Prevalência de hipertensão arterial, síndrome metabólica e fatores associados em idosos
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
INTRODUÇÃO: O processo de senescência é marcado pelo aumento da prevalência de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, com destaque a hipertensão arterial e síndrome
metabólica que constituem graves problemas de saúde pública, com baixas taxas de controle nas idades avançadas. OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de hipertensão arterial, síndrome metabólica e fatores associados em idosos integrantes do Estratégia de Saúde da Família do município de Viçosa, MG. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de amostra probabilística em idosos com idade superior a 60 anos, de ambos os sexos (n=402). Na primeira análise, utilizou-se como variável dependente a hipertensão arterial. Variáveis independentes: demográficas, socioeconômicas, comportamentais, percepção de saúde e morbidades. Para verificar as associações entre a variável dependente e os fatores de risco foi usado o teste de qui-quadrado de tendência linear. A análise múltipla foi realizada por meio da regressão de Poisson robusta. Na segunda análise, a variável dependente foi síndrome metabólica e as independentes foram as variáveis bioquímicas. Para verificar as associações foi usado o teste de qui-quadrado de tendência linear. Para avaliar a diferença entre as médias foram utilizados o teste t e o teste de mann whitney. RESULTADOS: A taxa de resposta foi de 100%. A prevalência de hipertensão arterial foi de 75,37% para a amostra. Após o ajuste por possíveis
variáveis de confusão para o sexo feminino foram associados com hipertensão arterial a faixa etária, o IMC, diabetes mellitus e auto percepção de saúde; no sexo masculino o perímetro de cintura alterado, a diabetes mellitus, a hereditariedade e auto percepção negativa da saúde. A prevalência de síndrome metabólica foi de 60,95% para a amostra. Após o ajuste para possíveis variáveis de confusão foram associados com a síndrome metabólica em ambos os sexos: presença de diabetes e hipertensão arterial, auto percepção negativa de saúde, sobrepeso, RCQ alterado, perímetro da cintura alterado, níveis elevados de triglicerídeos, VLDL-C e glicose e baixos níveis de HDL-C. CONCLUSÕES: Três quartos dos idosos apresentaram hipertensão arterial e mais da metade da amostra apresentaram síndrome metabólica, resultado semelhante ao encontrado na população brasileira. Fatores passíveis de intervenção como sobrepeso e diabetes foram associados à Hipertensão arterial e a Síndrome Metabólica.
INTRODUCTION: The process of senescence is characterized by an increased prevalence of chronic noncommunicable diseases, especially hypertension and metabolic syndrome are serious public health problems, with low control rates at advanced ages. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of hypertension, metabolic syndrome and associated factors among elderly members of the Family Health Strategy of Viçosa, MG. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of probabilistic sample elderly aged 60 years, of both sexes (n = 402). In the first analysis, it was used as the dependent variable hypertension. Independent variables: demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral, health perception and morbidity. To examine the associations between the dependent variable and the risk factors we used the chi-square test for linear trend. Multiple regression analysis was performed using the Poisson regression robust. In the second analysis, the dependent variable was metabolic syndrome and biochemical variables were independent. To verify the associations was used chi-square for linear trend. To evaluate the difference between the means test was used teo test mann whitney. RESULTS: The response rate was 100%. The prevalence of hypertension was 75.37% for the sample. After adjustment for potential confounders for females were associated with hypertension age, BMI, diabetes mellitus and self perceived health, in males the waist circumference changes, diabetes mellitus, heredity and self perception Negative health. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 60.95% for the sample. After adjusting for possible confounding variables were associated with the metabolic syndrome in both sexes: the presence of diabetes and hypertension, self negative perception of health, overweight, changed WHR, waist circumference changes, elevated triglycerides, VLDL-C and glucose and low levels of HDL-C. CONCLUSIONS:Three-quarters of them were hypertension and more than half of the sample had metabolic syndrome, similar to that found in the population. Factors amenable to intervention as overweight and diabetes were associated with hypertension and metabolic syndrome.
INTRODUCTION: The process of senescence is characterized by an increased prevalence of chronic noncommunicable diseases, especially hypertension and metabolic syndrome are serious public health problems, with low control rates at advanced ages. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of hypertension, metabolic syndrome and associated factors among elderly members of the Family Health Strategy of Viçosa, MG. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of probabilistic sample elderly aged 60 years, of both sexes (n = 402). In the first analysis, it was used as the dependent variable hypertension. Independent variables: demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral, health perception and morbidity. To examine the associations between the dependent variable and the risk factors we used the chi-square test for linear trend. Multiple regression analysis was performed using the Poisson regression robust. In the second analysis, the dependent variable was metabolic syndrome and biochemical variables were independent. To verify the associations was used chi-square for linear trend. To evaluate the difference between the means test was used teo test mann whitney. RESULTS: The response rate was 100%. The prevalence of hypertension was 75.37% for the sample. After adjustment for potential confounders for females were associated with hypertension age, BMI, diabetes mellitus and self perceived health, in males the waist circumference changes, diabetes mellitus, heredity and self perception Negative health. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 60.95% for the sample. After adjusting for possible confounding variables were associated with the metabolic syndrome in both sexes: the presence of diabetes and hypertension, self negative perception of health, overweight, changed WHR, waist circumference changes, elevated triglycerides, VLDL-C and glucose and low levels of HDL-C. CONCLUSIONS:Three-quarters of them were hypertension and more than half of the sample had metabolic syndrome, similar to that found in the population. Factors amenable to intervention as overweight and diabetes were associated with hypertension and metabolic syndrome.
Síndrome metabólica, Hipertensão arterial, Fatores de risco, Metabolic syndrome, Arterial hypertension, Risk factors
GONÇALVES, Meirele Rodrigues. Prevalence of hypertension, metabolic syndrome and associated factors in elderly. 2012. 149 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Valor nutricional de alimentos e de dietas; Nutrição nas enfermidades agudas e crônicas não transmis) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2012.