Composição florística, espectro biológico e fitofisionomia da vegetação de muçununga nos municípios de Caravelas e Mucuri, Bahia
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A pouco conhecida vegetação de muçununga ocorre em Florestas Ombrófilas Densas de Terras Baixas no norte do Espírito Santo e Sul da Bahia, em locais de solo arenoso, úmido e fofo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar estudos florísticos e fitofisionômicos para uma avaliação de como interferências antrópicas influenciaram a composição e a estrutura das muçunungas de Caravelas (17º41'13''S e 39º28'24''W) e Mucuri (18º10'29''S e 39º53'25''W), no Estado da Bahia. Foram realizadas incursões na vegetação para coletas botânicas e construção do espectro biológico. Foram feitos perfis em quatro diferentes estratos, em ambas as muçunungas. Na muçununga de Caravelas foram relacionadas 67 espécies de 32 famílias e na de Mucuri, 53 espécies de 31 famílias. Na listagem florística ficou evidenciada a maior riqueza da muçununga de Caravelas. Nos perfis é possível perceber maior equabilidade na distribuição dos indivíduos entre as espécies da muçununga de Caravelas que entre as espécies de Mucuri. Os impactos originários da atividade humana favoreceram as formas de vida hemicriptofítica e as lianas na muçununga de Mucuri. As espécies Baccharis trimera, Blechnum serrulatum, Imperata brasiliensis e Pteridium aquilinum são indicadoras dos impactos de passagem de fogo e pastejo bovino. Os impactos antrópicos nas muçunungas foram os principais responsáveis pela diminuição da biodiversidade nesse tipo de vegetação.
Little is known about muçununga vegetation, which occurs surrounded by Tropical Rain Forests in northern Espirito Santo State and southern Bahia State, in sites with sandy and wet soils. This work had the objective of studying floristic and phytophysiognomic aspects in order to evaluate how human activity influenced the structure and composition of the muçununga vegetation of Caravelas (17o41'13''S and 39o28'24''W) and Mucuri (18o10'29''S and 39o53'25''W). This work was carried out trough paths in muçununga vegetation where botanical material was collected to produce a biological spectrum. At muçununga of Caravelas 67 species of 32 botanical families were found, and at Mucuri´s muçununga, 53 species of 31 families. From the floristic lists it was obvious that the muçununga of Caravelas was richer than that of Mucuri. In the profiles it is possible to see more evenness among species at muçununga of Caravelas than at Mucuri´s one. Human interferences benefit hemicryptophytes and lianas forms in Mucuri´s muçununga. Baccharis trimera, Blechnum serrulatum, Imperata brasiliensis and Pteridium aquilinum are indicative species for fire occurrence and cattle grazing. Human interferences were chiefly responsible for biodiversity reduction at muçununga vegetation.
Little is known about muçununga vegetation, which occurs surrounded by Tropical Rain Forests in northern Espirito Santo State and southern Bahia State, in sites with sandy and wet soils. This work had the objective of studying floristic and phytophysiognomic aspects in order to evaluate how human activity influenced the structure and composition of the muçununga vegetation of Caravelas (17o41'13''S and 39o28'24''W) and Mucuri (18o10'29''S and 39o53'25''W). This work was carried out trough paths in muçununga vegetation where botanical material was collected to produce a biological spectrum. At muçununga of Caravelas 67 species of 32 botanical families were found, and at Mucuri´s muçununga, 53 species of 31 families. From the floristic lists it was obvious that the muçununga of Caravelas was richer than that of Mucuri. In the profiles it is possible to see more evenness among species at muçununga of Caravelas than at Mucuri´s one. Human interferences benefit hemicryptophytes and lianas forms in Mucuri´s muçununga. Baccharis trimera, Blechnum serrulatum, Imperata brasiliensis and Pteridium aquilinum are indicative species for fire occurrence and cattle grazing. Human interferences were chiefly responsible for biodiversity reduction at muçununga vegetation.
Vegetação alagada e perfis, Vegetação tipo savana, Vegetação tipo restinga, Fitossociologia