Efeitos de diferentes doses do Minoxidil oral, em dois tempos de exposição, no complexo prostático de camundongos Balb/C
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A finasterida e o minoxidil são medicamentos utilizados no tratamento da alopecia androgenética. A finasterida é associada a vias antiandrogênicas e possivelmente a distúrbios em órgãos reprodutivos masculinos. O minoxidil, no entanto, não tem seus mecanismos bem compreendidos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar os efeitos que o uso do minoxidil oral pode causar na próstata, órgão andrógeno-dependente. Foram utilizados 120 camundongos Balb/C adultos distribuídos em 6 grupos (n=20). Todos os grupos receberam o tratamento diário via oral, por gavagem, por 42 e 84 dias. O grupo controle (CT) recebeu água destilada, o grupo veículo (VC) recebeu Lauril Sulfato de Sódio 1%, o grupo controle positivo (F5,0) recebeu finasterida 5,0 mg/kg e os grupos M2,5; M5,0 e M7,5 receberam minoxidil nas doses 2,5; 5,0 e 7,5 mg/kg, respectivamente. Animais tratados com finasterida apresentaram redução no peso do complexo prostático. Os parâmetros histomorfométricos foram alterados, sobretudo a altura epitelial do lobo prostático ventral dos animais que receberam finasterida. Os níveis de estradiol e di-hidrotestosterona foram alterados. O grupo que recebeu finasterida apresentou aumento significativo na contagem de mastócitos no lobo prostático dorsal, indício de inflamação tecidual. A administração dos medicamentos não foi capaz de alterar a quantificação de colágeno no estroma prostático, mas foi observado aumento de marcadores de estresse oxidativo, o que pode ter sido indicativo para as mudanças na histofisiologia do órgão. Os dados demonstraram que o minoxidil oral pode ser prejudicial para a próstata, pois a administração da droga causou perturbações no tecido, evidenciadas por meio de análises morfológicas, como aumento de atrofia epitelial, células apoptóticas e infiltrados inflamatórios, e bioquímicas, como mudança no perfil de hormônios sexuais. Entretanto, os efeitos observados foram mais pronunciados nos animais tratados com finasterida, o que sugere ser maior fator de risco para a saúde reprodutiva masculina em comparação com o minoxidil oral.Palavras-chave: finasterida; minoxidil; próstata; saúde reprodutiva
Finasteride and minoxidil are medications used for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. Finasteride is associated to antiandrogenic pathways which may lead to fertility-related disorders in men. Minoxidil, however, needs further enlightenment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects the use of oral minoxidil in the prostate, an androgen-dependent organ. A total of 120 adult Balb/C mice were divided into six groups (n=20). All groups were subjected to daily treatment, via oral gavage, for 42 and 84 days. Control group (CT) received distilled water, vehicle group (VC) received sodium lauryl sulfate 1%, positive control group (F5,0) received finasteride 5,0 mg/kg, and the groups M2,5; M5,0 and M7,5 received minoxidil doses of 2,5; 5,0 and 7,5mg/kg, respectively. Animals subjected to finasteride showed a reduction in the weight of the prostatic complex. The histomorphometric parameters changed, especially the epithelial height of the ventral prostate lobe of the animals that received finasteride. Estradiol and dihydrotestosterone levels were altered. The group subjected to finasteride showed a significant increase in the mast cell count in the dorsal prostate lobe, indicative of tissue inflammation. The medication was not capable of influence the collagen levels in the prostatic stroma, but it was observed an increase of oxidative stress biomarkers, which might be an indicative of changes in the prostatic histophysiology. Results showed that the oral minoxidil can be harmful for the prostate, because the medication caused implications on the tissue evidenced through morphological, such as increased epithelial atrophy, apoptotic cells and inflammatory infiltrates, and biochemical analyses, such as changes in the profile of sex hormones. However, the observed effects were more pronounced in animals subjected to finasteride, which suggests higher risk factor for the male reproductive health if compared to oral minoxidil. Keywords: finasteride; minoxidil; prostate; reproductive health
Finasteride and minoxidil are medications used for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. Finasteride is associated to antiandrogenic pathways which may lead to fertility-related disorders in men. Minoxidil, however, needs further enlightenment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects the use of oral minoxidil in the prostate, an androgen-dependent organ. A total of 120 adult Balb/C mice were divided into six groups (n=20). All groups were subjected to daily treatment, via oral gavage, for 42 and 84 days. Control group (CT) received distilled water, vehicle group (VC) received sodium lauryl sulfate 1%, positive control group (F5,0) received finasteride 5,0 mg/kg, and the groups M2,5; M5,0 and M7,5 received minoxidil doses of 2,5; 5,0 and 7,5mg/kg, respectively. Animals subjected to finasteride showed a reduction in the weight of the prostatic complex. The histomorphometric parameters changed, especially the epithelial height of the ventral prostate lobe of the animals that received finasteride. Estradiol and dihydrotestosterone levels were altered. The group subjected to finasteride showed a significant increase in the mast cell count in the dorsal prostate lobe, indicative of tissue inflammation. The medication was not capable of influence the collagen levels in the prostatic stroma, but it was observed an increase of oxidative stress biomarkers, which might be an indicative of changes in the prostatic histophysiology. Results showed that the oral minoxidil can be harmful for the prostate, because the medication caused implications on the tissue evidenced through morphological, such as increased epithelial atrophy, apoptotic cells and inflammatory infiltrates, and biochemical analyses, such as changes in the profile of sex hormones. However, the observed effects were more pronounced in animals subjected to finasteride, which suggests higher risk factor for the male reproductive health if compared to oral minoxidil. Keywords: finasteride; minoxidil; prostate; reproductive health
Finasterida - Efeitos colaterais, Minoxidil - Efeitos colaterais, Próstata - Doenças, Alopecia - Tratamento, Ratos como animais de laboratório
FERREIRA, João Vitor de Souza. Efeitos de diferentes doses do Minoxidil oral, em dois tempos de exposição, no complexo prostático de camundongos Balb/C. 2024. 75 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biologia Celular e Estrutural) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2024.