Centro de Ciências Agrárias
URI permanente desta comunidadehttps://locus.ufv.br/handle/123456789/11727
178 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Suplementos múltiplos de auto controle de consumo na recria de novilhos no período das águas(Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 2008-11) Paulino, Mário Fonseca; Detmann, Edenio; Valadares Filho, Sebastião de Campos; Moraes, Eduardo Henrique Bevitori Kling de; Cabral, Luciano da Silva; Zervoudakis, Joanis TilemahosAvaliou-se o uso de suplementos de autocontrole de consumo sobre o desempenho de 24 novilhos mestiços com idade e pesos médios iniciais de 12 meses e 172 kg, respectivamente, recriados em pastagem de Brachiaria decumbens Stapf. durante o período das águas, com disponibilidade média de 10,82 ton./ha. Forneceu-se sal mineral (SAL) e suplementos à base de: uréia, mistura mineral, milho grão triturado e farelo de soja (MFS); uréia, mistura mineral, farelo de soja e farelo de glúten de milho (FGFS); e, uréia, mistura mineral, farelo de trigo e farelo de soja (FTFS), com teor protéico médio de 53,60% de PB. Não se verificou efeito da suplementação sobre os ganhos médios diários (P>0,05), que foram de: 0,820; 0,950; 1,020 e 0,970 kg/animal/dia, respectivamente, para SAL, MFS, FGFS e FTFS. Contudo, foram obtidos ganhos adicionais em torno de 20%, os quais são de grande relevância na intensificação da pecuária de ciclo curto em pastagens.Item Requirement of energy and protein of beef cattle on tropical pasture(Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, 2013-10) Paulino, Mário Fonseca; Detmann, Edenio; Valadares Filho, Sebastião de Campos; Cardenas, Javier Enrique Garces; Dias, Isabela Fernanda Teixeira; Valente, Eriton Egidio LisboaProtein and energy requirements of beef cattle, aged between 4 and 18 months old, on tropical pastures, were estimated. Forty-six Nellore calves (138.3 ± 3.4 kg BW and 90-150 days old), kept on pasture, were distributed in a maintenance group (restricted feeding) or in nutritional plans, receiving a supplements with different amounts of protein and carbohydrate or non-supplemented. The net energy requirement for weight gain (NEg) was obtained by linear regression of logarithm of retained energy as a function of logarithm of empty body weight gain. The net energy requirement for maintenance (NEm) was estimated by the exponential relation between heat production and metabolizable energy intake. Net protein requirement for weight gain (RP) was estimated by multiple linear regression of retained protein in the weight gain of empty body (EBWG) and retained energy. The efficiency of metabolizable energy (ME) used for maintenance and for weight gain was 0.55 and 0.26, respectively. The ME requirement for maintenance was 124 kcal EBW-0.75. RP decreased in proportion to body weight increase. NEg and RP may be obtained by equations: RE (Mcal kg-1) = 0.044 x EBW0.75 x EBWG1.1302 and RP (g day-1) = -31.45 + 229.69 x EBWG – 8.75 x RE, respectivelyItem Tamanho relativo dos órgãos internos e do trato gastrintestinal de bovinos Zebu e mestiços leiteiros em sistema de recria(Ciência Rural, 2006-03) Paulino, Mário Fonseca; Valadares Filho, Sebastião de Campos; Lana, Rogério de Paula; Rennó, Luciana Navajas; Alves, Dorismar David; Backes, Alfredo AcostaUtilizaram-se 12 bovinos machos castrados, com peso vivo médio de 257kg, sendo quatro zebu e oito mestiços leiteiros (quatro ½ sangue Holandês x Gir e quatro ½ sangue Holandês x Guzerá). Foram pesados e distribuídos em dois tratamentos (zebu e mestiços leiteiros), em fase de recria. Os animais foram avaliados até atingirem 340kg de peso vivo. O volumoso utilizado foi o feno de capim Tifton 85 (Cynodon dactylon). Por ocasião do abate foram coletadas amostras de rúmen, retículo, omaso, abomaso e intestinos, após o seu esvaziamento e limpeza, obtendo-se ainda os pesos e amostras de sangue, pele, pés, cabeça, fígado, rins, pulmões, língua, baço e gordura interna (mesentério e gorduras perirenal e pericardíaca). O peso do corpo vazio (PCVZ) foi obtido pela soma dos pesos da carcaça, sangue, pele, pés, rabo, vísceras e órgãos. Na fase de recria e engorda, os animais zebu apresentaram a pele e o conjunto cabeça-pés-pele mais pesado do que os mestiços leiteiros. Também apresentaram os órgãos rins, baço, coração e língua mais leves do que dos mestiços. O conjunto rúmen-retículo-omaso-abomaso e os teores de gordura mesentérica e interna não apresentaram diferença entre animais mestiços leiteiros e zebu.Item Tamanho relativo dos órgãos internos e do trato gastrintestinal de bovinos indubrasil e mestiços leiteiros em fase de engorda(Ciência Rural, 2010-05-14) Backes, Alfredo Acosta; Paulino, Mário Fonseca; Alves, Dorismar David; Valadares Filho, Sebastião de CamposUtilizaram-se 12 bovinos machos castrados, com peso vivo médio de 276kg, sendo quatro indubrasil e oito mestiços leiteiros (quatro 1⁄2 sangue HolandêsxGir e quatro 1⁄2 sangue HolandêsxGuzerá). Foram pesados e distribuídos em dois tratamentos (indubrasil e mestiços leiteiros), em fase de engorda. Os animais foram avaliados até atingirem 480kg de peso vivo. O volumoso utilizado foi o feno de capim Tifton 85 (Cynodon dactylon). Por ocasião do abate foram coletadas amostras de rúmen, retículo, omaso, abomaso e intestinos, após o seu esvaziamento e limpeza, obtendo-se ainda os pesos e amostras de sangue, couro, pés, cabeça, fígado, rins, pulmões, língua, baço e gordura interna (mesentério e gorduras perirenal e pericardíaca). O peso do corpo vazio (PCVZ) foi obtido pela soma dos pesos da carcaça, sangue, couro, pés, rabo, vísceras e órgãos. Animais da raça indubrasil apresentam o conjunto cabeça-pés-couro mais pesado do que animais mestiços leiteiros. Animais mestiços leiteiros e indubrasil, em fase de engorda, não apresentam diferenças significativas quanto ao peso total de intestinos e órgãos. Animais mestiços leiteiros apresentam, em fase de engorda, maiores proporções de gordura interna do que animais indubrasil.Item Nutritional planning for Nellore heifers post-weaning to conception at 15 months of age: performance and nutritional, metabolic, and reproductive responses(Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2019-01) Almeida, Daniel Mageste de; Marcondes, Marcos Inácio; Rennó, Luciana Navajas; Silva, Luiz Henrique Pereira; Martins, Leandro Soares; Marquez, David Esteban Contreras; Villadiego, Faider Alberto Castaño; Saldarriaga, Felipe Velez; Franco, Julian David Castaño; Moreno, Deilen Paff Sotelo; Moura, Felipe Henrique de; Paulino, Mário FonsecaThe objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of strategic supplementation in the dry period and dry/rainy transition period on the performance and nutritional, metabolic, and reproductive responses of Nellore heifers grazing Urochloa decumbens. Forty-eight Nellore heifers with age and body weight (BW) of eight months and 235 ± 3.3 kg, respectively, were used. The experimental design was a completely randomized design, with four treatments, all with 12 replications. The evaluated strategies were as follows: low supplementation (LOHI; 0.2% of BW/heifer/day) in the first 90 days and high supplementation (0.6% of BW/heifer/day) in the 90 days thereafter; average supplementation (AVER) with 0.4% of BW/heifer/day for 180 days; high supplementation (HILO; 0.6% of BW/heifer/day) in the first 90 days and low supplementation (0.2% of BW/heifer/day) in the 90 days thereafter; only mineral mix (MM) ad libitum during the 180 days. Data were evaluated using orthogonal contrasts. Supplementation improved the performance of the animals during of dry period (P < 0.05) and dry/rainy transition period (P < 0.05). Supplemented animals had higher longissimus muscle area (LMA) and subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT) at the end of the experiment (P < 0.05). Multiple supplementation increased intake of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), and crude protein (CP) in kg/day throughout the experiment. The supplementation increased the digestibility of DM, OM, CP, apNDF, and TDN (P < 0.05). Serum urea nitrogen (SUN), glucose (GLUC), insulin (INS), and progesterone (PROG) were higher in supplemented heifers (P < 0.05). Supplementation reduced the concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) (P < 0.05) and increased conception rate (P < 0.05). In summary, the supplementation strategies adopted in this study improve the performance, metabolic status, and carcass traits of heifers under grazing, allowing an improvement in the conception rate of 15-month-old Nellore heifers.Item Validation of the 9–11th rib cut to estimate the chemical composition of the dressed carcass and of the whole empty body of Zebu cattle(Livestock Production Science, 2005-05) Paulino, Pedro Veiga Rodrigues; Valadares Filho, Sebastião de Campos; Costa, Marcos Antônio Lana; Paulino, Mário Fonseca; Magalhães, Karla Alves; Detmann, Edenio; Valadares, Rilene Ferreira Diniz; Porto, Marlos Oliveira; Andreatta, KamilaThis study was conducted to validate the 9–11th rib cut to estimate the chemical composition of the carcass and of the empty body weight (EBW) of Zebu cattle. Nineteen Zebu steers with initial body weight of 266.5±32.2 kg were used. Four steers were slaughtered at the beginning to compose the reference group; three were fed at maintenance level, and the remaining were allotted to different planes of nutrition (5.0%, 35.0% and 65.0% concentrate levels in the diets, DM basis). The 9–11th rib cuts and half of the carcasses were dissected and the weights of fat, muscle and bone tissue were recorded. The components fat, muscle and bone tissue from the 9–11th rib cut and from the half carcass were sampled and chemical analysis of fat, protein, water, ash and minerals determined. The 9–11th rib cut satisfactorily estimated the physical composition of the carcass, but not the chemical composition. The 9–11th rib cut appropriately estimated the chemical composition of the carcass in terms of protein, water, ash and macro mineral content. For the percentage of fat and Ca, an over- and underestimation of 7.84% and 13.34%, respectively, were detected. Regression equations were fitted to estimate the percentage of fat and Ca in the carcass, and that of protein, water and ash in the whole empty body.Item Supplementation strategies for Nellore female calves in creep feeding to improve the performance: nutritional and metabolic responses(Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2018-12) Almeida, Daniel Mageste de; Marcondes, Marcos Inácio; Rennó, Luciana Navajas; Martins, Leandro Soares; Marquez, David Esteban Contreras; Villadiego, Faider Castaño; Saldarriaga, Felipe Velez; Ortega, Román Maza; Moreno, Deilen Paff Sotelo; Lopes, Sidnei Antônio; Cardozo, Manuela Acevedo; Paulino, Mário FonsecaThe objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of supplementation strategy on performance, nutritional and metabolic characteristics of Nellore suckling female calves, on grazing Urochloa decumbens during the rainy-dry transition period. Forty-four Nellore female calves, averaging 147.6 ± 1.34 kg (4 months), were used. A single supplement 20% of crude protein of dry matter was provided, consisting of daily supplement at 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, or 0.6% of body weight. A positive linear effect (P < 0.05) on final body weight and average weight gain of female calves was observed with increased supplementation. Supplementation increased consumption, in kilograms per day, of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), digested dry matter, and total digestible nutrients (TDN), all calculated as % of dry matter. There was no effect of supplementation on the consumption in kilograms per day of neutral detergent fiber corrected for ash and protein (apNDF) (P > 0.05). Supplementation increased, in a quadratic way, the total apparent digestibility coefficient of DM, OM, CP, apNDF, and TDN (P < 0.05). There was no effect of supplementation (P > 0.05) on non-esterified fatty acid concentrations. There was a positive linear effect (P < 0.05) of supplementation on insulin concentrations. In this study, it is concluded that linearly increasing the feeding level of a supplement with 20% crude protein (% of DM) in the range of 0.2–0.6% of body weight improves the performance, nutritional and metabolic characteristics of the animals, considering these pasture characteristics.Item Soybean grain is a suitable replacement with soybean meal in multiple supplements for Nellore heifers grazing tropical pastures(Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2018-12) Almeida, Daniel Mageste de; Marcondes, Marcos Inácio; Rennó, Luciana Navajas; Martins, Leandro Soares; Villadiego, Faider Alberto Castaño; Paulino, Mário FonsecaThe research aimed to evaluate the effect of replacing soybean meal with soybean grain on the nutritional parameters and productivity of heifers grazing on Urochloa decumbens in the rainy-dry transition period. Forty crossbred heifers with the initial age and weight of 18 months and 292 ± 6.1 kg, respectively, were used. The experimental design was a completely randomized design, with five treatments and eight replications. The evaluated treatments were as follows: SM0.5—supply of 0.5 kg/animal/day of soybean meal supplement; SG0.5—supply of 0.5 kg/animal/day of soybean grain supplement; SM1.0—supply of 1.0 kg/animal/day of soybean meal supplement; SG1.0—supply of 1.0 kg/animal/day of soybean grain supplement; MM—only mineral mix ad libitum. The supplement was isoprotein with 350 g of crude protein/kg of dry matter. Supplementation improved the performance of the heifers and this fact can be verified by the higher average daily gain (ADG) and final BW (fBW) of the supplemented animals (P < 0.10). The two supplemented treatments with 1 kg/day demonstrated similar performance (P > 0.10), the same happens for the two treatments receiving 0.5 kg/day (P > 0.10). However, animals receiving 1 kg/day of supplementation had an ADG and final BW higher than animals receiving 0.5 kg/day (P < 0.10). Supplementation (P < 0.10) affected the intake of dry matter (DM), organic matter, crude protein, ether extract, non-fiber carbohydrates, total digestible nutrients, and neutral detergent fiber corrected for ash and protein (apNDF). Supplementation improved DM digestibility and all constituents of the diet (P < 0.10), except for apNDF (P > 0.10). In summary, it is concluded that multiple supplementations improve the performance of grazing heifers in the rainy-dry transition period and the total replacement of soybean meal by soybean grain does not alter the performance of the animals.Item Estimation of daily milk yield of Nellore cows grazing tropical pastures(Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2018-12) Marcondes, Marcos Inácio; Rennó, Luciana Navajas; Barros, Lívia Vieira de; Cabral, Carla Heloísa Avelino; Martins, Leandro Soares; Marquez, David Esteban Contreras; Saldarriaga, Felipe Vélez; Villadiego, Faider Alberto Castaño; Cardozo, Manuela Acevedo; Ortega, Roman Maza; Cardenas, Javier Enrique Garces; Brandão, Virginia Lucia Neves; Paulino, Mário Fonseca; Almeida, Daniel Mageste deBeef cows’ milk yield is typically determined by measuring milk yield once daily and then doubling this value to estimate daily production. However, it is not known whether this is accurate. Thus, we aimed to determine the association between morning and afternoon milk yield in grazing Nellore cows. Eighty Nellore cows were used, with initial weight of 516.0 ± 1.0 kg. The experiment was a completely randomized factorial scheme, with 20 replications and four treatments (i.e., + or − pre-partum supplementation in combination with + or − post-partum supplementation): PRMM—1 kg of supplement/cow/day for 90 days pre-partum; MMPS—1 kg of supplement/cow/day for 90 days post-partum; PRPS—1 kg of supplement/cow/day for 90 days pre-partum and 90 days post-partum; and MM—only mineral mix ad libitum during pre- and post-partum. Milk was sampled on days 45, 135, and 225 post-partum (early, middle, and late lactation, respectively). No effects were observed of pre- and post-partum supplementation on milk yield (P > 0.05). The afternoon/morning proportion of 0.45 in the early third of lactation was higher than other stages, which had a proportion of 0.41 (P < 0.05). Post-partum supplementation increased milk protein in the morning and afternoon milking (P < 0.05). There was also no effect of pre- and post-partum supplementation on afternoon-morning proportion other milk components (P > 0.05). We conclude that estimating daily milk production of grazing beef cattle by multiplying a once daily milking amount times two is not accurate. Under the conditions of this study, proportion of total daily production represented by the ratio of afternoon/morning milking was 0.45 in early lactation (first third) and 0.41 in mid- and late lactation.Item Características fermentativas e potencial biológico de silagens de híbridos de sorgo cultivados com doses crescentes de adubação(Revista Ceres, 2002-03) Obeid, José Antônio; Cândido, Magno José Duarte; Pereira, Odilon Gomes; Cecon, Paulo Roberto; Queiroz, Augusto César de; Paulino, Mário Fonseca; Gontijo Neto, Miguel MarquesAvaliaram-se as características fermentativas e o potencial biológico das silagens de cinco híbridos de sorgo (AG2002, AG2005E, AGX202, AGX213 e AGX215), cultivados com quatro doses de adubação (tratamento sem adubação; 05; 1,4 e 2,0 vezes a recomendação de adubação, correspondente a 91 kg ha-1 de N, 98 kg ha-1 de PO5 e 28 kg ha-1 de K70), utilizando-se um esquema fatorial S x 4 (cinco híbridos e quatro doses de adubação) no delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. O plantio ocorreu em 06.11.1997, sendo conduzidos os tratos culturais e as adubações de cobertura. As parcelas foram colhidas com os grans no estadio farináceo, retirando-se uma amostra para o enchimento dos silos de PVC. Após 60 dias, os silos foram abertos e uma amostra foi pesada e levada a pré-secagem e determinação da matéria Seca total. Outra amostra foi congelada para determinações de N-amoniacal, pH e ácidos orgânicos. Os dados foram interpretados por meio de analise de variância, teste de media e regressão, desdobrando-se a interação hibrido x adubo, independentemente da sua significância. As silagens apresentaram padrão de fermentação satisfatório, sem haver comprometimento de sus qualidade. houve efeito das doses de adubação sobre o rendimento de matéria seca das silagens. Os híbridos que apresentaram melhor potencial biológico nas respectivas silagens foram o A02002 , AGX213 e AGX2O2.