Prevalência e fatores associados à anemia e deficiência de vitamina B12 em idosos de Viçosa-MG
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A anemia nos idosos demonstra ser o problema hematológico mais comum encontrado, enquanto a deficiência de vitamina B12, micronutriente essencial na dieta dessa população, está relacionada ao aparecimento de um comprometimento cognitivo. Essas condições podem favorecer um quadro característico: aumento na morbimortalidade dessa população. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a prevalência e os fatores associados à anemia e à deficiência de vitamina B12 em idosos do município de Viçosa-MG. Realizou-se um estudo observacional, transversal, conduzido no período de junho a dezembro de 2009, com uma amostra aleatória simples de 621 idosos, dos quais 349 (56,12%) concordaram em se submeter ao exame hematológico e bioquímico, representando a amostra constituinte deste trabalho. O cálculo do tamanho amostral considerou um nível de 95% de confiança, prevalências estimadas de 50% e erro tolerado de 4%. Assim, a amostra seria de 558 idosos, à qual se acrescentou 20% para cobrir possíveis perdas, totalizando 670 pessoas a serem estudadas. Ocorreram perdas de informação por recusa (3,6%) e por motivos inevitáveis para a realização das entrevistas (3,7%). Consideraram-se perdas inevitáveis as situações em que foram sorteados indivíduos que haviam falecido (1,3%), endereços não localizados (1,2%), aqueles que se mudaram para residências de difícil localização e para outros municípios (1,2%). As informações foram obtidas usando-se um questionário semiestruturado com a maioria das perguntas fechadas e pré-codificadas. As variáveis dependentes analisadas foram anemia, com mensuração dos níveis de hemoglobina plasmática para o sexo feminino <12 g Hb/dL e para o sexo masculino <13 g Hb/dL e níveis plasmáticos de vitamina B12, considerado como deficiência os níveis abaixo de 140pmol/L. As variáveis independentes analisadas foram: a) características sociodemográficas: sexo, idade, escolaridade e renda; b) Indicadores das condições de saúde e uso dos serviços de saúde: histórias de diabetes, hipertensão arterial, dislipidemias, depressão, doença renal, infarto agudo do miocárdio e doenças cardiovasculares; número de doenças autorreferidas, capacidade funcional, avaliação cognitiva através do Mini Exame do Estado Mental, percepção da própria saúde, estado nutricional, alteração da ingestão alimentar nos últimos três meses, número de medicamentos consumidos, número de consultas médicas no últimos 12 meses anteriores à entrevista, posse de plano privado de saúde, e internações hospitalares no último ano. Foi utilizado o software EpiInfo versão 6.04 para o armazenamento dos dados e para análise destes foi utilizado o software Stata versão 9.0. A normalidade da distribuição das variáveis quantitativas foi avaliada usando-se o teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Análise descritiva das variáveis foi apresentada por meio de medidas de tendência central e de variabilidade adequadas, bem como distribuição de frequências. A associação entre as variáveis independentes categóricas e a presença de anemia e deficiência de vitamina B12 foram estimadas na análise bivariada pelo teste qui-quadrado de Pearson (χ2). O nível de significância adotado em todas as comparações foi de α = 5%. Para a análise de regressão, utilizou-se Poisson com variância robusta a fim de se obter estimativas das razões de prevalência de anemia e deficiência de vitamina B12 e os respectivos intervalos de 95% de confiança (IC95%). Foram realizadas análises bivariadas entre as variáveis dependente e independentes, obtendo-se como medida de efeito as razões de prevalência (RP) por meio da regressão de Poisson. Foram incorporadas na análise multivariada as variáveis com valor de p<0,25 e mantidas no modelo final aquelas com p<0,05. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (protocolo no 027/2008). Dentre os 349 idosos incluídos no estudo, havia equivalência na proporção de homens e mulheres, sendo que as últimas representavam 49,9%. A média da idade foi de 69,55 anos (dp = 7,51 anos) com predomínio da faixa etária de 60 a 69 anos (57,31%). Encontrou-se prevalência de anemia de 11,7% (IC95% 8,3%-15,1%) no grupo de idosos estudados e níveis médios de hemoglobina de 13,74 g/dL. Verificou-se associação entre anemia e sexo masculino, idade avançada e polifarmácia. Com relação aos níveis séricos de vitamina B12, foi encontrado média de 242,43 pg/mL (dp = 109,13 pg/mL). A prevalência de deficiência de vitamina B12 foi de 17,4% (IC95% 13,4%-21,4%). O comprometimento cognitivo mostrou-se importante variável relacionada à deficiência de vitamina B12 elucidando a associação entre os níveis de vitamina B12 e indicadores das condições de saúde.
Anemia in the elderly proves to be the most common hematologic problem encountered while vitamin B12, is the essential micronutrient in the diet of this population, disability is related the onset of cognitive impairment. These conditions may favor a framework characteristic: increased mortality in this population. In this context, the present work aimed to evaluate the prevalence and factors associated with anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency elderly in the city of Viçosa-MG. We conducted an observational, cross-sectional study conducted from june to december 2009, with a random sample of 621 elderly, which 349 (56.12%) agreed to undergo the blood test, the sample representing constituent of this work. Information was obtained using a semistructured questionnaire with most closed and pre-coded questions. The dependent variables anemia were analyzed with measurement of plasma hemoglobin for women < Hb 12 g/dL for males and < 13g Hb/dL and plasma vitamin B12, considered as disability levels below 140pmol/L. The independent variables were: a) sociodemographic characteristics: sex, age, education and income, b) Indicators of health and use of health services: stories of diabetes, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, depression, kidney disease, depression, acute myocardial infarction and diseases cardiovascular, number of self-reported diseases, functional capacity, cognitive assessment The Mini Mental State Examination, self- perceived health, nutritional status, change food intake in the last three months, number of medications, number of medical appointments in the last 12 months preceding the interview, hold private health plan, and hospitalizations in the last year. EpiInfo software version 6.04 was used for data storage and analysis of these, we used the software Stata version 9.0. The normality of the distribution of the quantitative variables was assessed using the test Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Descriptive analysis of the variables was presented by measures central tendency and variability of suitable, as well as the frequency distribution. The association between categorical independent variables and the presence of anemia and deficiency vitamin B12 were estimated in bivariate analysis using the chi-square test (χ2) test. The level of significance for all comparisons was α = 5%. For analysis of regression was used Poisson variance to obtain estimates of the reasons prevalence of anemia and vitamin B 12 deficiency and the corresponding 95% of confidence (CI95%). Bivariate analyzes between the dependent variables were performed and independent, obtaining as a measure of effect prevalence ratios (PR) by Poisson regression. Variables with ap value < 0.25 were included in multivariate analysis and retained in the final model with p < 0.05. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee Human Research of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa (protocol number 027/2008). Among the 349 seniors enrolled in the study, there was equivalence in the proportion of men and women, and the latter represented 49.9%. The mean age was 69.55 years (sd=7.51 years) withpredominant age range 60-69 years (57.31%). We found a prevalence of anemia 11.7% (CI 95% 8.3% -15.1%) in the elderly group studied and mean hemoglobin levels of 13.74 g/dL. An association between anemia and male gender, advanced age and polypharmacy. With relation to serum levels of vitamin B12, found an average of 242.43 pg/mL (sd=109.13 pg/ml). The prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency was 17.4% (CI 95% 13.4%-21.4%). The cognitive impairment was an important variable related to vitamin deficiency B12 elucidating the association between vitamin B12 levels and indicators of health conditions.
Anemia in the elderly proves to be the most common hematologic problem encountered while vitamin B12, is the essential micronutrient in the diet of this population, disability is related the onset of cognitive impairment. These conditions may favor a framework characteristic: increased mortality in this population. In this context, the present work aimed to evaluate the prevalence and factors associated with anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency elderly in the city of Viçosa-MG. We conducted an observational, cross-sectional study conducted from june to december 2009, with a random sample of 621 elderly, which 349 (56.12%) agreed to undergo the blood test, the sample representing constituent of this work. Information was obtained using a semistructured questionnaire with most closed and pre-coded questions. The dependent variables anemia were analyzed with measurement of plasma hemoglobin for women < Hb 12 g/dL for males and < 13g Hb/dL and plasma vitamin B12, considered as disability levels below 140pmol/L. The independent variables were: a) sociodemographic characteristics: sex, age, education and income, b) Indicators of health and use of health services: stories of diabetes, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, depression, kidney disease, depression, acute myocardial infarction and diseases cardiovascular, number of self-reported diseases, functional capacity, cognitive assessment The Mini Mental State Examination, self- perceived health, nutritional status, change food intake in the last three months, number of medications, number of medical appointments in the last 12 months preceding the interview, hold private health plan, and hospitalizations in the last year. EpiInfo software version 6.04 was used for data storage and analysis of these, we used the software Stata version 9.0. The normality of the distribution of the quantitative variables was assessed using the test Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Descriptive analysis of the variables was presented by measures central tendency and variability of suitable, as well as the frequency distribution. The association between categorical independent variables and the presence of anemia and deficiency vitamin B12 were estimated in bivariate analysis using the chi-square test (χ2) test. The level of significance for all comparisons was α = 5%. For analysis of regression was used Poisson variance to obtain estimates of the reasons prevalence of anemia and vitamin B 12 deficiency and the corresponding 95% of confidence (CI95%). Bivariate analyzes between the dependent variables were performed and independent, obtaining as a measure of effect prevalence ratios (PR) by Poisson regression. Variables with ap value < 0.25 were included in multivariate analysis and retained in the final model with p < 0.05. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee Human Research of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa (protocol number 027/2008). Among the 349 seniors enrolled in the study, there was equivalence in the proportion of men and women, and the latter represented 49.9%. The mean age was 69.55 years (sd=7.51 years) withpredominant age range 60-69 years (57.31%). We found a prevalence of anemia 11.7% (CI 95% 8.3% -15.1%) in the elderly group studied and mean hemoglobin levels of 13.74 g/dL. An association between anemia and male gender, advanced age and polypharmacy. With relation to serum levels of vitamin B12, found an average of 242.43 pg/mL (sd=109.13 pg/ml). The prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency was 17.4% (CI 95% 13.4%-21.4%). The cognitive impairment was an important variable related to vitamin deficiency B12 elucidating the association between vitamin B12 levels and indicators of health conditions.
Idosos, Anemia em idosos, Vitamina B12, Senior citizens, Anemia in the elderly, vitamin B12
MILAGRES, Clarice Santana. Prevalence and factors associated with anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency in elderly Viçosa-MG. 2014. 82 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Valor nutricional de alimentos e de dietas; Nutrição nas enfermidades agudas e crônicas não transmis) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2014.