Despesas com serviços de habitação no Brasil: o papel dos fatores sociodemográficos
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O fornecimento de serviços de habitação básicos como água, esgoto, energia elétrica e gás é um dos principais problemas enfrentados pelos gestores públicos, assim como pilar fundamental para o desenvolvimento econômico. Entender como as mudanças nas características sociodemográficas influenciaram o consumo de tais serviços é um avanço para entender o comportamento da sociedade e promover políticas públicas mais eficientes para a população, como a conta-social, auxílio-gás, tarifa social e outros. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o dispêndio das famílias brasileiras por serviços de habitação (água e esgoto, energia elétrica, gás encanado, internet e telefonia) no Brasil, assim como comparar os níveis de consumo e sensibilidade, por nível de rendimento familiar, entre regiões geográficas brasileiras, e localização em área urbana ou rural, utilizando os microdados da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF) de 2017-2018. Utilizou-se neste estudo um procedimento de estimação em dois estágios, de modo que o 1º Estágio buscou solucionar o problema do consumo zero utilizando o procedimento de Shonkwiller & Yen, em seguida no 2º Estágio, estimou-se um sistema de equação para os gastos per capita com serviços de habitação a partir de regressões aparentemente não relacionadas. Os resultados deste estudo indicaram que as variáveis foram significativas para explicar os gastos per capita com serviços, e principalmente as de caráter geográfico. Pode-se constatar que do conjunto de variáveis de localização domiciliar, composição domiciliar e arranjo familiar, destacaram-se o efeito das variáveis referentes a localização geográfica, e o logarítmo da renda. No entanto, as variáveis de composição domiciliar e arranjo familiar apesar de possuírem menores efeitos, também se demonstraram importantes na análise, como a presença de crianças e idosos no domicílio, idade do responsável, etnia, e o número de eletrodomésticos e estrutura familiar (domicílios unipessoais e monoparentais). As conclusões do estudo indicaram que regiões urbanas possuem um maior gasto com serviços de habitação, assim como o Norte se mostrou como uma das regiões com maior gasto per capita de energia elétrica. A renda se mostrou negativa para os gastos com Energia Elétrica, no entanto, seu efeito quadrático se mostrou positivo, enquanto para Internet, a renda se mostrou positiva mas com um efeito quadrático negativo. Pode-se observar também que a medida que a faixa de renda aumenta, o efeito negativo da renda sobre os serviços mais essenciais tende a diminuir. Todos os arranjos familiares, em comparação com as famílias tradicionais (casal com filho(s)) apresentaram maiores gastos per capita para todos os tipos de serviço, com exceção do serviços de gás encanado, onde os arranjos tiveram menor gasto per capita. Constatou-se que famílias compostas por pais solteiros tendem a gastar mais com energia elétrica, enquanto famílias com mães solteirasse tiveram um maior gasto per capita com serviços de internet e pacotes de entretenimento. Por fim, pode-se observar que os gastos com serviços essenciais são influenciados por economias de escala, de modo que para famílias maiores, os gastos são menores. Palavras-chave: Energia Elétrica. Água e Esgoto. Dispêndio domiciliar. POF
The provision of utilities such as water, sewage, electricity, and gas is one of the main problems faced by public managers, in addition to being one of the main points necessary for economic development. Understanding how changes in sociodemographic characteristics have influenced the consumption of such services is a step forward in understanding society's behavior and promoting more efficient public policies for the population, such as the social account, gas assistance, social tariff, and others. Thus, the objective of this work was to analyze the expenditure of Brazilian families for utilities (water and sewage, electricity, gas, internet, and telephone) in Brazil, as well as to compare the levels of consumption and sensibility, by income level family, between Brazilian geographic regions, and location in urban or rural areas, using microdata from the 2017-2018 Family Budget Survey (POF). A two-stage estimation procedure was used in this study so that the 1st stage sought to solve the zero consumption problem using the Shonkwiller & Yen procedure, then in the 2nd stage, was estimated an equation system for expenditures with utilities from apparently unrelated regressions. The results of this study indicated that the variables were significant in explaining per capita expenditure on services, and especially those of a geographic nature. It can be seen that from the set of variables of household location, household composition, and family arrangement, the effect of variables referring to geographic location and the logarithm of income stood out. However, the variables of household composition and family arrangement, despite having smaller effects, also proved to be important in the analysis, such as the presence of children and elderly people in the household, age of the responsible for the household, ethnicity, and the number of household appliances and family structure (households with single-person and single-parent). The study's conclusions indicated that urban regions have a higher expenditure on utilities, so as the North proved to be one of the regions with the highest per capita expenditure on electricity. Income was negative for spending on Electricity, however, its quadratic effect was positive, while for the Internet, income was positive but with a negative quadratic effect. It can also be observed that as the income range increases, the negative effect of income on the most essential services tends to decrease. All family arrangements, in comparison with traditional families (couples with children), showed higher per capita expenses for all types of service, except in the service fof gas, where families seems to spend less with this service. Can be observed that families composed of single fathers tend to spend more on electricity, while families with single moms showed a higher per capita expenditure on internet services and entertainment packages. Finally, the per capita expenditure it’s strongly influenced by economies of scale, where larger families have a lower expenditure on essentials services. Keywords: Energy. Water and sewers. Household expenditures.Household Budget Survey
The provision of utilities such as water, sewage, electricity, and gas is one of the main problems faced by public managers, in addition to being one of the main points necessary for economic development. Understanding how changes in sociodemographic characteristics have influenced the consumption of such services is a step forward in understanding society's behavior and promoting more efficient public policies for the population, such as the social account, gas assistance, social tariff, and others. Thus, the objective of this work was to analyze the expenditure of Brazilian families for utilities (water and sewage, electricity, gas, internet, and telephone) in Brazil, as well as to compare the levels of consumption and sensibility, by income level family, between Brazilian geographic regions, and location in urban or rural areas, using microdata from the 2017-2018 Family Budget Survey (POF). A two-stage estimation procedure was used in this study so that the 1st stage sought to solve the zero consumption problem using the Shonkwiller & Yen procedure, then in the 2nd stage, was estimated an equation system for expenditures with utilities from apparently unrelated regressions. The results of this study indicated that the variables were significant in explaining per capita expenditure on services, and especially those of a geographic nature. It can be seen that from the set of variables of household location, household composition, and family arrangement, the effect of variables referring to geographic location and the logarithm of income stood out. However, the variables of household composition and family arrangement, despite having smaller effects, also proved to be important in the analysis, such as the presence of children and elderly people in the household, age of the responsible for the household, ethnicity, and the number of household appliances and family structure (households with single-person and single-parent). The study's conclusions indicated that urban regions have a higher expenditure on utilities, so as the North proved to be one of the regions with the highest per capita expenditure on electricity. Income was negative for spending on Electricity, however, its quadratic effect was positive, while for the Internet, income was positive but with a negative quadratic effect. It can also be observed that as the income range increases, the negative effect of income on the most essential services tends to decrease. All family arrangements, in comparison with traditional families (couples with children), showed higher per capita expenses for all types of service, except in the service fof gas, where families seems to spend less with this service. Can be observed that families composed of single fathers tend to spend more on electricity, while families with single moms showed a higher per capita expenditure on internet services and entertainment packages. Finally, the per capita expenditure it’s strongly influenced by economies of scale, where larger families have a lower expenditure on essentials services. Keywords: Energy. Water and sewers. Household expenditures.Household Budget Survey
Orçamento familiar - Brasil, Energia elétrica - Consumo, Água - Consumo, Esgotos, Levantamentos domiciliares
LINS, João Augusto Barcellos. Despesas com serviços de habitação no Brasil: o papel dos fatores sociodemográficos. 2022. 98 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Economia Aplicada) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2022.