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Item How is the learning process of digital soil mapping in a diverse group of land use planners?(Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 2019-11-04) Dalmolin, Ricardo Simão Diniz; Moura-Bueno, Jean Michel; Samuel-Rosa, Alessandro; Flores, Carlos AlbertoThe use of new technologies, the development of new software, and the advances in the machines ability to process data have brought a new perspective to soil science and especially to pedology, with the advent of digital soil mapping (DSM). To meet the demand for soil surveys in Brazil, it will be necessary to popularize the techniques used in DSM. To identify and map the soil to generate maps of land use capability, we proposed a theoretical and practical course focused on the training in DSM for professionals involved in the management of land resources. The methodology was divided into five modules: I. Introduction to pedology, soil-landscape relationship, soil survey and soil classification (theory); II. Identification of soils in the field and study of the soil-landscape relationship (practice); III. Digital soil mapping and geographic information system (theory) and obtaining environmental covariates (practice); IV. Statistical learners and quality measures of spatial predictions (theory) and spatial pseudo-sampling (practice); V. Database organization, calibration, and validation of predictive models (practice). Results such as the average level of confidence of the participants in the soil classification, as well as the number of pseudo-sampling classified by the participants, chosen statistical apprentice, environmental covariables used, and overall accuracy, were influenced by the participants level of knowledge regarding DSM soils and techniques. The structure, focus, and time of each module should be based on the participants needs. It is suggested that a survey should be carried out to consider the level of knowledge in relation to the topics addressed in DSM before the preparation and execution of the course. The contribution of individual experiences showed the importance of multidisciplinarity in the teaching-learning process because it is a technique that involves soil knowledge, statistics, and mathematics applied to geoinformation science to understand soil variability in the landscape. The practical classes were fundamental, enabling an approximation of the content studied with the participants’ reality and consolidation of the acquired knowledge. In general, the course was well evaluated by the participants regarding the contents covered and practical field training and laboratory geoprocessing, who reported that the practical classes were fundamental for the appropriation of knowledge in DSM. This course could be a model for the PronaSolos, which tend to have heterogeneous groups of participants, being necessary to plan specific protocols to tend the particularity.Item Reducing erosion in sorghum crops with mulching(Revista Caatinga, 2018-07) Pereira, Djalma Silva; Souza, Thais Emanuelle Monteiro dos Santos; Gonçalves, Elisângela Pereira; Santos, Luana Menezes dos; Machado, Lívia Santos; Souza, Edivan Rodrigues deResearches evaluating the use of mulch has contributing to optimize soil management towards sustainability, and improving soil quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of mulching on the reduction of erosion in a soil with sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) crops subjected to simulated rainfall and increased soil organic carbon. The experiment was carried out from August to December 2013 under field conditions, using a randomized block design with three replications. The treatments consisted of sorghum with mulch, using the local vegetation available in the area; and sorghum without mulch. Simulated rainfalls were performed in three different periods of the crop cycle (initial, intermediate, and final), using a rainfall simulator. The use of mulch in soils with sorghum crops was efficient in improving soil water retention in all phases of the crop, and maintaining soil moisture during the rainfall intervals used, resulting in the absence of plant water loss, and greater contribution to soil organic carbon.Item Chemical composition and fermentative losses of mixed sugarcane and pigeon pea silage(Acta Scientiarum. Animal Sciences, 2019) Pereira, Djalma Silva; Lana, Rogério de Paula; Carmo, Davi Lopes do; Costa, Yanna Karoline Santos daAdding legumes to sugarcane silage is a strategy used to improve silage quality and reduce losses. This study’s objective was to evaluate the chemical composition and fermentation profile of silages sugarcane and pigeon pea. A completely randomized design was used, with five treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of sugarcane silage with increasing pigeon pea proportions (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%). The forages were ensiled in experimental microsilos that remained closed for 60 days. Their chemical compositions were evaluated by determining the pH value and dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin content. Fermentation profiles were evaluated by determining the effluent, gas, and total dry matter losses and dry matter recovery of the silage. Including pigeon pea in sugarcane silage decreases the hemicellulose content and increases the crude protein, acid detergent fiber and lignin content. Fermentation losses are reduced by adding pigeon pea to sugarcane silage with reduced effluent and gas losses and increased dry matter.Item Percepção ambiental e uso do solo por agricultores de sistemas orgânicos e convencionais na Chapada da Ibiapaba, Ceará(Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 2013-04) Oliveira, Téogenes Senna de; Jucksch, Ivo; Cecon, Paulo Roberto; Alencar, Guilherme Viana de; Mendonça, Eduardo de SáO crescimento do mercado de alimentos livres de agrotóxicos vem gerando interesse de agricultores em sistemas orgânicos de produção. Os adeptos deste sistema promovem mudanças substanciais de seus métodos de produção, adquirindo conhecimentos técnicos e empíricos associados. São necessários, portanto, estudos para avaliar o sistema orgânico neste contexto, comparando-o com o modo de produção convencional, no que diz respeito aos aspectos socioeconômicos e ambientais. Este estudo teve como objetivo o diagnóstico regional desses aspectos em sistemas orgânicos e convencionais do distrito de Sussuanha, município de Guaraciaba do Norte, e do município de São Benedito, no estado do Ceará. Foram entrevistados sete agricultores orgânicos e 21 agricultores convencionais, caracterizando o meio social e as mudanças de qualidade de vida ocorridas com o tempo. As interações agricultor-meio ambiente, no sistema de produção orgânico, geraram melhoria da qualidade de vida das famílias. No sistema convencional, caracterizado pelo uso intensivo de agrotóxicos e grande dependência de adubos químicos, constatou-se que prevalece o interesse em obter a máxima produção sem preocupação com o ambiente. Esta condição se reflete no contato contínuo com agrotóxicos, além das margens de lucros restritivas, o que pode comprometer o uso do solo pelas futuras gerações, pois há uma inerente redução da fertilidade natural dos solos cultivados sob este sistema.Item Nutrient content in sunflowers irrigated with oil exploration water(Revista Caatinga, 2016-01) Oliveira, Teógenes Senna de; Escobar, Maria Eugenia Ortiz; Weber, Olmar Baller; Crisostomo, Lindbergue Araújo; Sousa, Adervan FernandesIrrigation using produced water, which is generated during crude oil and gas recovery and treated by the exploration industry, could be an option for irrigated agriculture in semiarid regions. To determine the viability of this option, the effects of this treated water on the nutritional status of plants should be assessed. For this purpose, we examined the nutritional changes in sunflowers after they were irrigated with oil-produced water and the effects of this water on plant biomass and seed production. The sunflower cultivar BRS 321 was grown for three crop cycles in areas irrigated with filtered produced water (FPW), reverse osmosis-treated produced water (OPW), or ground water (GW). At the end of each cycle, roots, shoots, and seeds were collected to examine their nutrient concentrations. Produced water irrigation affected nutrient accumulation in the sunflower plants. OPW irrigation promoted the accumulation of Ca, Na, N, P, and Mg. FPW irrigation favored the accumulation of Na in both roots and shoots, and biomass and seed production were negatively affected. The Na in the shoots of plants irrigated with FPW increased throughout the three crop cycles. Under controlled conditions, it is possible to reuse reverse osmosis-treated produced water in agriculture. However, more long-term research is needed to understand its cumulative effects on the chemical and biological properties of the soil and crop production.Item Acúmulo de matéria seca e de macronutrientes em cultivares de bananeira irrigada(Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 2010-03) Hoffmann, Ricardo Bezerra; Oliveira, Fábio Henrique Tavares de; Souza, Adailson Pereira de; Gheyi, Hans Raj; Souza Júnior, Reginaldo Fidelis deO conhecimento das quantidades de matéria seca e de nutrientes acumulados e exportados por cultivares de bananeira é importante para o desenvolvimento de uma recomendação de adubação para esta cultura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as quantidades de matéria seca e de macronutrientes acumuladas e exportadas por seis cultivares de bananeiras irrigadas. Foram amostradas plantas das cultivares Grande Naine, Pacovan, Pacovan-Apodi, Prata-Anã, Terrinha e Gross Michel, em uma área de plantio comercial de bananeira irrigada, no município de Limoeiro do Norte - CE. Na colheita, foram escolhidas quatro famílias de cada cultivar para amostragem. A "planta-mãe" foi dividida em rizoma, pseudocaule, pecíolo, limbo, engaço e frutos. Na matéria seca dessas partes das plantas, determinaram-se os teores dos macronutrientes. As cultivares Pacovan, Prata-Anã e Pacovan-Apodi que, de modo geral, extraíram do solo as maiores quantidades de macronutrientes, foram as que acumularam quantidades mais elevadas de matéria seca. O potássio e o nitrogênio foram os macronutrientes mais acumulados e exportados pelas seis cultivares de bananeira irrigada, seguidos pelo enxofre, cálcio, magnésio e fósforo.Item Acúmulo de matéria seca, absorção e exportação de micronutrientes em variedades de bananeira sob irrigação(Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 2010-05) Hoffmann, Ricardo Bezerra; Oliveira, Fábio Henrique Tavares de; Gheyi, Hans Raj; Souza, Adailson Pereira de; Arruda, Jandeilson Alves dePara estimativa da demanda de micronutrientes pela bananeira (Musa spp.) é fundamental que se conheçam as quantidades de matéria seca e de micronutrientes acumuladas na planta e exportadas pelo cacho. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar o acúmulo de matéria seca e de micronutrientes em seis variedades de bananeira sob irrigação. Foram amostradas plantas das variedades Grande Naine, Pacovan, Pacovan-Apodi, Prata-Anã, Terrinha e Gross Michel. As variedades foram plantadas em fileiras duplas, sendo 1.666 covas por hectare. Na época da colheita, foram escolhidas quatro touceiras de plantas de cada variedade para amostragem da planta-mãe, que foi dividida em rizoma, pseudocaule, pecíolo, limbo, engaço e frutos. Foram feitas pesagens para a determinação da matéria fresca de cada parte da planta-mãe de uma mesma touceira e retirada uma amostra de aproximadamente 700 g dessas partes para determinação do acúmulo de matéria seca e dos teores de micronutrientes. As amostras foram lavadas rapidamente com água de torneira, depois com água destilada e colocadas sobre as bancadas de uma casa de vegetação para pré-secagem. Posteriormente, foram colocadas em sacos de papel e levadas para uma estufa de circulação forçada de ar para obtenção do acúmulo de matéria seca e determinação dos teores de B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn. As variedades Pacovan, Prata Anã e Pacovan-Apodi acumularam maiores quantidades de matéria seca e de micronutrientes, quando comparadas com as variedades Grande Naine, Gross Michel e Terrinha, sendo a seguinte ordem decrescente de acúmulo e de exportação de micronutrientes: Mn > Fe > B > Zn > Cu.Item Mineralogical and chemical attributes of soils from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest domain(Scientia Agricola, 2019-01) Fontes, Maurício Paulo Ferreira; Cunha, Alexson de Mello; Lani, João LuizThe Atlantic Forest is one of the most important and yet the most devastated Brazilian biome, occupying in the past the majority of the East Atlantic Coast. Therefore, a detailed knowledge of the soils near the coastal line influenced by this biome is essential for land use and management of these environments. The aim of this study was to acquire a deeper knowledge of the chemistry, mineralogy and genesis of soils in two micro-watersheds of the Atlantic Forest Biome. Eight soil profiles were sampled and described along one transect. Both young and more developed soils exhibit low fertility and low Fe2O3 content. The Oxic Dystrudepts are less dystrophic than the other soils studied and exhibit greater availability of K+, due to the mixing of weathered material and primary minerals. Transitions from shallow to deep soils are more common in rejuvenated landscapes. All soils are kaolinitic (Kt), with low levels of goethite (Gt) and hematite (Hm), and contain secondary 2:1 minerals such as mica (Mi) and, in the youngest soils, hydroxy-interlayered vermiculite (HIV) and interstratified mica-hydroxy-interlayered vermiculite (Mi-HIV). The widespread presence of gibbsite (Gb) in soils, including the Lithic Udifolist, indicates high rates of both pedogenesis and morphogenesis. The gibbsite showed good crystallinity suggesting that climate, terrain and good drainage favored its formation and stability.Item Physical quality of bauxite tailing after a decade of environmental recovery(Revista Ciência Agronômica, 2018-04) Dias, Luiz Eduardo; Guimarães, Lorena Abdalla de Oliveira Prata; Rocha, Genelício Crusoé; Assis, Igor Rodrigues de; Fernandes, Raphael Bragança AlvesTailings from bauxite washing produced in Porto Trombetas, Pará state, a Brazilian Amazon region, have chemical and physical characteristics limiting the development of plants, which hinders to revegetate the tanks where they are deposited. This study was carried out under field conditions, and aimed to assess the physical quality of these tailings after a decade of recovery practices. Three treatments were assessed: no application of inputs and planting of seedlings (T1) and two levels of fertilization, one with lower (T2) and other with higher (T3) doses of limestone and fertilizers associated with planting tree seedlings. After ten years of experimentation, penetration resistance (PR) and substrate moisture up to 60 cm depth were assessed and the least limiting water range (LLWR), water retention curve (WRC), and pore size distribution were determined and calculated. After a decade of environmental recovery, differences in physical characteristics were observed in the tailings due to different revegetation modes. Moisture in the substrate profile, LLWR, WRC, and pore size distribution were sensitive indicators to variations in substrate physical quality. Liming, fertilization, and planting of seedlings are necessary for revegetation and improvement of the physical quality of tailings. Treatment T3 was the best intervention identified so far for tank revegetation. The absence of fertilization and planting precludes revegetation even with sources of propagules nearby.Item Linha de fronteira e chance matemática na determinação do estado nutricional de pitaia(Revista Ciência Agronômica, 2016-10) Deus, José Aridiano Lima de; Almeida, Edmilson Igor Bernardo; Corrêa, Márcio Cleber de Medeiros; Crisostomo, Lindbergue Araujo; Neves, Júlio César LimaCom o presente trabalho objetivou-se avaliar, através dos métodos linha de fronteira e chance matemática, o estado nutricional de pitaias submetidas a combinações de doses crescentes de nitrogênio-potássio (N-K) e fósforo-zinco (P-Zn). Foram aplicadas cinco doses de N (0; 150; 300; 450 e 600 mg dm-3) e K (0; 75; 150; 225 e 300 mg dm-3) no experimento I, e cinco doses de P (0; 75; 150; 255 e 300 mg dm-3) e Zn (0; 2; 4; 6 e 8 mg dm-3) no experimento II. Ambos os experimentos foram arranjados em esquema fatorial 5 x 5, com quatro blocos ao acaso. Houve bastante similaridade entre as faixas de suficiência obtidas pela chance matemática e linha de fronteira, exceto para o fósforo. As faixas de suficiência obtidas pela linha de fronteira foram mais amplas que as obtidas pela chance matemática. O método linha de fronteira apresenta elevada capacidade preditiva no ajuste dos dados, demonstrando ser uma importante ferramenta na obtenção de faixas de suficiência e valores de referência para estudos posteriores de diagnose nutricional em pitaia.