Risco cardiovascular e doença renal crônica em indivíduos com hipertensão arterial e, ou diabetes mellitus: acompanhados na Atenção Primária à Saúde
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Introdução: evidências demonstram que um maior Risco Cardiovascular (RCV) está associado a coexistência de Doença Renal Crônica (DRC) em indivíduos com Hipertensão Arterial (HA) e, ou Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Não obstante, a literatura tem mostrado que o diagnóstico precoce dessas co- morbidades, assim como seu devido tratamento e acompanhamento deveriam ser realizados de maneira efetiva pela Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS), de forma a prevenir os agravos dessas doenças. Objetivo: identificar a prevalência e fatores associados do RCV com a DRC, em indivíduos com diagnóstico de HA e, ou DM acompanhados na APS do município de Viçosa, MG, Brasil. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo de natureza observacional, do tipo transversal, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado no município de Viçosa, MG. Participaram do estudo um total de 659 indivíduos. A coleta dos dados se deu por meio de: aplicações de questionários semiestruturados contendo questões sobre variáveis sociodemográficas, de hábitos de vida, cuidados de saúde; avaliação antropométrica; avaliação clínica e realização de exames bioquímicos de sangue e urina. A análise dos dados foi realizada utilizando o software SPSS for Windows (Version 20.0; SPSS Inc, Chicago). Para avaliar a normalidade das variáveis contínuas foi utilizado o teste de Kolmogorov- Smirnov, na análise bivariada, foi utilizado o teste de Mann Whitney, teste t de Student e o teste de Qui-Quadrado na análise das variáveis categóricas. Para avaliar a correlação entre variáveis numéricas, foram utilizadas as correlações de Spearman ou Pearson. Na análise multivariada foi utilizada a regressão linear múltipla e foi empregado o método de eliminação backward por Razão de Verossimilhança (LR). Foi considerado como significativo um valor de p bicaudal < 0,05. Para avaliar as associações utilizou-se coeficiente de regressão e intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados: A prevalência de DRC encontrada na população estudada foi de 13,7%. Em relação a estimativa do RCV 28,8% dos indivíduos apresentaram baixo RCV, 30,7% médio RCV e 40,5% alto RCV para os próximos 10 anos. Após a análise de regressão linear múltipla encontrou-se que aqueles indivíduos que já tiveram infarto possuíam um RCV cerca de 7,2% maior (IC95% 2,165 - 11,592) e os com DRC apresentaram RCV 3,7% maior maior (IC95% 2,262 - 8,055) em relação as pessoas que não foram acometidas por essas duas comorbidades. Apresentaram maior RCV os indivíduos com maiores níveis de triglicerídeos (IC95% 0,024 – 0,054), LDL-colesterol (IC95% 0,035 – 0,093), pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) (IC95% 0,118 – 0,299) e perímetro da cintura (PC) (IC95% 0,027 – 0,208). As variáveis escolaridade e trabalho foram fatores de proteção para o desenvolvimento de RCV, sendo que a maior escolaridade e ter algum tipo de ocupação diminuem o RCV em 10 anos. Conclusão: Os dados encontrados neste estudo sugerem que a prevenção, o tratamento e o controle dos fatores associados ao RCV e à DRC devem ser uma prioridade para as ações de saúde pública, destacando-se o papel estratégico da APS.
Introduction: evidence shows that increased cardiovascular risk (CVR) is associated with coexistence of chronic renal disease (CKD) in individuals with arterial hypertension (HA) and / or diabetes mellitus (DM). Nevertheless, the literature has shown that the early diagnosis of these comorbidities, as well as their due treatment and follow-up, should be carried out effectively by the Primary Health Care (PHC), in order to prevent the aggravations of these diseases. Objective: to identify the prevalence and associated factors of CVR with CKD in individuals diagnosed with HA and / or DM followed in APS in the city of Viçosa, MG, Brazil. Methods: this is an observational, cross-sectional, quantitative study, carried out in the city of Viçosa, MG. A total of 659 individuals participated in the study. The data were collected through: applications of semi-structured questionnaires containing questions on socio- demographic variables, life habits, health care; anthropometric evaluation; clinical evaluation and biochemical testing of blood and urine. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software for Windows (Version 20.0; SPSS Inc, Chicago). The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate the normality of the continuous variables, using the Mann Whitney test, Student's t-test and the Chi-Square test in the analysis of categorical variables. To evaluate the correlation between numerical variables, the Spearman or Pearson correlations were used. In the multivariate analysis, multiple linear regression was used and the backward elimination method by Likelihood Ratio (LR) was used. A two-tailed p value <0.05 was considered significant. To evaluate the associations, regression coefficient and 95% confidence interval were used. Results: The prevalence of CKD in the study population was 13.7%. Regarding the CVR estimation, 28.8% of the individuals presented low CVR, 30.7% mean CVR and 40.5% high CVR for the next 10 years. After the analysis of multiple linear regression, it was found that those individuals who had had a myocardial infarction had a CVR of about 7.2% higher (95% CI: 2.165-11.592) and those with CKD had a higher RCV 3.7% (95% CI: 2662 - 8,055) in relation to people who were not affected by these two comorbidities. (95% CI 0.024-0.054), LDL- cholesterol (IC95% 0.035-0.093), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (95% CI 0.118-0.299) and waist circumference (PC) (IC 95% 0.027-0.208). The variables schooling and work were protective factors for the development of CVR, being that the higher level of schooling and having some type of occupation decreased CVR in 10 years. Conclusion: The data found in this study suggest that the prevention, treatment and control of factors associated with CVR and CKD should be a priority for public health actions, highlighting the strategic role of PHC.
Introduction: evidence shows that increased cardiovascular risk (CVR) is associated with coexistence of chronic renal disease (CKD) in individuals with arterial hypertension (HA) and / or diabetes mellitus (DM). Nevertheless, the literature has shown that the early diagnosis of these comorbidities, as well as their due treatment and follow-up, should be carried out effectively by the Primary Health Care (PHC), in order to prevent the aggravations of these diseases. Objective: to identify the prevalence and associated factors of CVR with CKD in individuals diagnosed with HA and / or DM followed in APS in the city of Viçosa, MG, Brazil. Methods: this is an observational, cross-sectional, quantitative study, carried out in the city of Viçosa, MG. A total of 659 individuals participated in the study. The data were collected through: applications of semi-structured questionnaires containing questions on socio- demographic variables, life habits, health care; anthropometric evaluation; clinical evaluation and biochemical testing of blood and urine. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software for Windows (Version 20.0; SPSS Inc, Chicago). The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate the normality of the continuous variables, using the Mann Whitney test, Student's t-test and the Chi-Square test in the analysis of categorical variables. To evaluate the correlation between numerical variables, the Spearman or Pearson correlations were used. In the multivariate analysis, multiple linear regression was used and the backward elimination method by Likelihood Ratio (LR) was used. A two-tailed p value <0.05 was considered significant. To evaluate the associations, regression coefficient and 95% confidence interval were used. Results: The prevalence of CKD in the study population was 13.7%. Regarding the CVR estimation, 28.8% of the individuals presented low CVR, 30.7% mean CVR and 40.5% high CVR for the next 10 years. After the analysis of multiple linear regression, it was found that those individuals who had had a myocardial infarction had a CVR of about 7.2% higher (95% CI: 2.165-11.592) and those with CKD had a higher RCV 3.7% (95% CI: 2662 - 8,055) in relation to people who were not affected by these two comorbidities. (95% CI 0.024-0.054), LDL- cholesterol (IC95% 0.035-0.093), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (95% CI 0.118-0.299) and waist circumference (PC) (IC 95% 0.027-0.208). The variables schooling and work were protective factors for the development of CVR, being that the higher level of schooling and having some type of occupation decreased CVR in 10 years. Conclusion: The data found in this study suggest that the prevention, treatment and control of factors associated with CVR and CKD should be a priority for public health actions, highlighting the strategic role of PHC.
Doenças cardiovasculares, Rins - Doenças, Cuidados primários de saúde, Hipertensão, Diabetes
OLIVEIRA, Laura Camargo de. Risco cardiovascular e doença renal crônica em indivíduos com hipertensão arterial e, ou diabetes mellitus: acompanhados na Atenção Primária à Saúde. 2019. 61 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Nutrição) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2019.