Efeitos metabólicos da ingestão de farinha integral de soja do cultivar UFVTN 105AP em ratos alimentados com dieta equilibrada e obesogênica
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Com o melhoramento genético, surgem novos cultivares de soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) com sabor melhorado e com composição química modificada, conduzindo à necessidade de estudos para avaliar a concentração de nutrientes e seus efeitos metabólicos no organismo. Nesse estudo avaliou-se a composição centesimal, o perfil de ácidos graxos, a concentração de inositóis fosfato, de isoflavonas, de vitamina E e isômeros da farinha integral de soja. O seu efeito metabólico foi avaliado em ratos machos Wistar adultos distribuídos em cinco grupos (n=10), durante 56 dias. O grupo controle recebeu dieta AIN-93M, os grupos testes receberam dietas com substituição de 100% (100% PS) e 50% (50% PS) da caseína por proteína da farinha integral de soja, dieta de cafeteria (CAF) e dieta de cafeteria com farinha integral de soja (CAFS). Foram avaliados o ganho de peso dos animais e o consumo alimentar; a concentração sérica de triglicerídeos, colesterol total, HDL-c, hemoglobina glicada, aspartato (AST) e alanina (ALT) aminotransferase; a concentração de TBARS no soro, fígado, pulmão, testículo e rins; o teor de lipídios nas fezes e o peso do fígado. Foi calculada a quantidade de gordura por área no fígado e a histomorfometria do duodeno. A farinha integral de soja apresentou 43,1% de proteína, 18,6% de lipídios, 12,9% de carboidratos e 9,9% de fibra alimentar, sendo 8,5% da fração insolúvel. Foi encontrado em maior concentração ácido graxo linoléico, mioinositol hexafosfato e -tocoferol. Dentre as isoflavonas, observou- se maior concentração de genistina e daidzina na forma de malonil e glicosídios e menor concentração das agliconas. Não foi observado diferença (p<0,05) no ganho de peso entre os grupos experimentais, mas o consumo alimentar foi menor (p<0,05) nos grupos CAF e CAFS. O nível sérico de colesterol total no grupo AIN-93M não diferiu (p>0,05) dos grupos 50% PS e CAFS e foi menor (p<0,05) nos grupos 100% PS e CAF. Porém o grupo CAF não diferiu (p<0,05) dos grupos 50% PS e CAFS. Os níveis séricos de HDL-c foram menores (p<0,05) nos grupos 100% PS, CAF e CAFS, e maiores (p<0,05) nos grupos AIN-93M e 50% PS. Os níveis de triglicerídeos sanguíneos foram menores (p<0,05) nos grupos 100% PS e CAFS. Porém, o grupo CAFS não diferiu (p>0,05) dos grupos AIN-93M, 50% PS e CAF. Os grupos CAF e CAFS apresentaram maiores (p<0,05) níveis séricos de hemoglobina glicada. A excreção fecal de lipídios foi maior (p<0,05) nos grupos CAF e CAFS, e menor (p<0,05) no grupo AIN-93M. O grupo 100% PS apresentou aumento da excreção fecal de lipídios comparado aos grupos AIN- 93M e 50% PS. A porcentagem de gordura no fígado foi maior (p<0,05) no grupo 100% PS e menor (p<0,05) no grupo CAFS. Os níveis séricos de AST não diferiram (p>0,05) entre os grupos experimentais e de ALT foram maiores (p<0,05) nos grupos CAF e CAFS. A concentração de TBARS no soro foi menor (p<0,05) nos grupos 100% PS e CAF e maior (p<0,05) nos grupos AIN-93M e CAFS. Os grupos CAF e CAFS apresentaram maior (p<0,05) concentração de TBARS no fígado. A concentração de TBARS no pulmão foi maior (p<0,05) no grupo CAFS. A concentração de TBARS no testículo foi maior (p<0,05) nos grupos 50% PS, CAFS e CAF e menor (p<0,05) nos grupos AIN-93M e 100% PS. A concentração de TBARS no rim foi maior (p<0,05) no grupo CAF. A altura das vilosidades do duodeno foi maior (p<0,05) no grupo AIN-93M e menor (p<0,05) nos grupos 100% PS e CAF. A medida da profundidade das criptas foi maior (p<0,05) nos grupos CAF e CAFS. A medida da espessura da camada muscular externa do duodeno foi maior (p<0,05) no grupo CAFS. A medida da espessura da camada muscular interna do duodeno do grupo CAFS foi superior (p<0,05) aos grupos AIN-93M, 100% PS e CAF e não diferiu do grupo 50% PS. O novo cultivar de soja apresentou elevado teor de proteína, de isoflavonas e de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados. A farinha integral de soja apresentou efeito na prevenção de alguns fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares quando ingerida junto à dieta equilibrada, devido à sua ação hipolipidêmica, a capacidade de reduzir a peroxidação lipídica no soro e não causou danos hepáticos. Porém, não apresentou esse efeito preventivo quando ingerida com uma dieta obesogênica. A farinha integral de soja reduziu as vilosidades intestinais na dieta equilibrada indicando que ela pode causar efeitos prejudiciais sobre a absorção no intestino.
New cultivars of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) with improved flavor and chemical composition have resulted from breeding. It demands studies to evaluate the concentration of nutrients and their metabolic effects on the body. In this study, assessments were carried out on the composition, fatty acid profile, and concentration of inositol phosphate, isoflavones, vitamin E and isomers of soybean flour. The metabolic effect was assessed in adult male Wistar rats divided into five groups (n = 10), during 56 days. The control group received AIN-93M, the test groups were fed diets with replacement of 100% (100% PS) and 50% (50% PS) of casein by protein from soybean flour, cafeteria diet (CAF) and cafeteria diet with soybean flour (CAFS). We evaluated the weight gain of animals and food intake, serum triglyceride concetration, cholesterol, HDL-c, glycated hemoglobin, aspartate (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT); the concentration of TBARS in serum, liver, lung, testis and kidney; and fat content in feces and liver weight. The amount of fat in the liver area and histomorphometry of the duodenum were calculated. Soybean flour presented 43,1% of protein, 18,6% of lipids, 12,9% of carbohydrate, 9,9% of dietary fiber, and 8,5% of insoluble fraction. Higher concentrations of linoleic fatty acid, myo-inositol hexaphosphate and -tocopherol were found. Among the isoflavones, it was observed a higher concentration of genistein and daidzein in the form of malonyl and glucosides, and lower concentrations of aglycones. No differences were observed (p<0,05) in weight gain among the groups, but food intake was lower (p<0,05) for CAF and CAFS. Serum levels of cholesterol in the AIN- 93M group did not differ (p>0,05) from the groups 50% PS and CAFS, and it was lower (p<0,05) for 100% PS and CAF. However, CAF did not differ (p<0,05) from the groups and 50% PS CAFS. Serum HDL-C levels were lower (p<0,05) for 100% PS, CAF and CAFS, and higher (p<0,05) for AIN-93M and 50% PS. The levels of triglyceride were lower (p<0,05) for 100% PS and CAFS. However, CAFS did not differ (p>0,05) from the groups AIN-93M, 50% PS and CAF. The groups CAF and CAFS presented higher (p<0,05) serum levels of glycated hemoglobin. Fecal excretion of fat was higher (p<0,05) for CAF and CAFS, and lower (p<0,05) for AIN-93M. The group 100% PS presented increased fecal excretion of lipids compared to AIN-93M and 50% PS. The percentage of liver fat was higher (p<0,05) in PS and 100% and lower (p<0,05) in CAFS. Serum levels of AST did not differ (p>0,05) among the experimental groups, while serum ALT levels were higher (p<0,05) for CAF and CAFS. The concentration of TBARS in serum was lower (p<0,05) for 100% PS and CAF, and higher (p<0,05) for AIN-93M and CAFS. The groups CAF and CAFS presented higher (p<0,05) TBARS concentration in the liver. The concentration of TBARS in the lungs was higher (p<0,05) in CAFS. The TBARS concentration in the testis was higher (p<0.05) for 50% PS, CAF and CAFS, and lower (p<0,05) for AIN-93M and 100% PS. The concentration of TBARS in kidney was higher (p<0,05) for CAF. The height of the villi of the duodenum was higher (p<0,05) for AIN-93M and smaller (p<0,05) for 100% PS and CAF. The measurement of crypt depth was higher (p<0,05) for CAF and CAFS. The measurement of the thickness of the outer muscle layer of the duodenum was higher (p<0,05) in CAFS. The measurement of the thickness of the inner muscular layer of duodenum group CAFS was higher (p<0,05) for the groups AIN-93M, 100% PS and CAF and did not differ from 50% PS. The new cultivar presented high levels of protein, isoflavones and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Soybean flour was effective in preventing some risk factors for cardiovascular diseases when ingested with the diet, due to its hypolipidemic action and the ability to reduce lipid peroxidation in serum. Besides, it did not cause liver damage. However, this preventive effect was not observed when it was ingested with a obesogenic diet. Soybean flour in the balanced diet reduced the intestinal villi, indicating that it may have detrimental effects on the absorption in the intestine.
New cultivars of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) with improved flavor and chemical composition have resulted from breeding. It demands studies to evaluate the concentration of nutrients and their metabolic effects on the body. In this study, assessments were carried out on the composition, fatty acid profile, and concentration of inositol phosphate, isoflavones, vitamin E and isomers of soybean flour. The metabolic effect was assessed in adult male Wistar rats divided into five groups (n = 10), during 56 days. The control group received AIN-93M, the test groups were fed diets with replacement of 100% (100% PS) and 50% (50% PS) of casein by protein from soybean flour, cafeteria diet (CAF) and cafeteria diet with soybean flour (CAFS). We evaluated the weight gain of animals and food intake, serum triglyceride concetration, cholesterol, HDL-c, glycated hemoglobin, aspartate (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT); the concentration of TBARS in serum, liver, lung, testis and kidney; and fat content in feces and liver weight. The amount of fat in the liver area and histomorphometry of the duodenum were calculated. Soybean flour presented 43,1% of protein, 18,6% of lipids, 12,9% of carbohydrate, 9,9% of dietary fiber, and 8,5% of insoluble fraction. Higher concentrations of linoleic fatty acid, myo-inositol hexaphosphate and -tocopherol were found. Among the isoflavones, it was observed a higher concentration of genistein and daidzein in the form of malonyl and glucosides, and lower concentrations of aglycones. No differences were observed (p<0,05) in weight gain among the groups, but food intake was lower (p<0,05) for CAF and CAFS. Serum levels of cholesterol in the AIN- 93M group did not differ (p>0,05) from the groups 50% PS and CAFS, and it was lower (p<0,05) for 100% PS and CAF. However, CAF did not differ (p<0,05) from the groups and 50% PS CAFS. Serum HDL-C levels were lower (p<0,05) for 100% PS, CAF and CAFS, and higher (p<0,05) for AIN-93M and 50% PS. The levels of triglyceride were lower (p<0,05) for 100% PS and CAFS. However, CAFS did not differ (p>0,05) from the groups AIN-93M, 50% PS and CAF. The groups CAF and CAFS presented higher (p<0,05) serum levels of glycated hemoglobin. Fecal excretion of fat was higher (p<0,05) for CAF and CAFS, and lower (p<0,05) for AIN-93M. The group 100% PS presented increased fecal excretion of lipids compared to AIN-93M and 50% PS. The percentage of liver fat was higher (p<0,05) in PS and 100% and lower (p<0,05) in CAFS. Serum levels of AST did not differ (p>0,05) among the experimental groups, while serum ALT levels were higher (p<0,05) for CAF and CAFS. The concentration of TBARS in serum was lower (p<0,05) for 100% PS and CAF, and higher (p<0,05) for AIN-93M and CAFS. The groups CAF and CAFS presented higher (p<0,05) TBARS concentration in the liver. The concentration of TBARS in the lungs was higher (p<0,05) in CAFS. The TBARS concentration in the testis was higher (p<0.05) for 50% PS, CAF and CAFS, and lower (p<0,05) for AIN-93M and 100% PS. The concentration of TBARS in kidney was higher (p<0,05) for CAF. The height of the villi of the duodenum was higher (p<0,05) for AIN-93M and smaller (p<0,05) for 100% PS and CAF. The measurement of crypt depth was higher (p<0,05) for CAF and CAFS. The measurement of the thickness of the outer muscle layer of the duodenum was higher (p<0,05) in CAFS. The measurement of the thickness of the inner muscular layer of duodenum group CAFS was higher (p<0,05) for the groups AIN-93M, 100% PS and CAF and did not differ from 50% PS. The new cultivar presented high levels of protein, isoflavones and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Soybean flour was effective in preventing some risk factors for cardiovascular diseases when ingested with the diet, due to its hypolipidemic action and the ability to reduce lipid peroxidation in serum. Besides, it did not cause liver damage. However, this preventive effect was not observed when it was ingested with a obesogenic diet. Soybean flour in the balanced diet reduced the intestinal villi, indicating that it may have detrimental effects on the absorption in the intestine.
Farinha integral de soja, Composição centesimal, Proteína de soja, Compostos bioativos, Histomorfometria intestinal, Lipídeos séricos, Full soybean meal, Proximate composition, Soy Protein, Bioactive compounds, Intestinal histomorphometry, Serum lipids
ANDRADE, Gláucia Ferreira. Metabolic effects of intake of whole soy flour from the cultivar UFVTN 105AP in rats fed a balanced and obesogenic diet. 2010. 100 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Valor nutricional de alimentos e de dietas; Nutrição nas enfermidades agudas e crônicas não transmis) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2010.