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, retinol, α-tocopherol and -carotene in the blood of lactating adolescents (P<0.05). For adolescents and adults, respectively, the concentrations of retinol (1.31±0.96 vs 1.12±0.56 μmol/L), α-carotene (0.00β±0.00γ vs 0.00γ±0.00γ μmol/L), -carotene (0.16±0.06 vs. 0.16±0.04 μmol/L), lutein + zeaxanthin (0.30±0.16 vs. 0.27±0.14 μmol/L), α-tocopherol (γ.80±1.14 vs. γ.65±1.10 μmol/L) and -tocopherol (1.01±0.42 vs. 0.85±0.45 μmol/L) were similar in human milk (P<0,05). The - tocopherol in milk was the only nutrient that was positively correlated with plasma concentrations. No association was found between nutrients and dietary intake in the milk of lactating mothers. In contrast, retinol, -carotene and lutein + zeaxanthin plasma were positively associated with dietary intake, calculated by both surveys. Various correlations were found between the concentrations of nutrients in milk and plasma, for adolescents and adult. The results suggested that the nutrients in milk do not depend on factors such as age or nutritional status in relation to maternal nutrition and dietary intake. However, dietary counseling should be promoted for the sake of developing better dietary habits for the mothers, especially among teenage mothers.
Leite humano, Leite materno - Valor nutritivo, Retinol, Tocoferóis, Carotenoides, Características maternas
SILVA, Karla Vanessa do Nascimento. Retinol, carotenoides e tocoferóis do leite humano e aspectos antropométricos, bioquímicos e dietéticos de nutrizes adolescentes e adultas. 2014. 160 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Nutrição) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2014.