Ecologia e taxonomia de Ciidae (Coleoptera) da África do Sul
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Os besouros micetobiontes são aqueles que dependem de fungos como hábitat e
alimento, e são organismos importantes para estudos ecológicos e evolutivos. Ciidae é o
táxon mais diverso e abundante de besouros micetobiontes, com mais de 700 espécies
em 51 gêneros. Cis Latreille é o gênero mais diverso dentro da família, e as espécies que
ocorrem na América do Norte, Austrália, Europa e Japão são relativamente bem
conhecidas, mas as das faunas das Américas Central e do Sul, África e áreas
subtropicais e tropicais da Ásia carecem de estudos taxonômicos abrangentes. Ceracis
tebellifer (Mellié), originalmente da região Neotropical, atualmente é a espécie de
ciídeo mais encontrada na África subsaariana. Entretanto, não se sabe ainda os efeitos
dessa invasão nas populações locais. Com o objetivo de compreender as relações
ecológicas entre ciídeos e seus fungos hospedeiros, esta dissertação é dividida em dois
capítulos. No primeiro, descrevemos sete novas espécies de Cis da África do Sul: C.
aster Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade, C. mandelai Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-
Andrade, C. makebae Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade, C. masekelai Souza-
Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade, C. nesesorum Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade, C.
stalsi Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade e C. urbanae Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-
Andrade. No segundo, analisamos as possíveis influências da espécie invasora no
padrão de interação entre ciídeos locais e seus fungos hospedeiros. A partir dos
resultados, concluímos que a espécie invasora Cer. tabellifer não está deslocando as
espécies locais de seus recursos, mas provavelmente apenas utilizando fungos que não
eram utilizados previamente; e mostra manter o comportamento do seu habitat nativo,
onde apresenta hábito alimentar polífago e grandes populações.
Micetobiont beetles are that depends on fungi as habitat and food, and are important organisms to ecological and evolutionary studies. Ciidae is the most diverse and abundant taxon of micetobiont beetles, with more than 700 species in 51 genera. Cis Latreille is the most diverse genus inside the family, and species that occurs at North America, Australia, Europe and Japan are relatively well known, but the fauna from Central and South America, Africa, subtropical and tropical Asian areas needs comprehensive taxonomic studies. Ceracis tabellifer (Mellié) is originally from Neotropical region and actually is the most found ciid species at Sub-Saharan Africa. However, it is not known the effects of these invasions on local populations. Aiming to understand the ecological relations between ciid beetles and their host-fungi, this dissertation is divided in two chapters. At first, we described seven new species of Cis from South Africa: C. aster Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade, C. mandelai Souza- Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade, C. makebae Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade, C. masekelai Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade, C. nesesorum Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade, C. stalsi Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade e C. urbanae Souza- Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade. In the second, was analized possible influences of invader species on pattern of interaction between native ciids and their host-fungi. From the results, we concluded that invader species is not shifting the local species out of their resources, but probably only using fungi that were not previously used; and seems to keep the behaviour from its native habitat, where presents polyphagous feeding habits and large populations.
Micetobiont beetles are that depends on fungi as habitat and food, and are important organisms to ecological and evolutionary studies. Ciidae is the most diverse and abundant taxon of micetobiont beetles, with more than 700 species in 51 genera. Cis Latreille is the most diverse genus inside the family, and species that occurs at North America, Australia, Europe and Japan are relatively well known, but the fauna from Central and South America, Africa, subtropical and tropical Asian areas needs comprehensive taxonomic studies. Ceracis tabellifer (Mellié) is originally from Neotropical region and actually is the most found ciid species at Sub-Saharan Africa. However, it is not known the effects of these invasions on local populations. Aiming to understand the ecological relations between ciid beetles and their host-fungi, this dissertation is divided in two chapters. At first, we described seven new species of Cis from South Africa: C. aster Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade, C. mandelai Souza- Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade, C. makebae Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade, C. masekelai Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade, C. nesesorum Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade, C. stalsi Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade e C. urbanae Souza- Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade. In the second, was analized possible influences of invader species on pattern of interaction between native ciids and their host-fungi. From the results, we concluded that invader species is not shifting the local species out of their resources, but probably only using fungi that were not previously used; and seems to keep the behaviour from its native habitat, where presents polyphagous feeding habits and large populations.
Besouros, Ciidae (Coleoptera), Ecologia, Hábitos alimentares
SOUZA-GONÇALVES, Igor de. Ecologia e taxonomia de Ciidae (Coleoptera) da África do Sul. 2017. 79 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ecologia) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2017.