O universo fragmentado da universidade pública: explorando a relação entre governança, tomada de decisão e autonomia sob a perspectiva política
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A universidade brasileira, mesmo após mais de cem anos de sua criação, ainda hoje encontra- se inserida em um contexto de incerteza e questionamento quanto ao seu papel e atuação. Cumulada a este cenário, observamos a restrição crescente de recursos públicos para a educação, que denota um dos impactos dos direcionamentos políticos que historicamente atingem a universidade pública brasileira. Com o decorrer do tempo, as universidades passaram a ser cada vez mais demandadas a interagir e a atender às condições, necessidades e propostas dos numerosos atores que com ela se relacionam. A governança pode ser entendida como um caminho que possibilita a compreensão e a estruturação destas relações de forma planejada, com estabelecimento de critérios, normas e limites que favoreçam elos capazes de conectar a universidade com os diversos sujeitos, entidades e níveis governamentais, assegurando sua autonomia e resultando em efeitos positivos não somente para os diretamente envolvidos, como também para a sociedade como um todo. O foco majoritário dos estudos sobre governança recai na estrutura, sendo perceptível uma lacuna com relação a explorar o processo considerando elementos formais e informais, formação das decisões, e aspectos como grupos de interesse, e dinâmicas de articulação e negociação. A abordagem política considera que o comportamento e desempenho das instituições pode ser compreendido a partir dos seus processos decisórios, e que estas decisões resultam mais das negociações e conflitos de interesses do que das ações racionais. O intuito com esta tese é contribuir para a compreensão da governança universitária no contexto da universidade pública brasileira, para o que buscamos captar elementos essenciais da abordagem política no âmbito interno da instituição, como também as interfaces com a política em nível macro. Assim, esta pesquisa explora a questão: como se articulam a autonomia e a governança nas decisões no âmbito da universidade numa perspectiva política? Para respondê-la, a abordagem metodológica desta tese considerou a combinação de métodos e fontes de dados em busca de obter um panorama holístico de estudo. Visamos compreender, a partir das evidências documentais e dados primários obtidos a partir de entrevistas, como se articulam a autonomia e a governança nas decisões de uma universidade federal brasileira, dedicando especial atenção aos fatores de cunho político que o perpassam. As entrevistas foram semiestruturadas e partiram de questões previamente elaboradas que foram oportunamente complementadas quando da interação direta com os entrevistados. Para análise dos dados primários e secundários foi utilizada a técnica da Análise Temática, uma das formas possíveis de análise de conteúdo, com o objetivo de identificar os “núcleos de sentido” da fala dos entrevistados. Os resultados obtidos a partir da pesquisa conduzida demonstraram a influência dos fatores políticos na governança da universidade, sendo intimamente conectados à sua tomada de decisão e influentes em sua autonomia. Consideramos que a partir do olhar diferenciado direcionado à governança universitária, esta tese pode contribuir para que estas instituições comecem a visualizar seu processo de governança a partir de outros prismas, que se revelaram tanto ou mais importantes do que o estabelecimento de uma estrutura formal de governança. Palavras-chave: Universidade pública brasileira. Governança universitária. Tomada de decisão. Autonomia universitária. Abordagem política.
The Brazilian university, even after more than one hundred years of its creation, is still inserted in a context of uncertainty and questioning regarding its role and performance. Cumulated to this scenario, we observe the increasing restriction of public resources for education, which denotes one of the impacts of the political directions that historically affect the brazilian public university. Over time, universities have become increasingly required to interact and answer the conditions, needs and proposals of the numerous actors that relate to them. Governance can be understood as a path that enables the understanding and structuring of these relationships in a planned way, with the establishment of criteria, norms and limits that favor links capable of connecting the university with the various subjects, entities and governmental levels, ensuring its autonomy and resulting in positive effects not only for those directly involved, but also for society as a whole. The majority focus of studies on governance is on structure, with a noticeable gap in terms of exploring the process considering formal and informal elements, decision making, and aspects such as interest groups, and articulation and negotiation dynamics. The political approach considers that the behavior and performance of institutions can be understood from their decision-making processes, and that these decisions result more from negotiations and conflicts of interest than from rational actions. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of university governance in the context of the brazilian public university, for which we seek to capture essential elements of the policy approach within the institution, as well as the interfaces with politics at a macro level. Therefore, this research explores the question: how are autonomy and governance articulated in decisions within the university in a political perspective? The methodological approach of this thesis considered the combination of methods and data sources in order to obtain a holistic study panorama. We aim to understand, based on documentary evidence and primary data obtained from interviews, how autonomy and governance are articulated in the decisions of a brazilian federal university, dedicating special attention to the political factors that permeate it. The interviews were semi- structured and started with questions previously prepared that were opportunely complemented when interacting directly with the interviewees. For the analysis of primary and secondary data, the thematic analysis technique was used, one of the possible forms of content analysis, with the objective of identifying the “nucleus of meaning” of the interviewees' speech. The results obtained from the research conducted showed the influence of political factors on university governance, being intimately connected to its decision-making and influencing its autonomy. We consider that from the different perspective directed at university governance, this thesis can help these institutions begin to visualize their governance process from other prisms, which have proved to be as important or more important than the establishment of a formal governance structure. Keywords: Brazilian public university. University Governance. Decision making. University autonomy. Political approach.
The Brazilian university, even after more than one hundred years of its creation, is still inserted in a context of uncertainty and questioning regarding its role and performance. Cumulated to this scenario, we observe the increasing restriction of public resources for education, which denotes one of the impacts of the political directions that historically affect the brazilian public university. Over time, universities have become increasingly required to interact and answer the conditions, needs and proposals of the numerous actors that relate to them. Governance can be understood as a path that enables the understanding and structuring of these relationships in a planned way, with the establishment of criteria, norms and limits that favor links capable of connecting the university with the various subjects, entities and governmental levels, ensuring its autonomy and resulting in positive effects not only for those directly involved, but also for society as a whole. The majority focus of studies on governance is on structure, with a noticeable gap in terms of exploring the process considering formal and informal elements, decision making, and aspects such as interest groups, and articulation and negotiation dynamics. The political approach considers that the behavior and performance of institutions can be understood from their decision-making processes, and that these decisions result more from negotiations and conflicts of interest than from rational actions. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of university governance in the context of the brazilian public university, for which we seek to capture essential elements of the policy approach within the institution, as well as the interfaces with politics at a macro level. Therefore, this research explores the question: how are autonomy and governance articulated in decisions within the university in a political perspective? The methodological approach of this thesis considered the combination of methods and data sources in order to obtain a holistic study panorama. We aim to understand, based on documentary evidence and primary data obtained from interviews, how autonomy and governance are articulated in the decisions of a brazilian federal university, dedicating special attention to the political factors that permeate it. The interviews were semi- structured and started with questions previously prepared that were opportunely complemented when interacting directly with the interviewees. For the analysis of primary and secondary data, the thematic analysis technique was used, one of the possible forms of content analysis, with the objective of identifying the “nucleus of meaning” of the interviewees' speech. The results obtained from the research conducted showed the influence of political factors on university governance, being intimately connected to its decision-making and influencing its autonomy. We consider that from the different perspective directed at university governance, this thesis can help these institutions begin to visualize their governance process from other prisms, which have proved to be as important or more important than the establishment of a formal governance structure. Keywords: Brazilian public university. University Governance. Decision making. University autonomy. Political approach.
Autonomia universitária - Brasil, Universidades e faculdades - Brasil - Política e governo, Governança pública
RODRIGUES, Isabella Stroppa. O universo fragmentado da universidade pública: explorando a relação entre governança, tomada de decisão e autonomia sob a perspectiva política. 2022. 194 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2022.