Crescimento vegetativo de cultivares de café (Coffea arabica L.) e sua correlação com a produção em espaçamentos adensados
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Acta Scientiarum: Agronomy
No adensamento de plantio, ocorrem alterações fisiológicas no comportamento das plantas. Com o objetivo de compreender tais alterações, avaliaram-se os caracteres morfo-vegetativos das cultivares IAC 44, IAC 99, MG 1192, Katipó, MG 6851 e UFV 3880 nos espaçamentos de plantio 1,0; 1,5; 2,0 e 2,5 m entre linhas, e 0,75 m entre as plantas. O experimento foi realizado em esquema fatorial 4 (espaçamentos) x 6 (cultivares de café) com 6 repetições, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso. Aos 20 e 33 meses, avaliaram-se altura de planta, diâmetro máximo da copa, diâmetro do caule, número de ramos plagiotrópicos,
índice de área foliar e produção por planta nas duas primeiras colheitas. Obtiveram-se correlações desses caracteres com as produções através da análise de trilha. Aos 20 meses, as
características vegetativas da planta não foram influenciadas pelos espaçamentos, enquanto aos 33 meses observou-se aumento da altura de planta com a redução do espaçamento.
Concluiu-se que as características vegetativas do cafeeiro explicaram de maneira satisfatória a variação na produtividade.
In density plantings, morphological and physiological changes occur in coffee plants. Aiming at understanding such changes, morpho-vegetative characters of the cultivars IAC 44, IAC 99, MG 1192, Katipó, MG 6851 and UFV 3880 were evaluated at different spacings between the rows (1.0; 1.5; 2.0 and 2.5 m) and at a 0.75 m spacing between the plants. The plots consisted of 4 rows of 4.50 m length. The experiment was carried out in a factorial 4 (spacings between rows) x 6 (cultivars) with 6 replications in a randomized block design. After 20 and 33 months of planting, the following aspects were evaluated: plant height, cup maximum diameter, stem diameter, plagiotropic branches number, leaf area index and plant yield. The data were submitted to correlation tests among vegetative characters and production by means of trail analysis. After 20 months, the evaluation showed that the vegetative characteristics of the plant were not influenced by spacing. After 33 months, the evaluation showed that plants were higher at shorter spaces between rows. Conclusion points that plant yield was well-explained by the growth characteristics of the plants.
In density plantings, morphological and physiological changes occur in coffee plants. Aiming at understanding such changes, morpho-vegetative characters of the cultivars IAC 44, IAC 99, MG 1192, Katipó, MG 6851 and UFV 3880 were evaluated at different spacings between the rows (1.0; 1.5; 2.0 and 2.5 m) and at a 0.75 m spacing between the plants. The plots consisted of 4 rows of 4.50 m length. The experiment was carried out in a factorial 4 (spacings between rows) x 6 (cultivars) with 6 replications in a randomized block design. After 20 and 33 months of planting, the following aspects were evaluated: plant height, cup maximum diameter, stem diameter, plagiotropic branches number, leaf area index and plant yield. The data were submitted to correlation tests among vegetative characters and production by means of trail analysis. After 20 months, the evaluation showed that the vegetative characteristics of the plant were not influenced by spacing. After 33 months, the evaluation showed that plants were higher at shorter spaces between rows. Conclusion points that plant yield was well-explained by the growth characteristics of the plants.
Coffea arábica L., Plantio adensado, Crescimento vegetativo, Análise de trilha, Coffea arabica L., Condensed system, Vegetative growth, Trail analysis