Acúmulo de nutrientes em frutos de cafeeiro em duas altitudes de cultivo: micronutrientes
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Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo
Dado à importância de se conhecer a exportação de micronutrientes pelos frutos, bem como, as épocas em que são mais demandados pelo cafeeiro, estudou-se o acúmulo de B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn em frutos de Coffea arabica L da antese à maturação, em lavouras estabelecidas em duas altitudes. Estudou-se também a variação no teor desses elementos. Estudou-se o acúmulo de B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn em frutos de cafeeiro arábico da antese à maturação em duas altitudes, bem como a variação na concentração dos elementos em folhas dos ramos produtivos. O experimento foi constituído da variedade de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) Catuaí IAC 44 cultivada a 720 e 950 m de altitude, no município de Martins Soares-MG. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, com três repetições, usando um esquema de parcela subdividida no tempo. O aumento da altitude influenciou o ciclo reprodutivo do cafeeiro, demandando maior tempo para formação dos frutos. O consumo de nutrientes pelos frutos, assim como o enchimento de grãos, foi mais crítico em condições de menor altitude, já que a planta necessitou completar esses processos em menor espaço de tempo. No estádio de expansão rápida, a percentagem de acúmulo de micronutrientes foi maior na altitude de 720 m, comparada à de 950 m. De modo geral, a altitude influenciou a variação das concentrações foliares de nutrientes, apesar de não se ter observado resposta-padrão da concentração foliar ao aumento da altitude. Conclui-se que a altitude teve influência na extensão do ciclo, bem como no acúmulo de micronutrientes em frutos e na variação, das concentrações foliares destes elementos em folhas de cafeeiro.
In view of the importance of knowing fruit micronutrients export from the soil, and the season in which its coffee-plant demand is higher, the accumulation of B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in fruits as well as the variation in the leaf content of the elements in productive branches of Arabic coffee was studied. The trial was performed in the period between anthesis and maturation at two altitudes. The experiment consisted of the coffee (Coffea arabica L.) variety Catuaí IAC 44 cultivated at 720 and 950 m asl, in Martins Soares, MG, Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomized with 3 repetitions using split-plots in time. The altitude affected the reproduction cycle of the coffee trees, particularly the time required for fruit formation. Micronutrient accumulation for fruits as well as grain filling are more critical at lower altitude since plants need to complete these processes in a shorter time. In the fast fruit expansion stage the percentages of micronutrient accumulation was higher in plants at 720 m than at 950 m asl. In general, the altitude influenced the variation in leaf nutrient content, although no response pattern to higher altitude was observed in the leaf concentration. It is concluded that the altitude of coffee plantations affects cycle extension, micronutrient accumulation in fruits and the variation of them in coffee plant leaves.
In view of the importance of knowing fruit micronutrients export from the soil, and the season in which its coffee-plant demand is higher, the accumulation of B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in fruits as well as the variation in the leaf content of the elements in productive branches of Arabic coffee was studied. The trial was performed in the period between anthesis and maturation at two altitudes. The experiment consisted of the coffee (Coffea arabica L.) variety Catuaí IAC 44 cultivated at 720 and 950 m asl, in Martins Soares, MG, Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomized with 3 repetitions using split-plots in time. The altitude affected the reproduction cycle of the coffee trees, particularly the time required for fruit formation. Micronutrient accumulation for fruits as well as grain filling are more critical at lower altitude since plants need to complete these processes in a shorter time. In the fast fruit expansion stage the percentages of micronutrient accumulation was higher in plants at 720 m than at 950 m asl. In general, the altitude influenced the variation in leaf nutrient content, although no response pattern to higher altitude was observed in the leaf concentration. It is concluded that the altitude of coffee plantations affects cycle extension, micronutrient accumulation in fruits and the variation of them in coffee plant leaves.
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Fisiologia vegetal, Coffea arabica L., Nutrição mineral, Temperatura